by acid
Acid3DM12 - Mondkind

Title : Mondkind
Date : 16-01-2025
Filename : map-acid3dm12.pk3
Author : acid
Email Address : **email removed**
Website :
Description : TDM FFA Duel Map
Additional Credits to : ID, Hazel Whorley (skybox), Yves Allaire (dsi textures)
Playtesters Credits : mrk, mess, pawix, oni, Rafal, terrybad, moistfoam, Anl, deft


- Play Information -

Players : 2-4
Bots : yes
Weapons : Shotgun, 2 Rocket Launchers, Grenade Launcher, Plasma Gun, Railgun, Lightning Gun


Unzip the the zip file into your quake3\baseq3 directory.
Start Quake3 and either select it from your map list or press tilde to enter the console and type:
"/map acid3dm12" for tdm/ffa/duel
Press Enter

- Construction -

Base : from scratch
Editor(s) used : GTK Radiant 1.4
Known Bugs : ?
Build Time : 1 month
Textures used : dsi, custom
Models used : skel02mid (ID)
Compile machine : AMD Ryzen 5 3600
q3map compile Time : short
q3map compile Settings : bsp -meta -skyfix samplesize 1 vis light -cpma -samplesize 1 -samples 3
Brushes : 1411 total, 1218 net

- Copyright / Permissions -
You may not include or distribute this map in/with any sort of commercial product without
permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any
non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks
without permission from the author.
