Rusty Browns
Rusty Browns by Eraser

Title : Rusty Browns
Date : 20/02/2004
Filename : map-ermap3.pk3
Author : Eraser
Email Address : **email removed**
Description : Medium sized Deathmatch map inspired by lun3dm1
Mods required : None
Additional Credits to : - Evil_Lair (**invalid URL**) for a bunch of textures
Thanks go to : - Anwulf, Axbaby, Boot Louie, Foo, Kat, pjw, q, seremtan,
Todtsteltzer and all the other good people from Q3W for their
feedback and time it took to work through that >60 post thread
spread over a 5 day period of beta testing, changing, moving and
rebuilding stuff which involved over 25 screenshots with me begging
for feedback.
- ydnar for Q3Map2 and his never ending lighting knowledge
- As always, r3tina for feedback and suggesting the PG bridge idea
- Cardigan for the bot tutorial
(**invalid URL**)


- Play Information -

Gametype(s) : DM/TDM/1v1
Players : 2 - 6
Bots : Yes
Weapons : SG, GL, RL, LG, RG, PG
Powerups : Quad Damage


- Construction -

Base : From scratch
Editor(s) used : GtkRadiant
Additional Tools : Quake ToolKit, Paintshop Pro, EditPad, q3ase
Textures used : - Base Texture set
- A handful of evil_lair's textures
Compile machine : AMD AthlonXP 2800+ with 1GB RAM, Radeon 9800 Pro running WindowsXP


- Contact -

Jerry 'Eraser' Laman - **email removed**
Engines of Creation - **invalid URL**
HFX - **invalid URL**
Quake3World Forums -

This map is ©2004 Jerry Laman and may only be distributed by electronic
means (e.a. Internet or BBS). Please don't copy this map or parts of it
without my permission.
