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Sherlock Holmes
#38 28 Jun 2000
Speedjack may also have a dark shadow looming over him - I wonder?
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#37 28 Jun 2000
Excellent map... I really prefered this over 'bloodrun' type maps. One of the best 2-4 player gothic themed maps around.
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#36 23 Jun 2000
Prophet, the map I suggested you check out has one obvious fault, being, the corridors indoors are too narrow, whereas the dimensions you used are just right.
Looking forward to your next map; I hope you intend to construct another, as you have potential.
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Capt (Horatio) Chaos
#35 23 Jun 2000
Mr Dark Shadow, your level is nicely constructed, possesses a good layout, has above average connectivity, and is textured quite well.
Though the level was lacking in one respect - not enough vertical gameplay, and so battles weren't sufficiently stimulating to keep me coming back again. I suggest you check out 'Lost Forever'(QIC) by Kodiak which perfectly illustrates my point. This level mentioned, has lots of vertical gameplay, and the ability to rocket jump up to numerous platforms can make for exciting strategic matches. The level also has the best connectivity I've seen to date in any map - when standing on the highest platform that has the RA, you can see 8 different entrances.
Your map is good, but doesn't promote real exciting combat.
I previously gave it a score of 8
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#34 15 Jun 2000
cool map .
i think i played a beta of it before, it kicked ass then and is probobly better now:)
didnt play this version yet:)
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Captain (Horatio) Chaos
#33 14 Jun 2000
Prophet, thanks for spending the time and effort to create this level, the same goes to all you mappers who contribute to the Quake community, regardless of whether your maps are good or bad.
Will make further comments about this map later.
Score 8
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#32 14 Jun 2000
Muchos gracias senor Prophet !!!
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#31 14 Jun 2000
OK. Right now I am uploading a package to my server that contains a new tourney version, as well as the DM Version. Everything should be all right. The package weighs 2.44 Mb. A bit tough. Everybody who desn't like it can also download the old version still.
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#30 13 Jun 2000
Yeah not a bad map.connected
sometimes a tad to small.
But I don't complain.
Hehe I do have one advantage over most of you with the lag problems..
I don't play on the net often.
DUnno why; bots are fun also.
Nitemare bots are kinda psycho's on steroïds..wickeddddd
:-) If you're system can't handle the lag, then it's simple right? Work work work work damn u!!! and then buy a heavier...you know..uhm...buy stuff hehe to make it a heavier system as simple as that..
:))))) yeah in the old days I had to walk a mile through the snow just to frag someone hehe
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#29 13 Jun 2000
1:Control your AGP-driver by opening Q3A's config-file with notepad.
2:Take your pills.
3:Open your machine. Sing a song about honey and milk. and,
4: while doing that (singing a song about honey & milk) cover the damned graphicsboard with ice-cream.
- DON'T STOP singing before everything is finished;
- Don't even think 'bout Vanilla!
Act according to this instructions; -everything will be alright. I swear! I tested the (described) method several times, and I got my tongue badly burned, but I'm a much better gameplayer since then. By the way.
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#28 13 Jun 2000
I had the laggy P3-600. The card is AGP only and I'm only running 1024x768. I can run bigger maps (such as Ancient Archipelago) with less lag. FSAA is definitely not on. Definitely no serious technical issues. I posted because this is the only thing I've seen run poorly so far, and was wondering if anybody else had the same problems. You know how the id engines aren't fond of those wide-open-spaces...
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not entered
#27 13 Jun 2000
Please, make something new.
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#26 13 Jun 2000
The URL to my site is in the readme.
If you ditched it, it is still included in the pk3
But in case: www.boneprophet.de
This is my first Q3A map. the other ones are Q2
OK. I'll make a tourney map. It should be on the page by sometime next week
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#25 13 Jun 2000
Make sure, an AGP-driver is installed!
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#24 13 Jun 2000
Maybe some people accdentally use 'Fullscreen Antialiasing'?
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#23 12 Jun 2000
Not entered (the one with the P3-600): This map is laggy on your machine ?!?! Are you trying to play in at 1280x1024? Either that is your problem or your 'puter has serious technical issues.
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#22 12 Jun 2000
Been playing this on my server for quite a while, about time it gets reviewed. Get a few players on this map and it rocks! Nice gameplay, good weapon placement, great map! I personally don't have a problem with the powerups, I think they add depth to the game. Email me the url to your site so I can review/possible run your other maps.
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#21 12 Jun 2000
nice map.
flowed real goooood
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not entered
#20 12 Jun 2000
It looked good, but it was seriously laggy on my box, which isn't exactly a slacker (P3 600 @ 744MHz, 128MB, Elsa X)... even me vs 1 bot... anybody else see the constant lags? This is the first laggy map I've seen, actually, out of about ten or fifteen DLs i'm running right now.
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#19 12 Jun 2000
Prophet: By all means, make a tourney version. Most hardcore tourney fanatics really despise powerups for 1 on 1.
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#18 12 Jun 2000
D/L it at the moment. Have to see if theres any custom textures in it.
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#17 12 Jun 2000
Post scriptum: I like that horned smiley. Map could be a few percent darker.
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#16 12 Jun 2000
Hi! Prophet! The run for the powerups -who'll be the one to catch them... brings suspense. But I would prefer a version without powerups, too.
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#15 12 Jun 2000
Yes, by all means do it.
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#14 12 Jun 2000
Well, If you guys want me to, I'll compile a seperate tourney version withouth Quad/haste, but with megahealth on top of there instead. I'd have it for D/l on my homepage. But I won't do it, unless you confirm that wish.
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#13 12 Jun 2000
I played this for quite a bit but got tired of it eventually. One tends to go round in a circle: LG-RL-PG-LG.
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#12 11 Jun 2000
Who cares if its gothic if it looks as good as this? I thought that some of the architechture was awesome and the texturing was fine. I didnt like the how red it got in the rl room but the jump pad to the pg looked cool. I would have to jump on the bandwagon on the powerup issue though. Ill probably keep this one for its 3 player ffa action for a bit. 7 for me...
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#11 11 Jun 2000
This map plays really well. Nice layout and the weapon placement is pretty much spot on. I really HATE powerups in tourney maps though. I guess you could get around that with the OSP mod so it's not a total loss.
I don't mind powerups in FFA maps by the way. This maps size tells you that it's mainly intended as a tourney map however so the powerups are a bad idea.
The megahealth up where the powerups are would have been a much, MUCH better choice.
I'm giving it a 7 but I would have given it a 9 (it plays THAT good) if the powerups weren't there.
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(o Y o)
#10 11 Jun 2000
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#9 11 Jun 2000
This level though well done just does not do it for me. I think I'm getting spoiled.
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not entered
#8 11 Jun 2000
Too bad about the powerups.
Quad + tourney = bad
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Wiebo de Wit
#7 11 Jun 2000
Nice level, too bad about the re-used parts of q3dm1. That ofcourse brings the score down =]
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modems still suck
#6 11 Jun 2000
waintg? heheh, oops. :)
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modems suck
#5 11 Jun 2000
Who cares if it's gothic as long as the gameplay is there? Man, I've seen a few good maps get lower scores than they deserve around here just because they're gothic (and vice versa). :p
I haven't played this one yet so I can't say anything about it. Just waintg on the download and thought I'd comment.
1.2KB/s. Way to go gamespy...
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#4 11 Jun 2000
This level has good construction, good item placement, and great balance. The action picks up a little too much in the Lightning room, but overall, this a well done level.
Btw, I don't care if this level is gothic.
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#3 11 Jun 2000
Good for duels against bots. An offer.
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#2 11 Jun 2000
Exactly the type of map I prefer. Small enough for plenty of action, yet big enough to maneuver without hitting every corner of the map. This map just screams TOURNAMENT !!! Can't wait to play this one online. An 8, 'cuz Gothic has been done to death, but I'll take this one !!!
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#1 11 Jun 2000
I quite like the look of this one... Nice layout, good for about 4pl FFA I'm saying. People do need to learn, however, that Gothic maps are earing thin.
Good map, but let's have something new, eh?
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