There is something gorgeous about clean, minimal texturing when done this well. It feels hard to call a level that has predominantly four textures a visual wonder, but that is exactly what this release is. On top of that, the gameplay is snappy, fast and super quick to learn.
The brushwork and perfect lighting help to keep the focus on what is really key to any successful Q3A release - taking out your opponent! The lines of sight span open, vertical and tight spaces across a number of floors around a central void with a MegaHealth on a small platform.
The level is sized for 2 to 4 player matches. Tourney games are very well paced and 4 player DM's will keep you on your toes for the entire game. Angled ledges help to differentiate jump safe heights as you move around. Well placed holes allow you to blindly fall to key items, leading to a few surprises and speeding up game flow. Bots play well and are a good challenge. The openness may be helping their navigation.
Refined, clean and stylish visuals with gameplay to match. Grab it!
Note: Originally included in the Map-Center's Quake 3 25th Anniversary Pack, which contains a number of awesome maps.
Ranked: 4.3 out of 5 (2 votes)
Download: Mondkind by acid