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#57 04 Sep 2024
This map is a masterpiece. I cannot play Quake 3 without this.
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My friend and I play this 1v1 when we need time to catch up. It's pretty big for just two players so rounds sometimes take 30 minutes. Gives us plenty of time to talk. In a way it's a sort of relaxing, drink a beer, and hang out with your bud map. At least for us it is.
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#55 21 Aug 2020
What is the music?!?!?!
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BFG in garage behind first store (red armor area), Look for button on bookcase near window. Suggest you all try the alt fire mod for this and other games. Really adds another dimension to play. Works inin vanilla quake and openarena.
Link page here has nice explanation of mod and features.
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#53 04 Aug 2017
where is the BFG
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Thanks for pointing that out, v10 works great with the bots! I noticed the terrain leak by the chain-link fence isn't present in the v10 version, I wonder if that created any problems compiling the .aas file for v13.
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@ Sly Fox: Check the bottom of the review for a link to the bot supported version.
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Any luck creating a working .aas file? At least a partial pathing would be nice if it doesn't work in some areas. I don't know if it's of any consequence but there is a leak at the corner of the chain linked fence near the bridge (673,1885,35). Also at (333,-1008,74).
Apparently the train is a func_bobbing, a nice touch! Just found out you get on the UFO by flying up the smokestack.
UPDATE: found the button that opens the BFG door (hint: looks the same as the one inside the room.) Also the button that opens the other secret is hung!
Edited 42.9 minutes after the original posting.
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Ese Maxell como mola, se merece una olaaa!!! UUUUUeeeeeeeeeee :D
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@CZGhost: He released a map called ''School'' I think because I remember downloading that map a while back on Maxell's website.
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This is one of his maps he done for Quake 3, others are avaible on his sites. The latest map is in beta stage anyway for some years. Reason is easy: Stopped developing since he has moved to DOOM 3 mapping... Will ask him for the continued developing while he'll give me the source map and all level assets he has used... Maybe I'll add bot support (if necessary, I'll use Sock's method of re-associated AAS file)...
Good fraggin'...
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@sS Caesar Ss: As for the school map, the school map is still in BETA stage, which I didn't understand why...
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I love these kind of maps they are just so awesome. 9/10.
Edited: 12 Jul 2012 AEST
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#44 29 Jul 2011
Too much pk3 files can cause glitches are: Best time don't shown and the console shows the error of the .rec file and failed to copy the demo file (tested in DeFRaG mod)
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sS Caesar Ss
#43 03 May 2011
Thanks everyone. I should be able to play it now. Looks like fun.
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My bad!
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The official URL for '7-Zip' is in fact:
www.7-zip.org/ - while you can get 7-Zip from the other, it is not the official site.
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7z files can be opened with 7zip...
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sS Caesar Ss
#39 01 May 2011
Maxell needs to upload his "School" map. It looked very cool. Just as long as its in a Zip file and NOT a 7z file, which I have know idea how to open.
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great map. thanks
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#37 17 Oct 2010
Map: map-zastavka
Version: 1.3
Lighting Quality: Medium
Foliage Quality: High
Terrain Quality: Ultra
Debris/Weather: High
Shader Effects: High
Effects Level: Medium-High
Shader Level: High
Anti-Aliasing: None
Diffuse: 8x
Bump: 4x
Specular: 6x
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#36 07 Oct 2010
That Does explain A lot. I never truly looked into it before. I just either loaded them from console( remembering what to type by writing it down on post-it notes) or put some I wasn't playing much in a separate folder on my desktop.
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@SW12: There is a limit of about 250 maps. After you have that many 'some' will not appear in the menu but I believe you can still load them from the console (it has been a while and I can not really remember if you can or not).
A single missing " in a shader file can cause missing textures in other maps that are loader after the error.
An error in an .arena file can also cause strange things to happen.
There are many more issues that can happen. If you (or anyone else) finds a problem with a map listed on ..::LvL, post a comment on the map listing so others will know of the problems and I'll also update the review with the details.
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#34 06 Oct 2010
@Tig, what is an example of those problematic maps? I had that problem too on my computer,and couldn't find out why. At first I thought it was because there were too many maps in already.
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@Johann Ward: My total guess (assuming you have a standard set-up and everything is in the correct location) is you have a custom map which has an error in the <mapname>.arena file. The only way to fix this is move ALL custom PK3 files out of the baseq3 folder (to a temp folder) then add a few back at a time until the error returns. Then you can narrow down the problem to one of the last PK3s you added back :]
Once the bad custom map has been found - hit the delete button or fix the issue.
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Johann Ward
#32 03 Oct 2010
@Tig: Thanks for your help but one more thing.... why aren't all my maps showing up on the list?
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@Johann Ward: There are step-by-step instructions located in the F.A.Q. section of this site. From the top right of the page, try 'Site' -> 'F.A.Q.'
There are two PK3 files in the download, the 'map_zastavkamsx_v13.pk3' is a music file and is not required, the other contains all the map data. If you have followed the step-by-steps in the F.A.Q. there should be no problems and you will find the map under the FFA, Tourney or Team DM game mode menus. Alternatively you could type '\map zastavka' in the console.
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Johann Ward
#30 02 Oct 2010
so how do you make this map work because the map is in two seperate files with different names.... i entered each name in the console but still says cannot locate map_zatavaska_v13 or map_zatavaska_v13....
how do i make this map work?
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#29 09 Sep 2010
I'm just glad there is a Bot supported version of this map. Now if there was a bot supported version of Ascension to Uncertainty, then That would be simply fantastic. That map is cool. Just lacks bot support which appears to be its only real flaw....
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#28 08 Sep 2010
Tig, the Nexuiz game directory is 'data'. You can extract pk3 files in 'data' directory, when you launch Nexuiz.exe, the game will show progressing word:
Auto generating new maps...
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@lol: I'm not 100% sure why you are sharing this exciting bit of information about the workings of Nexuiz on a Q3A level review site, but thank you.
Personally, I would have thought a console error or some other message about the lack of a bot file would have been a better choice, but still that is what the Nexuiz people have decided to do.
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#26 08 Sep 2010
Tig, when you addbot in the map without bot file in Nexuiz, the bot will stay in spawnpoint.
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#24 08 Sep 2010
@Tig: You can always build .aas for "simplified" map and then attach it (fix) to the final bsp - that's the way I have bots worked for Gajapoor and East Berlin Roofs ( otherway compiling process was crashed ). AFAIK I learned it from one of the SimonOC articles.
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#23 08 Sep 2010
spirit, when the map textures is huge, ultra terrain and shadow quality, however the bot support is removed.
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We know that, we're both mappers. I just tried to explain you that technical problems may be the reason why some maps don't come with a bot file.
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#21 07 Sep 2010
Tig, when you addbot in the map without .aas file, The bot will not work or move properly on the map because the map has no bot support file(.aas).
Please note that some maps without .aas file:
Trickjump maps
Defrag maps
Maze maps
Experimental Single Player
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@lol: Yes, that is correct. And as spirit said, you make the .aas file from a complied .bsp.
If there is complex brush work in the map that has not been botclipped, or if the map has poor construction, the .aas may not work at all or will appear to work but the bots will not move about the map correctly.
Sometimes, no matter what you do, the bots will still not work well. I think for these reason, some mappers either leave the .aas file out because it is faulty or fail to include one because they want their work to be played by humans only.
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#19 07 Sep 2010
spirit, please note that only .aas file can supported bot support.
only .bsp file can support a map.
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@lol: You need to create the bot file from the bsp after you finished building the map. This doesn't always work, especially large or complex maps with lots of terrain can create problems.
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#17 05 Sep 2010
Tig, why some maps without bot support file (*.aas)?
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Maxell sent the following message along:
Some guys asked me to create Urban Terror version of mxl_school map. So with this work I’m planning also revise my older maps and create bot support (I thought that bot support isn’t so important nowadays but you changed my mind).
At the bottom of the review is a link to the bot-friendly version of this map. Lets hope the new version comes along soon :]
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Should put it back to the other version, since no one really hangs onto maps without bots. I have his 2001 version of the map and it has bots, but it's different than this one. He has that school map at his site ... it's freaking gigantor. It would be cool if he added bots to that also, but they probably wouldn't play it very well with alot of the layout. I think this map is pretty cool ... funny that he put it up here nine years later.
Edited: 19 May 2010 AEST
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#14 18 May 2010
And just how can anyone else but the author fix such a problem? I can't find anyone else on internet servers that have this map and to fool with bots in this map would be quite pleasing.
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Does the map author check out these comments? Those few flaws could be so easily fixed if he did...
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#12 24 Apr 2010
I love this map-nice atmosphere! Flaws? NO BOTS! Oh well. Otherwise-10/10
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Oh, I see. Then I guess the author skipped the bot file on the current map version (although the .arena file mentions a few custom bots).
Great map anyways. Only bad side for me is that 12 Mb out of the 20 Mb download are taken up by a music file which in my case is useless, as I've always got the music off.
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@GuitarMan: I'll check it out. The original version, which was reviewed had bot support and I assumed the updated version would have as well.
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Great map, I love it. The moving train and the ufo are nice details.
Reviewer says "Bots are supported" but I couldn't load any bots, so I checked out the .pk3 file and there's no .aas file. I've downloaded the map (v 1.3) from this site... How come we've got different versions?
Edited: 29 Mar 2010 AEST
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I remember the havoc this map caused in our LAN group at around 2002 :) Everytime I go by train around Zastavka it reminds me of this :) Just legendary!
Didnt try other Maxell's map (yet) but they look very good from the screenshots.
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#7 28 Mar 2010
I have this map in OpenArena, downloaded from CreW-Clanserver
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I feel certain, from the comments thus far, that Tig and I aren't the only ones who would enjoy having Maxell's other maps here at LvL. I give this map a 9.5/10. By the way, I can't wait to check them out so I plan on visiting his site.
Edited: 28 Mar 2010 AEST
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#5 28 Mar 2010
It looks very UrbanTerror'ish. =)
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Tig Rep. 2472
#4 27 Mar 2010
@Maxell: The download has been corrected. Sorry about that. Feel free to submit your other maps, they look nice!
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#3 26 Mar 2010
This is old version of the Zastavka map. Latest version and more maps can be found at
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I've always been interested in town/city themed maps. There never has really been any truly great maps of that kind for Q3 - possibly as the engine isn't too great with big open spaces which are necessary for such maps. Anyway, I found this map to have a certain charm to it. The bridge, stream surrounded by foliage, the factory, UFO (which is possible to jump onto ;) ) all adds that extra something to the map. The game play is also surpisingly good.
Since it's quite an old map, I'd love to see an expanded version of the map with extra attention to detail as the computers these days could take alot more than this.
Overall a great map, and one that you won't forget too quickly. 9 / 10
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#1 26 Mar 2010
Wow super scenery
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