A great first official release from snickelfritz. This large CTF level requires a good machine if you want to take it on the net, which you'll definitely have to do to avoid the frustration of botplay. "Flatiron" looks good, architecture and texturing are done well to help you identify where you are on the level, although the arrows marking which way is which will most certainly be needed while you learn the layout. Although it is a terrain map, a lot of the action takes place in the lower (indoor) levels of the bases. This means that there is none of the actionless long-hauling between bases that occurs even in some of Id's larger maps. The middle ground is nicely designed, featuring a long strip of each team's turf running parallel to each other with some powerups nearby. This unique idea in itself may make the level worth checking out.
Grab it if you've got a good rig and know some people who you can challenge online.
Reviewed by Octovus
Ranked: 3.8 out of 5 (65 votes)
Download: Flatiron by Snickelfritz