Five Steps Ahead - Duel
Five Steps Ahead - Duel by pulchr
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Neon_Knight Rep. 324
#9   27 Feb 2014
Map already present in OpenArena 0.8.8, and I dare to say, it's by far the best map in OA history EVER.
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slo2rail unregistered
#8   27 Nov 2013
awesome map. beautiful textures. looks amazing if your replay a demo at 0.2 timescale with a good graphics card!
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#7   30 May 2012
@FistMarine: On, This map was voted top 10 Q3 Maps of 2009. It was a new release and it had 5,981 downloads :o.
Edited: 30 May 2012 AEST
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#6   05 Jan 2012
Beautiful Map! Nuff Said!
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spirit Rep. 715
#5   17 Jan 2011
This is a great map, the layout is excellent. The theme/visuals are good but not outstanding. Gameplay is what matters. 9/10
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AEon Rep. 780
#4   23 Jan 2010
Very nifty map... clever layout and fun to play (though I hate Xaero as a bot, Doom and Anarki on Hardcore are fun though). I love your pink glowing TPs... :)

The usage of the door would probably not have worked for active vis blocking, but a few more hint brushes should have further reduced the r_speeds... with them hanging around 10K this is not really such an issue though.

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pulchr Rep. 0
#3   09 Sep 2009
It was as I thought then...
  • anyway I've now registered at Q3W instead :)
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pat howard Rep. 422
#2   09 Sep 2009
No problem, pulchr, I had a lot of fun playing with friends while getting to know the map.

I'm pretty sure LM is completely dead. See this Q3W thread for more information:

Speaking of Q3W, why not make account there for showing and testing your work? (That is, if you haven't already.)

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pulchr Rep. 0
#1   09 Sep 2009
Thank you very much for your thorough testing Pat. I had a lot of fun making this map and I can't wait to make another with the duel gametype in mind.

Btw - does anyone know what happened to

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