This map pack is 10 years late and just in time for the 25th Anniversary of Quake 3 Arena. Back in 2015 Sprony organised a very successful Q3A mapping competition. Supporting the event was Pixologic (ZBrush makers), id Software, and Hammerwatch author Hipshot.
The judging panel was just as impressive. Composed of SyncError (id Software), Lunaran, cityy and Obsidian. The mapping objectives were: gameplay, technical, presentation and creativity.
The outcome was the following 16 maps. A number of these have been individually listed on ..::LvL previously, others are appearing for the first time. The levels are listed in their ranking order:
To be brutally honest, these maps range from perfection to pretty much unfinished draft status. While there is almost no reason to keep all of them, many will hang out on your hard drive for eternity.
Treat yourself by downloading this map pack and taking some time to check out each map. Enjoy!
Note: The mapmedia.pk3 will resolve a few missing texture issues with On the Verge (and possibly others). Neon_Knight has sent in 3 patch files (one download) that fixes a few issues with: Reco, Loading Bay, and Carnage Ground. Well worth the download. (7th Jan, 2025)
View overview: Neon_Knight has put together a video overview of all the maps in the pack. (24th Feb, 2025)
Ranked: 3.3 out of 5 (3 votes)
Download: Quake 3 15th Anniversary Contest Map Pack by Various