Endurance by flipout

Meet another masterpiece by Greg Ward (flipout). Style and atmosphere of the map are close to Quake 4 multiplayer. There is almost nothing from the original good old Quake 3: all the textures and models are redesigned, but it rather brings benefits. The only thing which recalls Quake 3 is its large emblem - and the raw game play.

The map's construct shows a good balance of simplicity and variety. The map is easy enough to remember placement of all the stuff and where to run in this labyrinth of rooms, corridors, curves and ramps. But also it offers some complexity to prevent a player or a team (though the map is for FFA only, it would be good for 2x2 or even 3x3 TDM) from dominating the map totally.

Technically, visually and game play wise this map is very good. Grab it.

Reviewed by V1979

Tig's notes: This map placed 2nd in MapCore's Quake 3 15th Anniversary Contest map comp.

Ranked: 4.7 out of 5 (23 votes)

Download: Endurance by flipout
