This mid-sized industrial map was an eye opener for me. I really liked what I saw when I first loaded it up. The author uses classic base and Evil_lairs Texture set which blend very well to the theme. Brush work is nothing short than good. Wide open spaces call for some excellent fire fights and rail run duels. Lighting is good. Not too dark and not too blinding. Item and weapon placement were alright for the size of the map. Bots had no problems navigating the map using all areas. Also I love the bridge in the main part of the map. Nicely built.
Overall this is a good release by the author, but best to be played in Team Deathmatch.
Download and give it a go.
Reviewed by ShadowZombie
Ranked: 4 out of 5 (13 votes)
Download: Rusty Browns by Eraser