by Rota
Dum by Rota
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Geniraul Rep. 1866
#11   13 Nov 2024
I just realized that the mapname may not refer to Doom, but to 'dům'— the Czech for 'house'. At the end of the day, the main location on this map is a house 😉🏡
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megamind unregistered
#10   25 May 2020
I wish I had the source .map file so I could add area portals and hints to make it render better when looking in to the middle.
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Kyall Rep. 477
#9   10 Mar 2012
This is quite a good map. I like maps that have a house and backyard, filled with obstacles such as trees, tables and gardens. Inside the house was quite fun as well, with crates to sneak up on people with, and windows to snipe people from. The skybox suits the map, and the textures are pretty good too. 9/10.
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#8   08 Jan 2012
Its missing some textures but i can live with that!
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SW12 unregistered
#7   12 Apr 2010
Yo, when I was looking at the 4th screenshot at the basement, I thought that was an Air-Hocky game table. When I saw the map personally, I KNEW it wasn't. Also If you shoot the Ball on the Gazebo, Rockets fire in all directions inside. Cool.
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Ben Rep. 40
#6   24 Dec 2009
I removed all other custom maps from my baseq3, and the textures were still gone. It's a bug within this map, not outside interference.


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Cendres unregistered
#5   05 Jan 2008
This map is very funny, with an intersting theme, but many textures lack...
For the reviwer, the Railgun is located in the attice; you can reach it through a hole in the roof.
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Takkie Rep. 1868
#4   30 Jun 2006
I'm missing some textures too.
some from the mapmedia.pk3... (liquid and rain)
and a texture called texture/a/trim_odd.tga
2 sounds are missing

played the map in my 'clean' install of q3....

The map is build nicely, good lookin' textures.

Don't like the red armor near the quad, but in a map like this I guess it don't hurt that much... it's fun to rule the house for a while.

The weapon markers are sweet.

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v1l3 Rep. 1541
#3   27 Jun 2006
You have another map in your baseq3 folder that is causing the textures to not appear. Pull the other maps out first..then look at it.
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Shadowtech Rep. 0
#2   27 Jun 2006
seems to be missing several textures... the water doesn't appear and several walls on the indoor areas don't appear either. otherwise, this is a great map.
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Pasquake Rep. 110
#1   23 Jun 2006
Hem... that's for quake 3 or for MOHAA? XD :P

well textured; there is no wuake style but sounds fun to play in Q3 or in worms 3D XD

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