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I dunno if it's just me, but when i play this map on tourney, there are A LOT of missing textures, for some strange reason. Help?
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I am currently unable to play on other maps because I like this one so much. It's routine now, I do the same thing every time:
- Choose this map
- Choose Doom, Wrack, and Major
- Waste the day away
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Yeah i checked them out. Yup she is Bohemian and well the maps are just plain awesome. Yes im a brilliant mapper and yes i have won a mapping contest but i can never reach skill as Rota.
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Yes, also check Rota's maps, they're amazing, too...
From map levelshots I've seen that Rota is from Bohemia - the Czech flag is on levelshot image...
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Its one of the best maps :).
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Wow, more than 3 months is the map here... And is downloaded also today. Download it tommorrows...
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Really like this map. Running it on my OA FFA Server. Gave it an 8.5/10. I try and run good custom maps: bwood.servegame.com:27960
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8.5/10, it is an excellent map for tourney, should be look upon for competition!
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I gave it 8/10, the missing wind ambient sound has counted down beautiful.
It's a bit pity, that map's missing wind sound. To outside passages wind can fit perfectly.
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An freezy wind ambient sound should be included in map. That's pity, because there are passages feel outdoors, where is more cold, than indoors and freezy wind can fit these passages.
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The fan by the MH is a nice idea to help get people at that end out of there quickly, adds a bit of flavor to it. Without it, though, it`d just be another duel map I think - there are a lot of those.
Also, StormShadow really likes to make snowy-themed maps. I especially enjoy his map "Cold War" on Quake Live, it had a very advanced, complicated layout that put your reflexes and senses to the test.
Good job Storm!
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#2 20 Aug 2011
Stormshadow does nice work. Has a map or two on QLive.
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We have had maps like this one. I just wish one of these Arctic themed maps would take place in fields of snow in Greenland, rather than a maze of corridors on some frozen industry of some sort.
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