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I don't think I'll ever stop seeing the wonderful association the bases on this map give me —
Main Excavation area from
Doom 3's level
Caverns - Area 2: Artifact Excavation. A stone descent to stone buildings and stairs, director's spotlights and rocky mountains. Even the radiator down in the pit reminds me of D3's lights generator. I would certainly get rid of the sound effects' constancy or at least move them to the music section so they can be turned off without completely turning off all SFX.
Anyway, I appreciate the reference to Cambodian Angkor Wat 🇰🇭, it's always nice when architectural monuments are mentioned and given attention! The palm trees and hanging bridge are well performed and contribute to the tropical atmosphere very well. The last part, however, I could not say about the ads.
The map manages to present all the basic weapons and major items, despite the level not being too large. Speaking of level size, I'd make the map a little bigger, but it's certainly playable in this release.
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I kinda agree with leilei about this being a bit too cramped. it would have been great if it was scaled up just a little. maybe lighten up some of the corridors with torches and move the railgun away from the flag. loved the ambient sounds and the lights gave the whole level a feel like it was the set for a King Kong movie. Would love to know if maverick servers ever ended up using this in their rotation.
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I really tried to like this level, but it turns out it's too gray and cramped. There's a lot of confusion regarding the gameplay as the bases aren't so obviously presented; you'd have to scan for the sparse colored banner here and there in the darkness to check.
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Loving the map dONKEY. You are a born mapper and plz keep making lots of work we all love it! 10/10
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love it, i would have removed the ads personally... as for performance, its time to upgrade ppl. 9.5/10
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#11 28 Aug 2011
I don' know if this helps, but in my system (GeForce 250, 2GB Ram, Core2Duo 2.95GHz), with a baseq3 folder full of maps (about 200) and with com_hunkmegs set to 200 i did not see any problem. I downloaded the map yesterday, unziped it, pasted it into the baseq3 folder and it run like a charm the first time i played it.
Bots do get the Red Armor and do make good frags (not me, my team bots :-) ).
9/10 for the very good job (i didn't like the advertisements too).
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#10 23 Aug 2011
This map works really fine with my computer. Anyway, it's a bit dark. 9/10
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Woooah okay you really tried to improve the performance. I would easily give at least an 8 on 10 for this map for the visual quality and the layout, but I'll put 7 instead for the performance issue. Also BTW dONKEY, I really appreciate the mapping tutorials you did on your website, it helped me a lot with my Q3 map that I am working on.
Edited: 22 Aug 2011 AEST
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#8 22 Aug 2011
Yes, performance is an issue. R_speeds get into the seriously silly reaches (like over 100000) if all the doors are open.
In the end I decided I went so far down the style over anything else route, it no longer mattered.
All the doors are areaportaled, I have hinted the hell out of the map and _blocksize iirc was set at 256.
About 90% of the geometry is actually models, with with caulk hull behind. The total number of visible brushes might be less than 500 in all.
I had to make a second map and use -fixaas to get any kind of bot play at all, as even the comlex clipping I had to do to make my meshes appear solid killed off bspc.exe completely.
I'm aware performance detracts from the level, but I really did try everything I could :)
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#7 22 Aug 2011
Very nice map, the layout is excellent, sound effects and textures really add to the jungle mood, I love that. Biggest issue so far with it is the performance of the map itself. It tends to lag a lot, so I guess that it could be a rtris issue with it. have you caulked your map to help for the performance also? I would like to try it even more but the performance issue is a show stopper for it.
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Hmm. This map causes in outside complexes some lags. I have pretty much more pk3's in baseq3 folder, so I must start cleaning, already I can clean without losing some maps ;)
It's named repacking and some programs can repack this pk3's into one onely.
Edited: 21 Aug 2011 AEST
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A gorgeous level, although a little bit too small for my tastes. My only complaint are those advertisements, they kill the whole feeling and atmosphere. I guess this map was dONKEY's entry for a map comp and those were the sponsors.
The map works fine on my old P4 computer, my com_hunkmegs are set on 128 and my system runs on 1 Gb RAM and a GeForce 6200, I don't know if that helps. My baseq3 folder was pretty clean, I mean right now I've got a few maps in there and none of them too big or too complex or too loaded with custom shaders and textures; sometimes I have to clean up the folder to try new maps. I'll have to check out the console, but I think the q3 engine reads everything on the baseq3 folder everytime a single map is loaded which could lead to problems sometimes, but I'm just guessing.
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dONKEY has done very nice map. I love complex natural maps or terrain maps with smaller filesize (huge files cause laggy at passages with most details). Also love his level made "Unfinished Map". Really great joke with radiant non-visible textures :D
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With my com_hunkMegs setted to 200 I've played the level with some lags in flag bases and middle ground, but this is very nice map. I gave it 9.5/10. A bit huge file counts down the beautiful.
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#2 20 Aug 2011
I'm not sure why it's doing that. Under io it does that to me as well, but VQ3 works fine. So far as I am aware my config for both are exactly the same.
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It`s a shame my game boots me back to the menu when I try to load this map (and this is using com_hunkmegs 175!) because it looks absolutely beautiful.
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