Quatrix by M. Kupfer
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Quaker from 1996 unregistered
#48   25 Jul 2016
Thanks for making this!

This map is part of my childhood

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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#47   05 Jan 2012
Your a great city map creator :).
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#46   21 Jun 2011
Also about the map, liked it all except that when I go into spectator mode, I cannot budge the camera! Anyone know whats wrong?
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SW12 unregistered
#45   16 Jan 2011
Amazing how it takes 9 months to get a response. O_O
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Pasquake Rep. 100
#44   15 Jan 2011
@SW12: cause you don't like his map? xD
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SW12 unregistered
#43   31 May 2010
Now why on Earth would I want to shoot YOUR logo??!!!
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SKYPuNiSCH unregistered
#42   01 Dec 2009
Cool map! Michael, please, give me your e-mail address;)
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S_Paul unregistered
#41   08 Jul 2009
very nice, thank you/
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RotaryFist.cz Rep. 74
#40   08 May 2009
If you really want to enjoy this map, get the matrix quake 3 mod and play it! Really awesome then :)
Edited: 08 May 2009 AEST
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Acro unregistered
#39   22 May 2008
Wow, this is a pretty sweet map.
Would have been totally better if you put all Q3 weapons in the white room.
And a load of powerups.
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Ricardo unregistered
#38   18 Oct 2004
Is very good
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Dony unregistered
#37   17 Oct 2004
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AxeL364 unregistered
#36   26 Mar 2004
Cool map ! You can crash yourself in the tube ;-)
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Hybr@ unregistered
#35   13 Feb 2004
I like the "white room"!:-)
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Macik unregistered
#34   18 Jul 2003
The map is good, although some parts look too small. It's nice to see a piece of real-world map as Q3 lacks these in general.
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Nitebeat unregistered
#33   04 Apr 2003
Got this map when it was released, eh.. it's not bad.

Liked fighting on the rooftops, telephone booth teleporter,eh.. inside was a bit boring.

Bfg was kind of redundant...

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master_of_puppets unregistered
#32   30 Jan 2003
Great map. I've always thought that all Q3 needed to make it perfect were some outdoor maps; I can only run around in neo-gothic dungeons for so long.
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Felix Morgner unregistered
#31   28 Jun 2002
That is is really funny map! :-)
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ProtomansRevenge unregistered
#30   18 Mar 2002
I was very impressed young man(maybe?) great work!
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SPARDA legendary knight unregistered
#29   19 Feb 2002
es un mapa de puta madre pero los edificios son muy pequeños

y el bfg es dificil de alcanzar

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dodty dodt unregistered
#28   07 Apr 2001
i love this map and the other maps you made!!!!
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Woody unregistered
#27   24 Feb 2001
De puta madre
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gorilla unregistered
#26   22 Jan 2001
I've had it for a long, long time and have played many games on it. I still think it rules. The layout's strong and has so many distinct environments, yet the connectivity still rocks.

Awesome work.

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Redhotwheels unregistered
#25   28 Jul 2000
Nice attempt, but the buildings need to be bigger. I felt like a giant running through the staircases and elevators. The choper should be a little bigger too, as it is extremely difficult to jump in.

I would recommend putting a larger variety of weapons in the armory. After all, you can get whatever you want in the matrix, right?

Pelase work on this. It has potential to be an 11/10 map. I have to give it a 7 right now though...

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GorillaGok unregistered
#24   13 Jul 2000
I've had this map for about two months now and it's still my favorite Q3A map. Awesome, awesome, awesome for LAN play. Always another surprise. A must have.
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ifgjjakkr unregistered
#23   24 Jun 2000
YES, mimi is strange.
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aoiustfgb unregistered
#22   22 Jun 2000
HOLY SHIT, I peed myself when I played this map, the whole phone thing WAS FUCKING AWESOME, I would of never thought of going into the ACTUAL MATRIX CONSTRUCT! Beautiful smooth bot play and very well designed, I liked how it was close to the movie as possible ((I should know Ive seen Matrix 17 times)) GREAT JOB, Ima be playing this level forever and ever and ever....
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Hellbringer-VTX unregistered
#21   21 Jun 2000
PS: mimi is strange.
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Hellbringer-VTX unregistered
#20   21 Jun 2000
this is the best city map i've ever played, one helluva DM. bug: if you shoot the top-left window on the chopper building viewing it from the humvy with the rocket launcher you gib, guess it's cuz the rocket splash damage goes through the window and hits the logo in the room behind it which is a trap.
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M. "Michel" Kupfer unregistered
#19   14 Jun 2000
I am very happy, thats my map not to bad....

Thanx for all the comments...

I am build a new real map....there will be ready in a

few weeks ;-)

(execuse my bad english)

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Mimi unregistered
#18   14 Jun 2000
To: Mr. Steinecke

-- A simple physical sciences equation {F = V / Lambda (frequency = velocity / wave length)} which describes a characteristic of light/sound waves in our world. Based on those God given waveforms, Men / Women with Talents/ Creativity/ Dedications and a lot of LOVE created Music/ Musical instruments/ Arts/ Movie/ Digital Media/ Engineering/ Medical/ Sciences instruments to help/ to server and to entertain other human being.

-- Yes, we do love / like/ appreciate a lot of those Love Creations of many artists/ musicians /engineers/ scientists…etc.

-- We’re still young therefore Love is something that all of us are willing to give / to accept with full appreciation.

-- We all ready found Morpheus. Our Morpheus are Christian God/ Buddha/ Ong-Troi/ Jewish God/ Muslim God/ Gandhi/ Mother Theresa …etc.

--- Their answer is LOVE will bring us to the “REAL WORLD”

--- LOVE & Appreciation CREATE and will lead us to GOODTHING

--- HATRESS & Bitterness DESTROY and will lead us to “NOTHING”.



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Neo unregistered
#17   13 Jun 2000
I just got it...... i think it ROCKS
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Steinecke unregistered
#16   12 Jun 2000
So much love... for nothing. You're still waiting for Morpheus, to wake you up, don't you? The same industry (movies) wich is making lots of money by destroying reality... the same industry is making the movie 'Matrix'. In an infamous way they spit on us. Welcome to the real world!
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Mimi unregistered
#15   11 Jun 2000
-- The map has good game flow, a lot of actions, a lot of Cool Matrix features and bots play very well.

-- This map is very fun map to play in both Single and Team modes off-line or online.

-- Check the LvL Mod page and get the Skirmish Arena Corven, he also has a small No Team Color (NTC) mod. You, your friends and bots could wear any type of skins when play in team mode that makes this even more fun.

-- We love this map. It’s a very COOL and must have map.

-- We love Quatrix and we love Trinity. Check this Trinity Model out for your Quatrix map.


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Trinity unregistered
#14   11 Jun 2000
I like it....hehehe

You like matrix.....you like this cool map :)

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Unknown unregistered
#13   10 Jun 2000
Didnt played it yet.HEHEHEHE
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Steinecke unregistered
#12   10 Jun 2000
There is a little difference between a movie and a map. We're not here for rating movies!
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MAX [DAMAGE] unregistered
#11   10 Jun 2000
You ever seen a skycraper Steinecke? They are actually meant to be 'blocky', this level is atmospheric and I would recommend to every Matrix fan. Nice one Kupfer, lots of nice touches. A 9 for effort and atmosphere coz someone had to do it....
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Steinecke unregistered
#10   09 Jun 2000
To 'Hot Nickels': What hardware are you using, to make this map 'simply beautiful'? Using your monitor in a special sleep-mode? A graphicsboard, made of wood? A resulution of 50 X 25?
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RiO unregistered
#9   09 Jun 2000
Sorry man... it ain't that bad, but ye have to be selective when yer hard drive is that small .. :>
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Hot Nickels unregistered
#8   09 Jun 2000
This map is simply beautiful. I've had it for two weks now and still cannot get enough. A must download for all Q3 and/or Matrix peeps.
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Imp unregistered
#7   08 Jun 2000
Sluggy Freelance rules! See the Quatrix in action at sluggy.com/d/000123.html
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KGB agent unregistered
#6   08 Jun 2000
This map has been out for quite a while I downloaded it a few months ago Im suprised that lvl has just now put it up.
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Dutch unregistered
#5   08 Jun 2000
I like this map. For a city map the gameplay is very good. Much better than that Chronic map that had nice models but icky music and even worse...lousy gameplay.
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Xel unregistered
#4   08 Jun 2000
RiO your always so cynical, chill out abit, have a good time. After all you only Live once...Unless your Neo!
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SMKnight unregistered
#3   08 Jun 2000
This map is awesome. Great with bots or humans. Based on a great movie and recreated with cool style!

If you don't like it... What's your problem?

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RiO unregistered
#2   08 Jun 2000
Good Idea. Could have been better executed.
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Steinecke unregistered
#1   08 Jun 2000
Pretty blocky. When I was a child, I was building 'Lego'-structures -much more beautiful than the ones this map contains.
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