Popular Q3A Maps
Based on downloads and LiveViews per day
..::LvL & PlanetQuake Pack 1: Space Madness by Various
Coriolis Storm (v2) by Lunaran
Coriolis Storm (v2) by Lunaran
27,974 total - 3.08 per day
Runtfest by Xzed
Runtfest by Xzed
27,635 total - 3.04 per day
Blood Run by ztn
Blood Run by ztn
27,518 total - 3.02 per day
You'll Shoot Your Eye Out by Lunaran & KungFuSquirrel
Pyramid of the Magician by Sock
Pyramid of the Magician by Sock
20,251 total - 2.74 per day
Nothing At All by Laerth
Nothing At All by Laerth
24,813 total - 2.72 per day
Japanese Castles by g1zm0
Japanese Castles by g1zm0
24,795 total - 2.7 per day
Quake3Stuff by Senn
Quake3Stuff by Senn
22,635 total - 2.54 per day
Rustgrad by Hipshot
Rustgrad by Hipshot
9,435 total - 2.53 per day
Fat Plonker by Ecl1pse, Spike, Llanstoloq & Foo
Fat Plonker by Ecl1pse, Spike, Llanstoloq & Foo
1,260 total - 2.44 per day
champion by Scorn
champion by Scorn
1,378 total - 2.39 per day
Group 3 of 211