Custom maps with new music 🎶
Started by Geniraul
Geniraul Rep. 1644
#1   29 Nov 2023
As someone who highly appreciates both custom Q3 levels and music, I'm wondering what additional maps actually have new music playing. I know and remember several such maps, namely the following:

A nice and mysterious melody that harmonizes with the level's atmosphere very well.
Unreal's music that serves as the cherry on the cake for this map.
Spooky ambient :}
Blurry glory ;)
Beautiful East motives.
Heavy Metal Town. Party people, wake up C:
Hip-Hop town :] Which old school instrumental is your favorite?
Shooba-dooba, Swing! :]
They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is I'm the only one!

A brilliant composition representing the logical end in a sombre world.
Party people never sleep! Hey!
A little bit of EDM.
  • AAWY by Shadowland2000
Church choir.
  • Q3X by D-Bone_[HAGG]
Choirch chur.

MOISTBOIL and SERIOUS_WOHNUNG by @ZaRR used to play some music, too. I know of a couple of other releases with custom .wavs, and that are not on ..::LvL, yet.

Are you familiar with any other maps like the aforementioned?

leilei Rep. 443
#2   29 Nov 2023
I like 2000's output and that's also when packing in WAV loops were a hot button issue for bandwidth wasting/dial-up stallingwith regard to some reviews, so here's some that are potentially brushed off for their bloat (especially when fileplanet's fake wait times were already long enough).

and this one is an obvious shameless plug

Anything else with music out that year were likely Weapons Factory Arena maps where there'd be some loud loop in the ready room you'll have to endure during warmup.
Edited 11.7 minutes after the original posting.

Tig Rep. 2322
#3   29 Nov 2023
How things have changed over the years!

Absolutely agree with leilei - Including a music file that doubles the download size (or more in some cases) was once seen as a burden for a lot of people. Today, an extra 6MB for something that is only heard if you have s_musicvolume > 0 - who cares!

@Geniraul (and others) - I've added a Custom music tag for the Other section in the Overview. Please feel more than welcome to tag maps with this.

Geniraul Rep. 1644
#4   30 Nov 2023
Sure, the downloading time and speed have improved a lot over the past couple of decades. This is another reason for me to hope that more authors will use some custom music in their future releases :)

@leilei Thanks for the list, looks like I forgot some of the ones I've already seen, I'll definitely check out the rest!

@Tig Thanks for the tag, I'll be sure to tag a map like this when I interact with it :)

Geniraul Rep. 1644
#5   01 Dec 2023
In fact, the alternative version of Cardigan's ESTATICA also has a music file included.
Geniraul Rep. 1644
#6   05 Dec 2023
I should've loaded this map instead of liveviewing it — ZASTAVKA by @Maxell also has some custom music!
Geniraul Rep. 1644
#7   06 Dec 2023
Just found out about another map like this, which is Exit the proFa[tory by @the_nookie , a remake of exit the Fa[tory, also by @the_nookie . The music soundtrack is Adrenaline by none other than Sonic Mayhem. The instrumental itself contains a sound of someone picking up Quad Damage, and as this map also has a quad, it can confuse me sometimes :D Although the issue I had is that the track only played once, maybe because it goes with a separate file and thus doesn't loop?
Edited 2.45 minutes after the original posting.
Geniraul Rep. 1644
#8   15 Dec 2023
Two even more releases that feature custom music, but unfortunately both maps have it placed to the SFX section, so it cannot be turned off separately:

SERIOUS_WOHNUNG by @ZaRR used to play some music, too.

To be honest, I'm not sure about SERIOUS_WOHNUNG anymore, I might have confused it with 2MYHOUSE.

EDIT: Another one is SUBAIR by @DaEngineer (I could've remembered this level as well).
Edited 4.36 hours after the original posting.

Geniraul Rep. 1644
#9   02 Jan 2024
Two more releases that came to my mind are ZIH_GAJ by Zihaben & Yan Zaraki and ZIH_ROOF by Zihaben & Alex Vishnevsky. In fact, I'm not a fan of these releases at all, however I think it is important to document history.
Edited 1.23 minutes after the original posting.
richoi Rep. 90
#10   02 Jan 2024
@Geniraul: zih_roof is a most fav map for my brother and i ;-)
Geniraul Rep. 1644
#11   22 Jan 2024
4 minute soundtrack is not something you can hear often on a Q3 map ;) However, it is exactly what the special verison of URANUS by @wakey offers you.
Edited 1.87 minutes after the original posting.
Geniraul Rep. 1644
#12   15 Feb 2024
HAUNTED by @InsaneKid plays for you an excerpt from Ludwig van Beethoven's great Piano Sonata № 14 (! It is truly wonderful to hear a classical composition on a Quake 3 map!
Geniraul Rep. 1644
#13   21 Feb 2024
NKSTRDM7 by Nickster is another map that plays a custom music track, although I find it quite repetitive.
Edited 2.27 minutes after the original posting.
Mapsking Rep. 392
#14   10 Mar 2024
Sorry for the long post, but maybe this will help.

I took a look in my collection of maps, and here are some I have noticed that have custom music of some sort. If any of these do not have a patch listed on the map page, it is still under review from Tig as I have submitted several to him.

Coriolis Storm (v2)
-The music was originally a separate download, but I have converted it, and made a patch for it.

Duel of the Fates
-I think I found the original music (not 100% sure), and have made a patch for it that includes the music, fixes the shader issue of the original patch, and fixes the missing textures.

-The version on LVL does not include the music. However, I contacted the author, and he has included it in an updated version below.

WTF-Q3A (#41) [Railgun WTF-Q3A-41 by skin[NCN]master]
-This seems more like ambience than music.

-The music was initially a separate download, but I could not find it anywhere. I was able to contact the author, who provided me with the file, and permission to upload a patch for it.

Quake Ballet

Blue Stars

Feel the Rush


Dantesca - Book One
-I made a patch file that includes the music.

Bones' Basement
-This is more ambience than music.

The Gardens of Eternity
-I made a patch file that includes the music.

Glassy Blue Labirinth

-I made a patch file for this that fixes the missing textures, added bot support, and fixes the music.

GON2 - Back to Navarone

Cascade Rails
-This is more ambience than music.

Lost at Sea
-This is more ambience than music.

Concrete's Contentment


QBeast/QBee/QDolphin (Qvisions map pack)

"Rocket" Arena



Coral CTF
-Not sure this counts, as the music is actually for ambience.

The Wisdom Machine

War of Angels

Unholy Formula





Stauf’s Last Stand

-This is more ambience than music.


Geniraul Rep. 1644
#15   31 Mar 2024
KINETERRA1 by Kit Carson & Nemo is one of my absolutely favourite custom CTF maps, and it plays some gorgeous church music on both bases as well!
Edited 46 seconds after the original posting.
Geniraul Rep. 1644
#16   13 days ago
I noticed that T8DM5 by Mr.CleaN and TEAMTEMPLE_Q3A by @BerneyBoy play some very similar custom drums 🥁, they sound great! Both maps are well worth playing, in my opinion.
Noire-dev Rep. 56
#17   13 days ago
Continuing with the music theme, I will say that Quake Sandbox has a music player that can play this music.
Hipshot Rep. 336
#18   8 days ago
I always found it bothersome that adding music, kinda doubles the size, the music can especially in older maps, be several times the size of the actual map. Because it's only wave files that are acceptable.
Geniraul Rep. 1644
#19   8 days ago
It's true that custom .wav's often carry some significant weight to .pk3 archives, and indeed, sometimes it can increase the archive's size even several times... However, I think that given the power of modern-day machines it's still well worth it ;)

Custom music in Q3 brings that rare and almost dreamlike feel and ambient to maps and helps describe and underline the level's atmosphere even better, like the mystery in WEIRDWOOD or the hip-hop feel to dat one CHRONIC map, ykwis? *smack* Sheesh! C:

On a more seious note, I think it would be awesome to see some improvement in .wav files resizing in Q3, that would help people with older machines, as well as with liveviewing maps on ..::LvL (though that would be some QuakeJS tweaking :)).

Hipshot Rep. 336
#20   8 days ago
As far as I know, there's no way to reduce a wave size, it's what it is right? Unless you want to lose quality? I have considered adding a custom track to my new level, but I'm not sure it's worth it... but I agree, it does add a special feeling once you get that in a map.
leilei Rep. 443
#21   7 days ago
Q3 will throw warnings at you every time music plays if it's not strictly 22050Hz 16-bit stereo PCM.

Q3 does have support for playing back ADPCM, but not for loading any WAVs already encoded in ADPCM. they missed that opportunity (the purpose of which adpcm support was added were to compress team arena voices on load)

(some sourceports already do ogg music, but also took out support for streaming the music data so they hitch on looping, and still spit a warning it's not 22khz)
Edited 38.13 minutes after the original posting.

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