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@HelterSkeleton comment #210 edited after 3972.46 days. Haha it took you over 10 years to edit your comment. That is amazing. Is this the longest time between a comment and its edit? Sorry for going off topic here. ;)
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@Raspatan ha ha ha! XD XD. Only Tig would know for sure, but I think you might be right.
Edit: my first thought for most commented map was the Simpsons Map. I did a check and it seems to be sitting at 229. But surely this must be a close 2nd
Edited 2.77 minutes after the original posting.
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Wow. Is this the most commented map ever?
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The tryinator
#213 22 Apr 2016
One of my favourite maps. A true classic both in looks and gameplay. I never minded the eye. Loved the rooftop fighting.
Old gem.
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Very nice map:)
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#211 12 Jul 2011
OMG why is this map not on QL?!?!?! Everything about it is incredible!!!!
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well you can see lloyd put a considerable amount of effort into improving upon his first effort - scaling it down, reducing the novelty of novelty and turning it into playability on the roof tops, tailoring the level design more toward game play while still remaining fun... As for me i like gaming to be an escape from reality, not a replication of it
Edited 3972.46 days after the original posting.
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amazing map indeed!
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#208 28 Jan 2007
This is one of my favorite maps. I love a well done large map.
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it'll never happen for any other q3 map that's for sure....
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Someone needs to make a map that gets 206 comments again...
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never removed from my baseq3 since the day I got it
'nuff said
/set g_votescore "12"
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#204 22 Oct 2002
Wow. Good. What more can I say?
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#203 20 Oct 2002
superb level!!!
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#202 27 Aug 2002
This one is a nine plus!
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#201 11 Aug 2002
Well i really wanna download this map...but with Fileplanet's incredible SHITE ways to down a file..its almost impossible..GG Fileplanet :/
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#200 27 Jul 2002
One of the levels which is still there, in my baseq3 folder.. after all that time.
Great level.
(don't know if you still roam this site but oh wel =-)..)
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#199 03 Jun 2002
great map, trying to get the admin to put it on my fav server for every day play!
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#198 30 Apr 2002
This needs to be higher up!
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#197 24 Apr 2002
im new to this site and i downloaded some great maps but this map is the best ieen now so keep up the good work
greetz n3z
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Lloyd M
#196 25 Sep 2001
Thanks IF!
It took 6 weeks to build, texture and beta.
I haven't done any Q2 maps. I was working with HL at the time. :)
Lloyd M
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InS@nE FrE@|{
#195 20 Aug 2001
Oh yeah, have you made any Quake2 maps?
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InS@nE FrE@|{
#194 20 Aug 2001
What I don't understand is why lvl didn't put this in the top ten. This map is truly a masterpiece. A lot of the time I just stand on the rooftops and admire the great architecture. I give this map a 9 1/2. This IS the tightest map iv'e ever seen for q3. Excellent job Lloyd. How long did this map take to create?
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Lloyd M
#193 11 Jul 2001
Thanks. :)
I don't have a website yet but yes I am working on a new map called Tempest Utopia. It's a jungle warfare CTF map set on another planet just prior to a storm.
Lloyd M
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#192 01 Jun 2001
Yep, this one is still the best map out there :]
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#191 29 May 2001
Do you have a web site? Please make more maps. Please oh please. Yes, I really liked AA. The rooftop rail battles are wonderful. The BFG trap is an interesting trap.
More maps please! :)
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Douglas Bowker
#190 19 Apr 2001
One of the most visually stunning maps ever. Like true virtual reality-in fact can I go live there a while?
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#189 28 Mar 2001
This one needs to be higher up on the top ten! You got my vote!
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#188 19 Mar 2001
WOW! Photographic excellence in presentation. Gameplay best with alot of players to keep things hoppin'...
Still, I went in alone for hours just exploring this great virtual space! I just wish the jump pads had matching them.
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#187 13 Mar 2001
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#186 17 Feb 2001
One of my favourite maps. The amount of work put in is very impresive. The only complaint I have (and it's not really the maps fault) is that the jump pads and other q3 related ephemera look a bit out of place. The court yards in particular look strange with vast aliens running around them.
Other than that this is a tremendous map.
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#185 30 Jan 2001
I've downloaded this map a few days ago and I think it's one of the most beautiful maps I've ever seen. Really impressive and refreshing.
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{GDC} -Nekrataal-
#184 28 Jan 2001
I couldn't believe it but its real ! What a map ! What I liked most is circling around the high roofs and rai...
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#183 22 Jan 2001
All these months later, dozens of map downloads later, and I'm still convinced this is the best map out there.
Nobody else's rooftop battles even come close. The layout, the art, ahhhhhh. More! More!
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Mark Shan
#182 09 Jan 2001
The map is OK also with new point release 1.27g and 1.27h
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#181 06 Jan 2001
Still my Favorite Lloyd :)
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Lloyd M
#180 01 Jan 2001
Thank you for your comments. :)
Let me know if you need this map converted to work with the new point release.
Lloyd M
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Mark Shan
#179 31 Dec 2000
A really gorgeous map....
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#178 24 Dec 2000
This map is a masterpiece, the textures and design are breathtaking. The gameplay is axcellent especially running about the roof, you need at least 6 players though due to the size. The best map Ive ever seen and Ive been fraggin since Doom.
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#177 24 Oct 2000
I definatly like! :) Hope it comes out soon! ;)
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Lloyd M
#176 20 Oct 2000
Thanks Dross.
Dr.X, it shouldn't be too much longer :)
Lloyd M
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#175 03 Oct 2000
Awesome map! 9/10
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Mysterious Dr.X
#174 02 Oct 2000
Having seen the shots of the CTF level, I'm not sure I can keep on living like this...
Only the fear of SaNGius rattling at his cage keeps me awake and the constant lure of battle makes my blood circulate...
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Lloyd M
#173 21 Sep 2000
Thank you Sanguis :)
Lloyd M
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#172 17 Sep 2000
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Lloyd M
#171 15 Sep 2000
Thanks Messiah.
Don't worry, this map will come well within the r_speed limits :)
Lloyd M
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#170 15 Sep 2000
SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!! god lloyd your CTF looks great ( i does understand the pics where taken on a high spec manchine) can't wait for it to come out!!!11
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Lloyd M
#168 12 Sep 2000
Thanks warmachine.
Have a good LAN party :)
Lloyd M
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#167 12 Sep 2000
wow were has this map been all my life, this is a master peace of work Lloyd, with textures and every thing up hight 9 bots it runs really smooth and looks fantastic with a geforce 2 gts,up against my fav map overkill this map & overkill are myt two faverite maps of all time, i want say this map is better becouse i havent played it enought i only just downloaded it, lokk forward to playing some more maps from you Lloyd, i carnt wait to play this one at my next lan party,keep up the good work Lloyd fantastic map 9 out of ten . hehe happy fraggen :)......
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#166 12 Sep 2000
wow just finnished reading the comments on the map and im downloading now carnt wait to play it, my fav map to date is overkill i will see how it goes up againts this map.
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Lloyd M
#165 08 Sep 2000
I'll let you know here when I have some screens up at Quake3world.
Lloyd M
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#164 07 Sep 2000
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Lloyd M
#163 06 Sep 2000
Messiah, it should be out in the next couple of weeks, depending on beta testing of course. Main construction is complete with only texturing and item placement left. But that can take a while :)
Lloyd M
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#162 05 Sep 2000
hi, again lloyd do u knowa ruff date when this CTF map will come out???? also anyone please go to
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Lloyd M
#161 01 Sep 2000
John, thanks for the comments. I appreciate it :)
Messiah, I never get to play online, only on LAN.
Lloyd M
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John Rolin
#160 30 Aug 2000
you did an extraordinary job on AA. I have not played it much yet, but the graphics and style are beautiful. Keep up the great work.
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#159 29 Aug 2000
is u like Quake3 and would like to join a clan (GWF) go to
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Lloyd M
#158 28 Aug 2000
deltree, glad you think so :)
messiah, don't worry, I'll do my best.
not entered, connectivity on lloydmctf1 should be much improved.
Lloyd M
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not entered
#157 28 Aug 2000
Looks nice, but gameplay is horrible.. Don't bother.
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#156 26 Aug 2000
ok Lloyd, don't rush it i would like u to take your time and make it good then rush it and not make the map as good as it could be.
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#155 25 Aug 2000
the best map I ever played in quake 3. It's amazing!
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Lloyd M
#154 25 Aug 2000
Hehe, Messiah, soon hopefully. It's half complete (i.e. 1/2 of one side of the ctf). It was nearing completion but I wasn't happy with it because it was getting a bit big and I'm trying to restrain myself this time :)
Also, I have to juggle it with my job :(
Lloyd M
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#153 25 Aug 2000
Lloyd, so whens this CTF flag level coming out? so i can get my grubby hands on it :-)
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Lloyd M
#152 24 Aug 2000
Thanks for taking the time to let me know what you think of the map, guys :)
cobra, I'm trying hard to give my next map, lloydmctf1, a more logical layout with better connectivity.
Lloyd M
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not entered
#151 23 Aug 2000
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#150 23 Aug 2000
best looking map and sky ever....first class
a little on the "over complex' side, but still worth the effort.
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Lloyd M
#149 20 Aug 2000
Hehe, glad to hear it :)
Lloyd M
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Mysterious Dr.X
#148 19 Aug 2000
The better drivers have made a definite improvement to all the maps I have - even to the extent that I might start using the Omnipresent Eye again :)
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Lloyd M
#147 17 Aug 2000
REMEMBER: Updating drivers can lead to problems - always make sure you have backups of your old drivers in case something goes wrong.
Lloyd M
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Lloyd M
#146 17 Aug 2000
Let me know how it goes Dr.X. For me it worked really well. On the slowest id map I got pretty bad fps, now they are fine. It really did speed things up (heh, even lloydmdm1 works ok on max texture detail now.).
Lloyd M
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Mysterious Dr.X
#145 17 Aug 2000
Hopefully your tip about nvidia cards should work because I cant have more than 5 bots (not enough bots) without serious slow-down with my TNT2 card. Cheers again.
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Lloyd M
#144 17 Aug 2000
Thanks again gorilla. Hopefully it should last you until lloydmctf1 comes along :)
By the way, to nvidia card owners, I noticed you can get quite a speed boost in Quake3 from the new detonator 3 drivers. If you want to update your drivers you can get them here:
Lloyd M
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#143 14 Aug 2000
still can't stop playing this thing. The best Q3 map I've seen released yet. Bar none.
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Lloyd M
#142 13 Aug 2000
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Mysterious Dr.X
#141 12 Aug 2000
Da man deserves to be payed.
Nuff Said.
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Lloyd M
#140 12 Aug 2000
Thanks for the comments :)
Drew, the weapon count is a little low I have to admit, but I had to keep the number of different weapon types down in order to keep the texture count below the limit and therefore keep fps up as high as possible.
Lloyd M
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#139 10 Aug 2000
This map is incredible! It's unique, fresh and immersive. I can't get enough of it. There's a lot of variety in this map. I love the labrynth room... it's like scene out of an M.C. Ecsher painting. The roof tops make for some great sport and I love the pillar room -- it's beautiful. The textures are awesome and this map offers great game play and blows the lid off the fun-factor scale. This creation is a must-have for any serious Q3 aficionado! Grab it now!
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Drew J
#138 08 Aug 2000
I meant NOT INVERTERED......it is 2:16 am!
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Drew J
#137 08 Aug 2000
This map kicks ass......A little sparse on weapons, but this can be a good thing sometimes (depending on my mood).
Before vote: 9
After realizing that a)no satanic shit b)original bouncepad and all other artwork and c)not being ashamed of putting crosses that are invertered in the map:
11---> Priceless
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#136 07 Aug 2000
I've had this map for 2 weeks andI still can't stop playing it. If this had been in the on-the-shelf Q3 it would've been the one that everyone talked about... the skybox alone is worth the d/l, the roof area would've made a great map by itself, just save yourself a lot of soul-searching and get it now. Then stock up on pizza and prepare to not go out for a long time. Beautiful to look at and kill on... one of the best maps you will ever see.
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Lloyd M
#135 03 Aug 2000
Thanks Badders and Gorilla :)
Glad you guys liked the map.
Gorilla, I will be keeping attention to the environments and I think you'll find the environment in lloydmctf1 pretty unique :)
Lloyd M
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#134 02 Aug 2000
A 10. No doubt about it. This is my new favorite map. The colors and architecture are really a step up from pretty much anything else out there. The only other mapper I see using color this well is Pete Parisi. The sky when you're out on the roof is a perfect example of how much impact a great pallete can have.
Rooftop battles are just too much fun here. The layout is set up perfect for long range sniping and team wars on the roof.
The inside's gorgeous too. You can almost see your reflection in those Marble textures.
Great job Lloyd. The best compliment I can give is the fact that I've probably played this thing about 50 times since I've downloaded it.
Bots work pretty well, though I've found they get stuck at the rocket launcher and don't go for the BFG. I've gotten in the habbit of playing against a team of bots (usually 4), as the layout lends itself pretty well to striking and running.
Can't wait to see whatever's next. Please keep attention to environments that are gonna make gameplay unique and exciting. I don't know any other map where I can have a battle quite like you can here on the roof. That's the kind of stuff that makes a map really stand out.
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#133 02 Aug 2000
Breathtaking. Got fragged several time looking at the scenery.
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Lloyd M
#132 31 Jul 2000
Thanks Hand :) The map took about 6 weeks to construct.
Horatio, The skybox for my next map is a tropical setting just prior to a storm. It's not set on Earth though, and a couple of moons can be seen through the hazy sky.
I tried to set this map as far from the normal ctf settings as possible.
Lloyd M
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Captain (Horatio) Chaos
#131 31 Jul 2000
Yeah, Deva Station is a fun map; I really like the area around the green slime and have had some cool rocket launcher battles in this vicinity. Occasionally I like to hide in the secret compartment that contains the Dope Fish, and wait for an unsuspecting victim to come in, then it gives me great satisfaction to greet him/her with a rocket, or the gauntlet. I too like to hunt my prey, but generally prefer to leave stalking to real life, like when I pursue Kate Russel (CWE).
There are two Id maps that I especially like:
1)Hero's Keep (Q3DM9) has an excellent layout, and the inclusion of numerous bounce and accelerator pads encourages lots of aerial combat; as I love vertical gameplay this areana really appeals to me. I think Hero's Keep is superior to other bouncy maps, because the arena is set indoors and therefore splash damage is more effective compared to DM17.
It also has places where you can perch yourself to inflict surprise damage on short-sighted gladiators - for example, you can stand on the lanterns attached to the ceiling just above the rocket launcher platform and target Mr McGoos.
2)The Lost World (DM13) is another of my favourite levels as it has a wonderful layout, plenty of ledges to leap onto, and also rocket jumping can be used to great effect in this arena.
When sufficiently armoured and in possession of the Quad, it is fun to rocket jump from the floor wth the lava up to the rocket launcher platform and rain death on your startled opponents.
Looking forward to your next map; glad to see you have decided to diversify and construct a futuristic level.
I'm interested to see what type of sky you'll design for your next project, if it is outdoors, as your custom skies have been stunning. Have you considered including the'Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights' as a feature of a custom sky as it might look impressive if implemented correctly; only a thought?
Have to stop this incessant waffling now, as the Nurse is anxious to replace my straight-jacket and administer my daily 10,000 volt shock therapy direct to the brain. These walls in my room are so soft
; quite strange that the decorator made them look like a padded quilt, these modern designers are just crazy.
Horatio Nelson signing off.
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#130 31 Jul 2000
Haven't gotten a chance to try this map online, but after wandering around in it for about a half an hour I have to say it's easily the most beautiful Q3A map I've ever seen.
How many days/hours did this take?
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Lloyd M
#129 27 Jul 2000
Horatio, my favorite has to be Deva Station (DM11). I really like large levels - as you can probably tell :) - because I prefer to stalk my prey. I don't feel that a game needs to be rushed to wrack up say 30 frags in a few minutes.
I also like the inclusion of little high-up ledges and areas for the player to hide which Deva Station has. I try to include as many of these in my levels as possible. In fact, if you look at the picture of AA up there to the right, there are a couple of hiding areas to the left and right of the triangular roof in front of the spire which you can get to via the roof.
Lloyd M
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Captain (Horatio) Chaos
#128 26 Jul 2000
Lloyd, what is your favourite Id Q3 level?
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Lloyd M
#127 26 Jul 2000
That previous post was me BTW :)
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not entered
#126 26 Jul 2000
Thanks BFG. You'll be glad to know that there are caves in the upcoming lloydmctf1 :) I wanted to put a waterfall but I wasn't sure - I'll try to fit it in for you :)
Lloyd M
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#125 22 Jul 2000
So cool! You can put like 12 bots in it and still have lots of room to roam around and look at all the awesome details. I would like to see a map inside a cave, with detail like this. With an underground river and a waterfall that you can jump down. Oh that would really make a map!! Just think: jumping down a waterfall into a pool of water below to maybe pick up a railgun or a megahealth.
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Lloyd M
#124 15 Jul 2000
Messiah, I'm currently building a futuristic CTF map.
Lloyd M
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#123 14 Jul 2000
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Lloyd M
#122 07 Jul 2000
Thanks Dr.X. Yeah, Zar and myself are often to be found at Quake3world.com :)
Listening to players comments is the best way to improve on your level design skills. After all, we're building these maps for the players to use...
Lloyd M
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Mysterious Dr.X
#121 07 Jul 2000
Hey Lloyd M, Zarathustra, do you 2 hang out together of what? You two must be IDOLS of mine because I love the work you do and what you add to Q3A. Yet Lloyd is humble at the same time acknowledging poples comment on how to improve even more. I wish all mappers were this good :)
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Lloyd M
#120 04 Jul 2000
Glad You Like it gnome-fish :)
Lloyd M
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#119 27 Jun 2000
is this man a god?
I think so!
Any chance of a cd relese? That would be good, and I would pay loads of cash for this kinda map work.
The best
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Lloyd M
#118 26 Jun 2000
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#117 26 Jun 2000
Great stuff Lloyd!
Your work has given fun and might I add inspiration to many. This is some really good work and and it deserves the (positive) attention it is getting. :)
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Jonny B
#116 23 Jun 2000
I aint been around for a while seeing as my 13month old PIII DIED one month after the warranty ran out, i now hate intel with a vengeance. Anyway i just thought i would share my misfortune with you fine people and give a warning to anyone who has purchased a PIII system recently :- if your machine is a noisy bastard when it is booting up, get it checked out. And to The Fuhrer, i thought your ramblings were pretty funny, why are you being so hard on yourself? did you get hate mail or something? Achtung!!!
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Lloyd M
#115 22 Jun 2000
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#114 21 Jun 2000
The Best Q3 map I've ever played....This Guy should be work'n for ID
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#113 21 Jun 2000
damn pretty awesome !!!
i love LLOYD.
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Lloyd M
#112 20 Jun 2000
KODIAK - Glad you liked the map :)
NOT ENTERED - Ok, I have checked out the maps you mentioned. They are of course incredibly well made. My next map will be more compact with greater connectivity.
In The Omnipresent Eye I did include the ledge over the courtyard that you mentioned below, in fact it was my favourite area in that level since I also like including little ledges which the player can jump around. Unfortunately, with Ancient Archipelago I had to keep the outdoor poly count low since I knew that that would be the area where most people would hang out.
Your advice has been a great help.
Thanks again for helping me improve my mapping ability :)
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#111 19 Jun 2000
When I dowloaded your map I thought I should expect something special. Having seen your last map. And when I have finally loaded the map it litteraly took my breath away...
It took me more than an hour to examine the map. And it was quite an hour. So much detail. Perfect lightnig not to mention all the custom textures. It was a real treat to get to know the level it is pure EXELENCE in all aspects. I am honored to see my name mentioned (however small mention it is) in connection this level.
Buttom line is:
It doesnt get any better than this in my oppinion. 10
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#110 19 Jun 2000
Another feature which I like to see in a map is an accelerator pad that has a trajectory, that also permits a player to deviate from landing on the platform designated by the author, but allows him to manoeuvre during flight and land on a differnt platform, or maybe even reach a high ledge which overlooks a busy courtyard below.
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#109 19 Jun 2000
Lloyd, I also suggest that you check out Tig's Den and any Ztn maps, as they are prime examples of how to create a map that has good connectivity and interesting vertical gameplay - their structure allows for interesting strategies to be adopted during battles. Might also be worth while downloading some of Laerth's work as his maps have similar characteristics and are superb looking - especially 'Asunder'.
Another feature which generally enhances the quality of gameplay is the ability to use a map's structural elements and objects to your advantage - being able to walk along ledges; stand on top of arches, jump from one level onto a statue's plinth and then to the opposite platform which would otherwise be inaccessable; scale a crumbling wall in order to reach another level, etc. The 'Pit and the Pendulum' permits a player to leap from the roof unto the left wing of a Gargoyle statue and then up to a ledge that has the Rail gun. In my opinion a map that has attributes like I've described, seems to promote interesting gameplay and a variety of tactics can thererfore be employed in order to outwit your opponent.
One of your trademarks seems to be the inclusion of the eyeball, I suggest you adopt another one as well - rooftop combat; like I said early it was a purestroke of genius.
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Lloyd M
#108 19 Jun 2000
Ok I checked the map and there are no non-custom textures which don't appear in the original pak0.pk3 which comes with Q3A. All custom textures are included in the lloydmdm2.pk3. All shader scripts point to lloydmdm2 directories, none point to lloydmdm1 directories or textures.
Basically the map should work correctly on its own.
Lloyd M
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Lloyd M
#107 19 Jun 2000
not entered - You are right, I did test the maps on systems with the tools. I am pretty sure that all textures are included in the original pk3 or lloydmdm1.pk3 but some new textures did come with the tools. I'll check it out and let you know.
NOT ENTERED - I'll check that map out. Thanks.
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#106 19 Jun 2000
Lloyd, your maps look excellent but they might be further improved if you included some crumbling structures and stained damaged floors, walls, etc, so as to give it that ancient look - the ivy or vines was a nice touch and helped to give it that aged appearance.
Check out the 'Pit and the Pendulum' by Kodiak; which perfectly illustrates what I mean. This level by Kodiak has some beautiful architecture as well, also the map has real character and exudes a creepy atmosphere.
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not entered
#105 18 Jun 2000
Lloyd: Did you test this map on systems that don't have the tools installed? I don't have a problem at all with this one but there were some maps that weren't working right for me until I downloaded and installed the q3tools. Just a thought.
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Lloyd M
#104 18 Jun 2000
PLEASE NOTE: You do NOT have to have lloydmdm1 to run lloydmdm2's sky correctly. The .shader file points to the textures supplied in the .pk3's /env directory and does not rely on the computer having lloydmdm1 installed.
I have tested it on a computer which didn't have lloydmdm1 installed and it ran ok.
Before releasing the level I checked that all textures were present in the lloydmdm2.pk3, the original pak0.pk3 or a point release.
Lloyd M
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#103 18 Jun 2000
for the sky to work you need omnipresent eye.. a map just as good as this in a way
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#102 18 Jun 2000
im not entered-
i had to downlaod your other map. that pisses me off because i had that map before and deleted it because i didnt like it and now i needed it for another map of yours that i dont really like. oh well ,its my opinion.
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Lloyd M
#101 17 Jun 2000
not entered - do you get the black/white grid or a white sky? Do you have High Quality sky turned on in options?
HellSpaWn - It could be a corrupt download, where did you download it from?
Try this site: pages.eidosnet.co....s/lloydmdm2.zip
BTW I checked all textures were either present in the pk3 or came as standard with Q3A or a point release. There should be no need for the threewave pack to get all textures.
Lloyd M
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#100 17 Jun 2000
At the loading screen Q3 throws me back to the mainmenu. AAARGGH it doesnt works, but I need to play it! HELP ME OUT
I did put it in baseq3 and my system is fast enough for quake.
ICQ: 58025107
The picture is kewl and the things said about it, I NEED TO PLAY IT
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not entered
#99 17 Jun 2000
hey Lloyd m
why the hell do i get no sky ?
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Lloyd M
#98 17 Jun 2000
Thanks for the comments everyone, they'll hopefully help to make my next map better.
Lloyd M
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#97 16 Jun 2000
damn good for looks!
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#96 16 Jun 2000
gee teet,
not all levels are easy to navigate man. Yeah sometimes you even have to use your brain!!!!
imagine the horror...
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#95 16 Jun 2000
Yah this one is especialy for teet. He's so clever. :/
Gameplay above all? yeah ok.
Let's say we have this fabulous map right it plays fantastic, but..texturing is lame, lighting is terrible, there are even vis errors..u know.
On the other hand we have a visually fantastic map, but it doesn't play as well, heck you even have to break a little sweat to master it. Perfect example. First time I played "camp ground" i thought it was shit. It's a pretty map, yes it is..but the more I played it, the better. SO it is pretty and playable. But the thing is, it's big. No need to worry , learn to master the map and stop yapping around. Don't call people idiots bro, 'cause that kind of makes you look like a little frustrating geek. SOrry it really does. 0/10? WHy???
I see no reason. Heck you want 0/10 and even lower? Go to cranky steve's site and be amazed. Heck, you are one of those who prefer gameplay no matter what above visuals. No matter how crappy the map, if it plays..hu hu..it's good.
U see, I 've played over 2000, yeah 2000 doom levels, back then...I know doom is different from Quake arena duh, but things haven't changed much since. You have no idea, NO IDEA, how many crappy maps I have seen!!! People who were too lazy to texture their map, to be original, to focus on gameplay AND looks u know...it was terrible. I 've seen this phenomenon back in quake, quake2 and quake arena. I held my heart when quake arena came out and the id editor. And what I feared came tru. Many bozo's like u teet, sorry but giving this map a 0 and offending others.., are what spoil many would-be GOOD add-on levels, which combine PLAYABILITY and LOOKS. You seem to be a negative person man. 0/10? ...
's not done;. You just put it down there and gave no obvious reason.
I quote: "just to offset you morons" yeah you happy now? Pf;..
kinda lame dude.
That didn't hurt teet, what hurts is that there are too many of your kind out there.
Btw I know what kind of maps you like. I play them myself sometimes; BUt i've seen too many of those maps. JUst too many.
gee sorry teet, I really hope i didn't upset you now. Don't start yelling or insulting me,
sorry if it hurts..
;) good thing you're a hardcore player teet. .. Me too.
But sometimes i wonder what peeps understand under hardcore?
I truly don't see what's wrong with this map. I play quake a lot, I know art (heck i need that for my job..) and
Oyo and teet could make a good team on their gameboy right? :)
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not entered
#94 16 Jun 2000
A Brilliant piece of work, great atmosphere and feel. A must have (improvement on his first map too)
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#93 16 Jun 2000
It looks nice, but I was not impressed with the gameplay.
The jumpad placement irritated me.
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Captain (Horatio) Chaos
#92 16 Jun 2000
Dummy-teet, another level you might wish to check out is 'Lost Forever' by Kodiak as it has excellent connectivity, permits good vertical gameplay and is a fine piece of work in my opinion. The bad news is that Kodiak states in his read me that it is last Q3 map due to personal reasons, I hope things improve for this guy and he reconsiders his decision to stop mapping as he is definitely talented. He also created the 'Pit and the Pendulum'.
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#91 16 Jun 2000
Note about the BFG cage trap: this doesn't work so well as it might on a smaller map - the chances that another player is near enough to reach the BFG room when the gong goes are not so high.
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#90 16 Jun 2000
Your so right Capt in each point you made; I'm just a Dummy-teet. To be truthful I normally find defeating the Bots on 'I can win' a mammoth task and get really frightened, but Mummy comes to Dummy's rescue just like she did when I was bullied at school.
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Captain (Horatio) Chaos
#89 16 Jun 2000
Teet, I knew if I Browbeat you enough you would crumble under the pressure, curl up in the corner like a scared kitty cat and retract your previous score: only winding you up, don't go all hardcore. Yeah Dummy, I mean Teet, I also think that Ztn maps have superb structure and are real works of art, as are most of Laerth's maps. By the way have you checked out Tigs Den, in my opinion (which must be right) it's excellent for Tourny battles. Teet, could you recommend other maps that excel in connectivity, and have good vertical play as I especailly like this kind of arena.
Another factor, regarding hardcore players, don't they normally gravitate toward duelling in smaller arenas with fewer players and mainly mono a mono (Tourny), whereas levels like AA might be more suited to fights with large groups of gladiators.
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not entered
#88 16 Jun 2000
Elvis, I heard other people complaining about missing textures, although I had no problems. Could it be that Lloyd used textures the 'Threewave CTF pack' (otainabble from here - type in 'wave' at search feature or alternatively you may require his first map as well Omnipresent Eye, only suggestions, I don't know.
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#87 16 Jun 2000
wow what a great map..
a big download like this shouldnt have missing textures..should it? i know it shouldnt.
fuck im pissed .
i give it a 8/10
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#86 15 Jun 2000
dear teet
if it wasn't for players (fodder) like myself who occasionally lower ones guard to appreciate a mappers hard work, then players like yourself would need an alternative source for such
humongous numeric representation of a manhood.
May I suggest the latest "Hard-core" mod that increases every frag by a factor of eleven (that's one louder than ten for all those who already have everything turned up to max) this would enable you to protrude into Quake Arena land with a phallic structure of mesmeric proportion, hell, you may even hoodwink some dozy heifer into relieving some of that testicular pressure you must be building up. I don't know about hurt but that continual throbbing would surely get a bloke down.
people put in a lot of time around here, (maybe even you, I don't know.) anyway, it's time you turned up your reseloution and rested your trigger hand a little, there are some lovely places to visit and all home made. take it easy before you get R.S.I. mind you, you probably already suffer from that condition in one way or another.
no hard feelings r d r r
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#85 15 Jun 2000
Captain (Horatio) Chaos: You're very right. I'm giving this level a 10 today to offset my 0, making my rating 5. That seems fair I think.
I consider myself a "hardcore" player, although I don't play using the visual settings that fatal1ty and the like do. I play with r_fastsky 1, so one main "feature" of this level is worthless. It's a decent looking level, I'll give it that much. But the textures used are nothing really special. The architecture of the level, the use of rooftops is decent.
This level is just not fluid like maps are supposed to be. Play any of ztn's maps, Coitus Interruptus, or levels like q3dm13 and q3tourney4. These are well done levels. They are fluid, you can navigate the map quickly without annoyances, plenty of areas where rocket-jumping is beneficial, and weapon placement/selection is good.
Ancient Archipelago is not a good level to play at, and it's barely a good level to look at.
0/10 10/10 = 5/10
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Mr. Death
#84 15 Jun 2000
I loved this level it was exellently layed out and the textures were amazingly perfect, one thing though, when I downloaded it off of cdrom.com the sky was missing and it looked like crap without it so i'm going to re download it to see what happens.
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The Fuhrer
#83 15 Jun 2000
I'm sorry, and I mean that.
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The Fuhrer
#82 15 Jun 2000
Apologizes to anyone I insulted, I was only joking around. Probably was a poor idea after all, the Poland joke was dumb and I realized this afterwards, but surely the Vontrap comment was humorous. Meant as a joke. Although I would like to see someone construct the level I suggested, would be atmospheric
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Captain (Horatio) Chaos
#81 15 Jun 2000
Teet, also, what about giving some constructive criticism to the author as to what makes for good gameplay, so as to help him develop.
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Captain (Horatio) Chaos
#80 15 Jun 2000
Teet, by giving this map a score of zero don't you think you are doing an injustice to Lloyd, who must have spent quite a while constructing this map. The score you give to a map should have nothing to do with your opinion of us, but solely reflect what you think of the level. Surely this level doesn't deserve a zero, didn't you like the inclusion of rooftop combat, that was innovative - well isn't used that often. The visual appearance of an arena must have some bearing in whether it is considered a quality level or not, would you be content to battle in badly textured, poorly lit ugly surroundings? Why do Id spend so much time developing graphics engines and perfecting textures if they don't matter at all to the Quake community. I agree with you that gameplay is paramount, but is this level really only worth a zero, please reconsider.
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#79 15 Jun 2000
teet? 'bout right.
it plays just fine with 4-6 peeps on a lan. Bot's ain't too clever, but that's Q3 bots innit..
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#78 14 Jun 2000
dear hooter,
The quote "I need to feel like I'm really there. I like realism above gameplay." proves exactly what "(o Y o)" was trying to say. You idiots are all about visuals, you don't play Quake. I'm giving this map 0/10, just to offset you morons.
sorry if it hurts.
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-AK47- (Andy K)
#77 14 Jun 2000
I reckon this is one of the most gorgeous, atmospheric maps I have ever seen, anyone else agree when I say that in places it reminds me of a few Unreal / UT maps??
anyway.. drooool.. this is one of those maps you can just zip round on your own looking at all those tasty details... the only reason I didn't give it a 10 is cos all that detail slowed me down in places, guess a GeForce 2 will sort that tho :) CLASS MAP!!
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#76 14 Jun 2000
Hooter, I sorta agree on the Mickey Mouse Magic Kingdom thing (it's a DAMN GOOD LOOKING M.K.), but imagine the same map, with Nazi Flags hanging from windows, and SS dudes walking the battlements. THAT's what I want to see in Wolf3D. Oh, I forgot the Rotweilers !!!
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#75 14 Jun 2000
TIME'S RUNNING OUT; the Vontraps are now in rehearsal!
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#74 14 Jun 2000
Hey hey it's ye old rave again...:)
Isn't wolfenstein in the hands of activision...so I read on planetquake...they wuz gonna to work together with id on "return to wolfenstein".
Btw OyO I play quake a lot, and when I say quake I mean quake 1 to quake arena and many many many add-ons. This level is good. 5/10? Hmm sure you aren't colorblind lol.. no really this level doesn't deserve a 5. A nine is solid. :) Ah but that is just my humble opinion. And afcourse of many others :b
Btw there are many good german quake maps. Many of you surely played zerstörer and penumbra of domination (classic quake)..
and so on. :) and that quake arena map q3mexx? Damn nice!!
rarely seen such nicly done lighting job and believe me I've seen many levels...too many i'm affraid. Sometimes I'm affraid waking up and discovering I have changed into a level ...HAAAAARH
:) anyway go and play quake!
quake quake quake quake quake quake quake your booty
ps redneck rampage was a rampage..:(
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#73 14 Jun 2000
dear oYo
this level is wasted on you.
log off and go play yer Game Boy.
this map is the best to date-
I mean, single source daylight such like
Whitemeat was the step forward before this one.
I need to feel like I'm really there. I like realism above gameplay.
also, the layout of the fortress is realistic it feels like it has been added to over time, different architects over decades.
other castle designs have been way too U.S.A!! and it shows.
No surprise that Lloyd Morris is .co.uk
game play is wasted when all there is to offer screams Mickey Mouseland.
sorry if that hurts.
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The Fuhrer
#72 14 Jun 2000
I also vould like for someone to create za German Castle level, this is not a request, but an ultimatum to you designers outz there. If a masterplan for the Chateau is not forthcoming, I vill be forced to invade Poland and release my deadliest weapon upon ze world - the dreaded Vontrap family, who will give endless renditions in venues right across the globe, and via television, radio, etc. Ha, ha,ha,haaaaaaaaa!
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#71 14 Jun 2000
Wow, what a fantastic map! It's nice and big for large games, and the visuals are amazing!
This is probably one of the nicest maps to date.
Awesome job!
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not entered
#70 14 Jun 2000
If someone decides to do a CTF map in a WW2 Bavarian Castle setting, you could link the two bases by Cable Cars overlooking two huge prepipices separated by a bottomless gorge. The ability to include moving platforms in Q3 would permit the development of Cable Cars. If anyone builds what I've suggested, then enable players to ride inside or on top of the Cable Cars. Might make for an interesting CTF arena; what do you guys think?
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#69 14 Jun 2000
My feelings are with Death2Uall and Sehlio on this one. Very pretty; excellent demo stuff; but it would be interesting to see a smaller level from the same author. With a Geforce SDR and P333 I'm down to about 18 fps on this and the gameplay isn't so great to draw me back that often.
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#68 14 Jun 2000
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#67 13 Jun 2000
i gave it 10 points.
theres not much i can say more about it...im speechless.
thank you
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin
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(o Y o)
#66 13 Jun 2000
A nine??? After 58 votes you people have come up with an average of 9?? Tell me that's wrong! Bah, you people don't play Quake,
you play Eyecandyland. 5/10 (yes it looks decent--not great, but the level layout and gameplay is absolute shit)
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#65 13 Jun 2000
OK, I'm the one who booboo'ed !!! Than, you were right. It is the people formerly from Xatrix who will be doing Wolf3d. And yes, they should hire Lloyd for some rad Bavarian settings. And yes it would be cool to dismember the shit out of Adolf; SPLAT! There goes a bratwurst !!!
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#64 13 Jun 2000
Apology accepted, Than !!! Ok, Xatrix or Raven, I gotta go check my PC Gamer archives !!!
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not entered
#63 13 Jun 2000
Yeah, but wouldn't 'Wolfenstein' be cool if Raven's gore, dismemberment feature was included.
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#62 13 Jun 2000
sorry, I used the wrong name in the last post. I forgot that was the name field and not the message subject field (not on lvl). My apologies to Redfive for my stupidity.
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#61 13 Jun 2000
FYI it's actually a group formed from the remains of Xatrix entertainment (Kingpin, Q2 mission pack 1, Redneck Rampage (I think)) taht are making the new Wolf3d game. I can't remember their name though but I'm sure you could find their name mentioned somewhere.
Flame and embarrass me if I am wrong (and you can prove it :)
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not entered
#60 13 Jun 2000
I heard Xatrix, now known as Gray Matter are making 'Wolfenstein', check out preveiw at Dailyradar.com.
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#59 13 Jun 2000
well it is certainly original looking (outside areas mainly) but I don't think the appearance is that exciting. I haven't given it a play yet (so I haven't voted of course) over lan but it doesn't look like my type of map as there don't seem to be that many items about, there are lots of railguns (my pet hate weapon because I suck with it :) and not a great deal else. Give me some good, fun formula/atrium/classic style maps any day.
Oh yeah, I agree, the eye shoooting rockets sucks flaming hairy penis.
Still, it's an alright map but not the sort of thing that turns me on.
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#58 13 Jun 2000
FYI, Raven Software, the people behind the way cool but much overlooked Heretic II, are the ones making Return to Wolfenstein 3D.
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not entered
#57 13 Jun 2000
Thanks alot for the info, blah, blah.
By the way, Lloyd's alpine panorama sure would make an ideal background for a Q3 German castle level, hope somone decides to built one and call it 'Where Eagles dare'.
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#56 13 Jun 2000
id wasn't making wolfenstein in the first place, some other company is, I forget who, using the q3 engine. id's making doom3 or 2k or whatever the hell they call it
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not entered
#55 13 Jun 2000
Or is it doomed.
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not entered
#54 13 Jun 2000
Does anyone know if Id is still going to make 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein', as I was looking forward to it.
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#53 13 Jun 2000
I can't help myself they should lock me up :)
What is everyone talking about doom3 for? It already excists!!!
Remember like final doom? :)
Yeah technically it says final....nitpickers....but it's the third episode..
SO i guess we should be expecting doom4 now..
man this better be a good doom game. It must contain mirrors! I love them in games! :)
for example in duke nukem and unreal...
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captain ta race
#52 13 Jun 2000
This is the kind of map i've been waiting for a long !
Very fun to go on rooftops, nice landscape that's changes
from gothic like style...
This map is perfect for week ends lan party with 6 to 8 players. One thing that is important : the vertical gameplay is here et some q3mapers seems to forgot it...
I got a surprise for q3 players, but I fight with 3D Studio Max to get the result I hope for....
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#51 13 Jun 2000
Wow, what a great map. The most realistic setting and one of the most fantastic I've dscovered yet. Although the wide open spaces on top are too huge! Anyway 9/10
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#50 13 Jun 2000
Beautiful level, on my GeF ddr I flaked out to appreciate the scenery.
Rooftop fighting is fun, BUT
- the eyeball is, as someone else offered, just plain goofy. Did the little brother add that in?
- I think you need more weapons. On lan play with 4 we did a lot of wandering about and all eventually gravitated to the rails on the roofs. some shotguns, grenade launchers, and another rl would be good down below.
Overall, superb.
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#49 13 Jun 2000
Well, i've yet to download it, but those screenshots have most certainly wetted my appetite! Just hope the Framerate holds out......
Brisk - www.quake3tweaks.cjb.net
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#48 13 Jun 2000
A work of art for sure but i didnt like the gameplay at all. To much running down halls or sniping from the roof. Its a magnificent looking level, the blue/white marble textures looked great but it was just to big for my tastes. I to would love to see a small tourney map by the author.
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#47 13 Jun 2000
I agree with Haccess. It's an awesome "looking" level but the gameplay isn't all that. I grew bored of it pretty quickly. It's at 9.1 right now which is higher than it should be (in my opinion anyway).
Some criticisms.
The room with all the ramps running every which way was totally out of place. The architecture of the map is entirely believable until you get to that room. Kinda blows the illusion that you're in a real place.
The eye that shoots rockets also stands out and detracts from the map. It's in a beautiful section, then you look up and see this goofy eyeball shooting rockets at you. The gothic torches didn't fit the decor either.
The gameplay is focused on only a very small portion of the map. Mainly the rooftops and the courtyard with the goofy eyeball. It would probably a lot better against a shitload of humans but, odds are I'll never find a full server running it online. Playing it against only two people is boring and playing against all bots is too predictable.
Frame rate nose dives pretty badly at a certain point on the roof. I'm not sure exactly how to describe the location. It's near one of the three railguns that's up there.
I was really impressed when I first downloaded it but the first impresion has worn off now. It's certainly impressive to run around in and look at but it feels more like an empty single player map than a deathmatch level. Still, all that eye candy and, for the most part at least, very good frame rates is a feat in itself. In other words, "d00d has sum sk33lz". :)
Score : 7
Make us a small to medium sized tourney map Lloyd. It would be real interesting to see what you come up with. ;)
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#46 12 Jun 2000
If anyone is looking for a place to play this sweet ass map I have it playing at:
LowGun'z Custom Maps
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#45 12 Jun 2000
Hmm.. I agree that it's a nice map, but I think it's highly overrated. It does have some great visuals but the gameplay is pretty minimal. Fighting on the rooftop is fun, a few other nice areas, but all in all it's not really a map focused on gameplay. I really would like to see what Lloyd could do on a single-player map, for DOOM 3 perhaps? (id, higher this guy)
Very "pretty", nice word... 7/10
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#44 12 Jun 2000
I like Not Entered's idea of the half buried statue of liberty from planet of the apes.Somebody make some ape bot skins quick! LLoyd can surely make any type of level he wants..Atlantis or Egyptian and it would be da bomb. Jonny B I'm with you on how long it will be on my HD.I for one did not think Omnipresent Eye was playable at all and it was deleted. This man has it down now, that is certain.
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#43 12 Jun 2000
Wow. Totally awesome level! Lloyd, you are a genius. Plays even better than "The Omnipresent Eye"! Keep up the great, original, brilliant themes!
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Captain (Horatio) Chaos
#42 12 Jun 2000
Not trying that RaVe; I get scared standing on tip toes.
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#41 12 Jun 2000
Tnx sir-frags-a-lot :)
Btway..captain horatio..not for vertigo sufferers? hehe
ever tried looking down in a large doom map using doom legacy(or glide doom) now that would make those faint-of heart turn white...:)))))
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Jonny B
#40 12 Jun 2000
WOW!!!! What can i say? I love it!! This guy knows his shit. I was up all night playing it, it is beautiful. I reckon ID should employ this guy without hesitation! Best map i've played for a long time and it will stay on my hard drive until i need a new one!! 10/10
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#39 12 Jun 2000
AHahahahahahhah, hahahahahahah
haaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahah...two thumbs fresh!!! haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahah
man thats funny, you rock Tommy Singh
oh yea, the maps pretty good too
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#38 12 Jun 2000
Atlantis? I'd like to see an egyptian map, created by Mr Morris!
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not entered
#37 12 Jun 2000
Lloyd, for your next project why not create an arena set in the mythical continent of Atlantis, with some crumbling structures, etc. You could include the 'Pillars of Hercules' at the entrance, or a statue like the 'Collossus of Rhodes' or something similar to the half buried 'Statue of Liberty' from the 'Planet of the Apes' movie.
Alternatively, you could design an arena set in a futuristic setting similar to the Bladerunner film, as I'd like to see what you could come up with.
You sure have talent.
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#36 12 Jun 2000
First things first: This map is great, download it now! But there are a few things that could make it even better.
For one, when I originally was exploring the map and saw the large rooftop area, I thought "Oh know, that is going to kill botplay, they will never go there." I was sure as hell wrong; they spent too much time there. Dunno what caused that, but...kinda screwed gameplay.
The regen didn't hurt play, but it didn't add anything either. And the eye shooting rockets? They eye was out of place enough in this beautiful castle/mansion, but having it shoot rockets? Please =)
Few more things: Weapon placement was mostly good, but in the room with all the ramps and a rg, sg, and pg, the pg was off to the side and there wasn't any other way out. In this kind of map (open roof combat) it wasn't worth the trip. I loved the bouncepad to the roof rg.
Last but not least, both the statue courtyard and the rooftops with a mountain view were just pure beauty. I got a shitload of screenies just of the scenery....me thinks Dutch said it right: "This is playable art".
From the Omnipresent Eye to this? Well then the next one will have us dehydrated from drooling so much =)
Happy Fraggin! Octovus
(Hell, its a ten) =)
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#35 12 Jun 2000
what a beautiful map. first thing i thought upon checking this level out was that it was too big, but was i wrong. 3-4 peeps is all it takes to make this a fun dm. sniping has never been this fun, inside you have big cathedrals, and outside you have the rooftops. not too much health around so the regen's and mega health are very important power ups. grab a rail and get busy!
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#34 12 Jun 2000
LAN play is incredibly fun and diverse; most other maps seem small and inadequate after playing this one.
It's a keeper.
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Captain (Horatio) Chaos
#33 12 Jun 2000
Also, thanks a lot Tigger-On and Mandog for all your hardwork in creating and maintaining this superb site. I agree with Mimi, that it is the best Map site on the net.
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Captain (Horatio) Chaos
#32 12 Jun 2000
Not for vertigo sufferers!
The architecture is well done and quite impressive, but I bet Lloyd had a sore neck after painting all those ornate ceilings. The alpine backdrop also added significantly to the overall grandeur of the map, and made walking on the rooftops feel even more precarious. The overall appearance of the map is excellent, and I especially liked the custom bounce pad leading to the rail gun, you should have included more of these pads (maybe with a bronze outer rim). The only faults were that the marble pillars were hexagonal instead of round and that the same wall stone was used throughtout. Might have been nice to see a small fountain in one of the courtyards.
As regards gameplay; the bots seemed to like this arena, and fighting them on the rooftops was brilliant fun. The inclusion of rooftop combat was a pure stroke of genius on your part, and I would recommend that you include it in future projects.
For some reason I felt uneasy while playing this map - it seemed as if someone was constantly watching me.
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#31 12 Jun 2000
-- Ancient Archipelago is the Q3 Arena showcase for map-makers & level-designers to study and to model their maps after
-- Wow! It’s so cool! Big & beautiful! Fun to play! Good frame rate! Good flow! Bots love the map! Our group loves the map!
-- It gets 2 thumbs up & 2 toes up from all of us. This map is The Super 10 Map.
-- Thank You, Mr. Lloyd Morris for a wonderful level map
-- Thanks to Mr. Tigger-oN for your hard work. LvL is the best Maps & Level web site on the net.
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#30 12 Jun 2000
well this is a verry large map,so even 7 bots didn't give me the frag fest I hoped for.
yet the bots did play well,and never grooped in only one spot.
this map has more eye candy then manny,yet frame rates were always high.if you have a slow CPU and/or video card,grab this map.
weppon placement is great,so is armor.
I would like more health,but alot of ppl might not.
Had a lot of fun with this map,so it will stay on my harddrive.
a shout out to snickelfritz for the .pdf file
I give it a 9.
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#29 12 Jun 2000
Best map in a long time!
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#28 12 Jun 2000
well i still got a p2 450 with gforce and still i get 80 fps with almost every single option on..it rox..
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not entered
#27 11 Jun 2000
Alright, I've played it a bit now.
Score: 8
It's good but it isn't THAT good.
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#26 11 Jun 2000
Well, RedFive, I have the PIII-700, the 196MB of ram, the GeForce DDR, and a pitiful monitor, but it's still great.
Omniprescent Eye was totally unplayable. You couldn't look away from the floor.. I don't exactly know why, though. Even the simplest stretch of hallways would slug things.
I prefer this map much MUCH better.
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#25 11 Jun 2000
Now I know why I want the PIII-800, the 256mb of ram, The GeForce2 and the 21 inch screen !!! This map is just unbelievably well done. Even if it's on the Huge side... Am I complaining? I gotta get my jaw off the floor. Tig, if you ever make a section called "Absolute Great Maps of History", This one deserves a special place all its own. What else can I say, DOWNLOAD THIS MAP RFN !!!!!!!!!
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#24 11 Jun 2000
A 10 for sure
amazing map :)
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#23 11 Jun 2000
You know the eye is gay...it's the only thing I don't like about the map as it seems out of place.This is playable art. It is as simple as that!
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#22 11 Jun 2000
holy crap, this map is beautiful! not like omnipresent eye though, because this one plays well. amazing. (10)
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not entered
#21 11 Jun 2000
DiCkdeth is.. oops, allow me to restart.
SiCdeth is gay...
What is your problem? you sound like you envy this guy. Dont you think you are taking this guys work a little too much to heart?....Wazza matter? there there now. Sploob.
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#20 11 Jun 2000
You owe it to yourself to download this one :).
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#19 11 Jun 2000
The framerate is suprisingly good on this map. I figured that it would be unplayable like his last map, but I sure was wrong. Great job on this one. 9/10
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#18 11 Jun 2000
the eye is gay...
i like the map its kinda cool, but overrated cuz he has a shitload of custom textures and its a really big map. sure there are good things about it, but its not awesome. and just because he threw in a .pdf file to look at doesnt mean he deserves extra credit.
the ability to walk on the roof didnt please me to much. but dont get me wrong this map is cool just not as great as its made out to be.
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#17 11 Jun 2000
The most impressive thing about this map to me is that the frame rate is actually pretty decent throughout the whole map. I only found one spot so far where it really dives which is a huge improvement over this guys last map. Good lighting, nice architecture and nice texturing.
Gonna go play it some more before I score it.
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not entered
#16 11 Jun 2000
omg the rooftops area kicks @$$
this map would make an awesome all-rail map if some the indoors areas were left off
9 --- love the eye
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#15 11 Jun 2000
This map is sooooo much better than his Omnipresent eye map. This has great gameplay and the achitechture...wow.The bots play well and like to kill on the rooftops as much as me. Go LLoyd!! An easy 9.
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#14 11 Jun 2000
This map is fun to play and it looks very nice, kinda reminds me of an old unreal map. Needs at least like 6-7 ppl to pl"y right". I give it a 9 tho
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Sir Frags A Lot
#13 11 Jun 2000
Rave to record demo's type in the console screen /g_syncronousclients 1 and push enter
/record "what you want it to be" and push enter
and at the end type /stoprecord
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#12 11 Jun 2000
on the roofs is sooooo much fun... this maps is gonna stay for a longggg time on my hd..
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#11 11 Jun 2000
I am really anxious to play this map. It looks fantastic, i love what i see in the pic solid constructions, and i guess playing it will be a blast. ANd the idea of walking on the rooftops is ...YEAH BABY YEAH! :)
oh yeah one more silly question;
how to record a demo in quake arena. I'm used to recording in quake 1 and 2. qarena can't be that different..in one way it is i know.
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#10 11 Jun 2000
Pretty good map.. Although I think it does need at least 6 players to have any action without everyone having every gun and full armor. It looks like it could be great for a RA3 pickup map..
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Sir Frags A Lot
#9 11 Jun 2000
Does anybody now where on the internet this is being played at what time
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Johnny Law
#8 11 Jun 2000
The indoor areas are not that exciting. Grab some weapons (including but not limited to the rail) and head for the roofs. That's usually where the most action is, and it's always where the most fun is... great view too.
Thumbs up on this one just for the rooftop combat.
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#7 11 Jun 2000
A monastery. It looks: WOW! Botplay is fine. Don't know, what it is to you. To me it is a must-have. Very playable with 3 or 4 opponents... if you're not bound to the slaugtherhouse kind of gameplay. For something as unique, tasteful, botfriendly like this map is at the same time, I'm giving a 10!
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Nando il Bello
#6 11 Jun 2000
is a few large ..but it is so beautyfull to the eyes..for the second time Lloyd made a very good work..i am waiting for the next..
my vote is 9
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Tommy Singh
#5 11 Jun 2000
I giving this map 9 because it is TWO THUMBS FRESH!
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#4 11 Jun 2000
Man I need a Quake3 PARTITION !!!!
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#3 11 Jun 2000
A bit big for my liking but delightfully made. 7/10.
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Sir Frags A Lot
#2 11 Jun 2000
d/l it now
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Sir Frags A Lot
#1 11 Jun 2000
It's big and it's fantastic a 9
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