Mono by Mr.Lake
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FragTastic Rep. 2459
#15   06 Jul 2012
I quite enjoyed this map since it's a very large spaced map which I love. I'd have to say the Lighting wasn't the best but the Skybox looked cool. 7.5/10
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GuitarMan Rep. 518
#14   05 Dec 2010
Big and open, and clean visuals. I like this map.
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Anonymous unregistered
#13   20 Mar 2006
I enjoyed this map very much! It isn't the prettiest looking map but the gameplay was fun. I played a single player harcore team deathmatch 4 vs 4 for 30 minutes!
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Tryhard Rep. 52
#12   05 Mar 2006
Thank you!(@ Metal,@bluemonkey,@KIL)
found the demo... learned how to jump with bfg and rl -
i like this map even more now! ;)
But most of all:Thank you Mr.Lake for this fine map!

Edited: 01.Apr.2006 19:30 UTC

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KIL unregistered
#11   04 Mar 2006
to get to the BFG and back u can use rocket jump, it is easy , all u need is not to hit the ceiling, (and if u grab regeneration (which is very close) or some armor before, u will still have enough health to keep the BFG)
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bluemonkey Rep. 40
#10   04 Mar 2006
Hi Tryhard. If you look in the Demos section there should be a demo showing how to do it. You have to bfg jump off the floor then off the wall like Metal said. The video will show you how to do it. Of course there's no point ever doing it in a real game cos you'll just get slaughtered afterwards and give someone else the bfg.
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Metal Rep. 0
#9   04 Mar 2006
Interesting look with these textures. Feels like your in the George Orwell 1984 book.

Gameplay is not that bad. Like the reviewer said its easy to fall into the pits.

For the bfg i used it for the first jump then again using the sidewall. It took me a few attempts....:)

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Tryhard Rep. 52
#8   03 Mar 2006
@my last comment concerning the bfg:okok... i am sorry i know now i can drop down to the bfg but then? how can i get from this place? if someone can help me please do...
i am registered now and feeling stupid because i am not as good in figuring out maps as i would like to be ...

this map perfectly reflects my feelings when i am playing quake3 as a newbie(i know what a fool i must look like it's 2006 and not 1999 - i know)... i am feeling lost and too stupid to play it at the same time getting fragged much!!! more than i can frag.

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Tryhard unregistered
#7   03 Mar 2006
i am a noob i know... and a lil bit dump playing q3 for about half a year now and still needing advice - but: if someone could kindly tell me how to get the bfg on this map i would be really thankful because i tried to rj to it(from the point where you can see the platform moving up and down to the ya in the distance...) and landed in the void....the room is just not high enough or so...whatever...
if there will be no answers at all this is ok too because i just feel really stupid asking this at all.
btw: i think lvl is just great!
guess i should register because of watching out for final builds for about months now and having downloaded the top maps right away after i found this site. keep up the fine work!
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Mr. Lake Rep. 70
#6   03 Mar 2006
I totally wasn't concerned with gameplay when I made this. I was more concerned with experimenting with straight lines and monotone shades. It is a little bit dark, and I should have done something more extreme to contrast the "hidden pits". But honestly, if you download this map for any reason at all, it should be to just take a look around and feel like you're in a big, desolate city. That's really the only purpose of the map. Weapons were thrown in for fun, no balance. It's a failed attempt at art.
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KIL unregistered
#5   01 Mar 2006
this is very good map!
it is intended to look large, but in fact it is not
textures and lighting are perfect, nice theme
no bugs found

well done!

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v1l3 Rep. 1541
#4   01 Mar 2006
I don't think it was, but some of the crates are set up perfectly for double-jumping to reach certain spots, and they line up good. I've noticed alot of vQ3 maps that have little things that work for promode, alike the Osp Mappack maps were made like that, where they can work in either way of vQ3/promode movement.
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bluemonkey Rep. 40
#3   28 Feb 2006
Ah I'm sorry then. I didn't realise it was designed for promode (which I don't play because I don't like it) as it didn't say it in the title. My mistake.
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v1l3 Rep. 1541
#2   28 Feb 2006
If you play this map with promode enabled it will become one of your favorite team maps. Use the crates to double jump. Makes the map more connective also.
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bluemonkey Rep. 40
#1   27 Feb 2006
Personally I don't really like this map. Those wall textures are just too dark which is a shame because the other textures and skybox are quite nice. So it makes the level really confusing to navigate.

The layout it just boring, it's too big so any firefight feels the same no matter where you are on the map. Maybe I am just missing the point of it? Not too keen on the BFG but that's just personal preference.

I'd recommend a map like New Sorrow over this.

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