Most downloaded
Quake 3 Arena maps of all time
The Simpsons Map by Maggu
The Simpsons Map by Maggu
83,636 total - 13.33 per day
..::LvL Pack - The cream off the top by Various
..::LvL Pack - The cream off the top by Various
46,627 total - 5.25 per day
..::LvL & PlanetQuake Pack 2: The Top Peg by Various
Quake 3 Arena skybox collection by Various
Quake 3 Arena skybox collection by Various
29,550 total - 5.01 per day
Coriolis Storm (v2) by Lunaran
Coriolis Storm (v2) by Lunaran
28,007 total - 3.07 per day
..::LvL & PlanetQuake Pack 1: Space Madness by Various
Runtfest by Xzed
Runtfest by Xzed
27,693 total - 3.04 per day
Blood Run by ztn
Blood Run by ztn
27,557 total - 3.02 per day
Japanese Castles by g1zm0
Japanese Castles by g1zm0
24,821 total - 2.7 per day
Nothing At All by Laerth
Nothing At All by Laerth
24,820 total - 2.71 per day
Quake3Stuff by Senn
Quake3Stuff by Senn
22,648 total - 2.53 per day
Threewave CTF by Zoid & Casey
Threewave CTF by Zoid & Casey
20,655 total - 2.24 per day
Group 1 of 212