Kamasutra by thefury
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Whatscheiser Rep. 682
#24   16 Apr 2022
This map is absolute chaos in the best way.
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#23   08 Jan 2012
Im loving the features of the map. It just looks so beautiful. Gameplay is good and i really love the skybox feature..
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Ben Rep. 40
#22   08 Jan 2010
UI Enhanced helps. Also, in the DeFrag mod, all maps appear in the tricks menu, but not in its CPM or VQ3 menus. Why is that? And WTF is DeFrag anyway? :D


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Ben Rep. 40
#21   30 Dec 2009
I have Elite Force which is based on Q3A's engine and it doesn't loose maps from its skirmish menu... how hateful. I now have IOQ3, which fixed my freeze-up problem, and CPMA, but I still loose maps. I don't really want to have a bunch of different installs of Q3... isn't there a fix?


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Ben Rep. 40
#20   29 Dec 2009
Yeah I reinstalled the maps. XD


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v1l3 Rep. 1541
#19   29 Dec 2009
Cpma won't run if you don't have it's mappack's in your baseq3 folder. Even if you think that they're crap maps...gonna have to get used to them being there. If you want to understand promode physics, like air-strafing and double jumping, that's what those maps were made for using. There are alot of other custom maps here at ..::LvL made for promode physics....I reviewed the most of them.

If you want to be able to use the physics you have to:
\callvote gameplay CPM
\callvote gameplay PMC

map cpm15 is a perfect example for using these things. There's a demo of Apheleon on cpm15 for an example. Alot of people don't like Cpma because you have to read the readme's out of the docs folder to understand it first. It's not a quick jump in mod..you have to really get into it. There's nothing other in Q3 that comes close to the options that CPMA possesses. I saw what you put in my thread over at Q3W...it takes some messing around with it.
Edited: 29 Dec 2009 AEST

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Ben Rep. 40
#18   28 Dec 2009
I removed all those crap CPM maps that ship with CPMA. Just now I tested it, without the internet running, in vanilla Q3 (CPMA has lost its ability to load maps, it seems). Der Mund map, with Anarki, full game, no freezes. This isn't comprehensive by any means, but it means there's a funny thing going on. I doubt it's a map or my comp doing it, I believe it is either A. Something to do with the internet, or B. Something to do with the CPMA mod.

On the www.quake3world.com forums I have found a discussion about my very problem, in the Quake III/Quake Live forum, called "Q3 lockups." See me there as CopperWire. I started my own thread in tech support, Q3, also.


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Tig Rep. 2472
#17   28 Dec 2009
Possible issues and starting points are, seriously faulty custom Q3A map - remove all custom maps then keep adding them back until you find the bad one - or - bad RAM, bad sectors on your hard drive, over heating CPU or power supply. Either way its a bummer and can be hard to find.
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Ben Rep. 40
#16   28 Dec 2009
Well, CPMA needs to go BYE-BYE. Every time I play a map in it, I'll be playing, and it just FREEZES. EVERYTHING, so that I have to restart my comp. I guess I'll have to just remove CPMA, unless anyone knows a fix.

UPDATE: What's this! It's not just CPMA, vanilla Q3 is doing it to!

Edited: 28 Dec 2009 AEST

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Ben Rep. 40
#15   28 Dec 2009
Hmm, how odd. Some maps that USED to appear in the vanillaEF skirmish menu now don't... how thoroughly and utterly odd. I suppose ioQuake might help, but I don't know. :(

Also, that link didn't provide detailed info on how to work CPMA. For example, how to "air strafe," how to do trick jumps, why there are wireframe grids that look like gladiators... etc.

Edited: 28 Dec 2009 AEST

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Ben Rep. 40
#14   28 Dec 2009
Thanks for the link. I didn't mean this map, I just didn't want to clutter up our site with more comments. I just mean, like, Swiss Cheese Trikster, or map-qfraggel3, ASSault etc. Many don't show up, however it's worth noting that they DO show up for me in the CPMA menu.


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cityy Rep. 433
#13   27 Dec 2009
Adding a forum would be a nice move, IMO. (:
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Tig Rep. 2472
#12   27 Dec 2009
@Ben: There is a little bit about CPMA here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CPMA - Basically, CPMA has a changed player control system and introduces a number of features that a geared more towards 'human vs human' instead of 'human vs bot'.

The map appears for me in the skirmish menu, so I'm not sure what is going on there at your end. You may want to try ioquake3 - it is a modified version of the Quake 3 engine that has a number of enhancements. One of the best features is the 'TAB completion' option. This allows you to use the console to load a map, as per the standard engine, but with only part of the file name of the map. For example, to load this map you would only need to type '\devmap puk' or '\map puk' then press the TAB key. ioquae3 can be found here: ioquake3.org/

As to the lack of a forum here ... I'm thinking about adding one - there has been a few requests for one lately so maybe it is time.

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Ben Rep. 40
#11   27 Dec 2009
Well, putting another shout in the latest CPMA map because registration on promode.org apparently doesn't work.

I downloaded CPMA but I don't see anything in it about the game physics and how to use them. The docs are all just server variables and things, there's nothing explaining what CPMA does.

Also, I hate it when maps fail to show up in the map list. Is there a universal-arena-file fix to make all maps show up right? Because the way Q3A maps are named (xx2dm3 etc.) makes it hard to remember which is which in /dir maps.

I'm sorry we don't have a forum so I didn't have to use map comments like this. :(


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v1l3 Rep. 1541
#10   17 Sep 2009
hey FoRa! Don't go scaring the Guy! hehe That's a great map, but it doesn't run at top performance on my rig. =/ My 2005 computer. =(
Edited: 18 Sep 2009 AEST
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fKd unregistered
#9   17 Sep 2009
ummm why does that make me nervous?
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Foralarx Rep. 688
#8   17 Sep 2009
@V1l3, Can you review fkd's (q3dmp11) map ... I'd like too but my system isn't up to it and I think it deserves an honest opinion such as yours.

In terms of Sum's other maps, I really like Evolution and Hot Place ... suboptimal never really caught it for me ... but with this the smooth game play is right back up there.

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v1l3 Rep. 1541
#7   16 Sep 2009
I agree with the "Final Statement", though I don't think that Sumatra is capable of making a bad map. =P I hope he keeps making Q3 maps, as it pushes other mappers to try to meet a higher status for their mapping.
Hey..sum, I would've reviewed the map, but I'm a terribly slow poke these days.. =/ Nice work man!
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Ch1ef Rep. 20
#6   16 Sep 2009
Design kinda boring... i expected more from the map called "Kamasutra" :D
Not your best map d00de, you can make much better. "Evolution" was beautiful.
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Foralarx Rep. 688
#5   13 Sep 2009
It was a pleasure sum, make another .... go on you know you want to :)
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sum unregistered
#4   12 Sep 2009
Thanks for the great review and your comments. I'm glad, q3 maps are still played by some people who appreciate my work..
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Anonymous unregistered
#3   07 Sep 2009
Excellent map! thumbs up
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headrot Rep. 178
#2   06 Sep 2009
Another great map from a great mapper - nice one!
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fKd Rep. 420
#1   06 Sep 2009
have to say i really like this one, keep em coming dude :D a solid 8.5/10
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