Burning Reminders
Burning Reminders by Mr.Lake
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sedawkgrep Rep. 721
#38   15 Aug 2024
Big map is...yeah pretty big. You can rocket jump from the jumppad up to the center pillar and then it's off to the BFG. But that's a pretty precise jump. So no quad-rocket jump required.
Never did find the medkit despite noclipping all over the map.
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6761
#37   29 Jul 2012
I've played this on high volume servers and i have to say that even with alot of players this map is so huge that you're still left looking battles. And as a result it is full of caulking and brush issues. It really should have been divided into several smaller arenas and to play in it you really have to ensure all players make a conscious decision to congregate in the same area of the map - but even then - it's a real pain in the arse when everyone is spending most of their time just getting back
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#36   10 Feb 2012
I've seen many maps exactly like this but i gotta say, Nice work you got here. Although the textures may look boring and not well done, The gameplay is actually really good. It's a good map Keep it up!.
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AEon Rep. 820
#35   21 Aug 2009
Beautiful map in "classic" textures, with many quite breathtaking areas, but really really huge. Even with 7 bots the map is totally empty. This lack of action dampens the overall positive aspects of the map IMO. Might be interesting to release a cut-down, condensed version of the map.
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me! unregistered
#34   06 Dec 2003
no doubt! 1 of the finest maps i've ever downloaded. beautifully done ! 10/10
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Mr. Lake unregistered
#33   18 Jun 2003
I did promise a "re-visited" version didn't I? (Note to self, it's never 'better late than never'.) Ok. Sometime this summer I will look into getting Burning Revisited finished. I've been looking into that problem of spawning out of the level...can't find it in the .map file, although for some mysterious reason there was a random box of RG ammo inside one of the rock walls. Anyway, needless to say these issues should be fixed in the "Revisited" release.

For those wondering what to expect here's a list:

  • Re-texturing everywhere.
  • New lighting, some "altered" geometry.
  • Slightly different weapon layout to mix things up a bit.
  • No more BFG room...sorry, but I'm interested in making this map play even faster. The BFG strategem slows things down a bit.
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ultraspank5@earthlink.ne unregistered
#32   27 May 2003
great map for single play and teamplay. This is a worth while download!
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SlingsRat unregistered
#31   09 May 2003
I respawned outside the map at one stage. Otherwise a good map.
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Mr. Lake unregistered
#30   22 Apr 2003
Just to make perfectly clear in case people have trouble...the download links for the BETA file do not work. The map is now finished and you can grab it either from Fileplanet or LDA's website.


I've also included with the map a demo, showing how to grab the BFG. I've gotten a lot of how to requests for this, so take notes because there will definately be a quiz of some sorts later. :)

Keep leaving me comments, I'll keep checking back from time to time with replies.

ROODOG: Thanks, I'm really happy you enjoy it!

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ROODOG unregistered
#29   17 Apr 2003
Just gotta say this map rocks and the beta 1.1 does as well.Get it now!
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Mr. Lake unregistered
#28   16 Apr 2003
I know some of you have been waiting for this...it's finally here...in the Beta Maps section.

Version 1.1 of Burning Reminders with a bunch of fixes, optimizations, and new stuff to check out!

View the comments page here:
lvlworld.com/beta/betacomments.php (No longer a valid link)

Download the file here:
www.lakesdigitalar...rning1-BETA.zip (No longer a valid link)

Enjoy everyone!

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Mr. Lake unregistered
#27   11 Apr 2003
Some of you will love this, others may not.

I've been working over Burning reminders for a while now, and it's kind of evolved into something...else. To be more precise, it is no linger a "reminder", its more of a "re-visiting". You know when you grow up in an old neighborhood, go away for a few years, and when you get back things are a little different?

Anyway, you may be seeing "Burning Revisited" this summer.

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Mr. Lake unregistered
#26   31 Mar 2003
Whoa...Q4 huh? Now THAT would be awesome. Thanks so much for the compliment. Unfortunately I don't have the Maya skills just yet to map for Q4 or Doom3...but I'm practicing. ;)
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[SK] BOWEL PULSE unregistered
#25   25 Mar 2003
Simply one of the best custom maps I've ever seen.

"worth a few rounds" ??????

Give it a little more credit people, I got over 350 maps and its in the top 5, Wicked Job Lake, give ravensoft a call for q4 or make us a q3 mod for ut2003, you rock man !

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Mr. Lake unregistered
#24   10 Mar 2003
[org]MateoMartinezz: I can't belive I'm the 5th most downloaded map on the site. I don't know what to say, but thank you!
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Mr. Lake unregistered
#23   06 Feb 2003
For those wanting to know what I've been up to as of late, check out teu.quakepit.com because this game is gonna rock.

I implemented new lighting in the hallways, but I'm not willing to release the map until I've thoroughly figured out why bot clipping seems to kill the the map...or the aas file anyway. Also, I have a half-finished RA3 level sitting around collecting dust. It may stay there for a long while, so if anyone is interested, feel free to drop me a line.

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oRBIT unregistered
#22   09 Jan 2003
>>>>I'd like to hear from oRBIT which areas he thought were darkest<<<<

some of the corridors from one area to the next were too dark in my opinion.

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Sarge....Australia unregistered
#21   07 Jan 2003
A real nice peice of work im going to put it in rotation !!! .Tks we need more mappers like you my freind!!!
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Mr. Lake unregistered
#20   19 Dec 2002
Well, Burning Reminders was all I had planned after my last two maps weren't very successful, and for the moment that's all I'm willing to let out. I have a ton of projects right now...topping the list is making textures for The Evil Unleashed team, working on a 3D Animated Short film, releasing a free game that my group worked a few months on, writing more texture tutorials and juggling responsibilities with my website. All of that plus working 40+ hours a week. I also have a half-completed RA3 map, and waiting on CRT to find out if he wants new maps with the latest client release he's planning. If I manage to find time in between then maybe I'll make another Q3 map, but it will have to wait. :(
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[org]MateoMartinezz unregistered
#19   19 Dec 2002
Mr.Lake - I have just read that Burning is your last map for Q3 ?? !! Hey, no kiddin', you cannot just finish like that. tell me it is a joke
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[org]MateoMartinezz unregistered
#18   19 Dec 2002
:), reagrding those mails - seems you R a little busy with your Burning map - am I right? Anyway, some of the people are really amazed with what you have done, maybe it is a high time to promote the map somewhere in the world ?
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Mr. Lake unregistered
#17   19 Dec 2002
nitin: Yes, I did. I'm still in the process of replying to a lot of people. I received 150 e-mails this past weekend in response to the map. I'll be sending a reply soon.

[org]MateoMartinezz: I'll be sure to chck it out soon!

Q-Fraggel: I think I have the bot-clipping problem solved...I'll know in another day or two...but I have to rebuild some stuff. It's just being weird.

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[org]MateoMartinezz unregistered
#16   18 Dec 2002
Next year some of the things on the site should be in english also. We do have also a custom map center, leaded by polish mappers - Requiem, RedDot and some others. Check our Beta Corner :)
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nitin unregistered
#15   18 Dec 2002
mr lake,

did you get my email?

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Mr. Lake unregistered
#14   17 Dec 2002
Wow...just a HUGE thank you from me. I really wish I knew polish now. :)

Think I'll go celebrate by watching The Two Towers tonight.

As soon as I figure out which link is for comments, I will post a big huge "thank you".

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[org]MateoMartinezz unregistered
#13   17 Dec 2002
Just for info Mr.Lake - I have posted your map at our Polish site www.q3arena.gry.wp.pl yesterday, and untill now it has reached D/L number of 120, some famous Polish quakers have been really impressed. Jump on ths site and leave a comment from you, if you will have some problems with the site ( it is in Polish) mail me trencio@hoga.pl
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Mr. Lake unregistered
#12   16 Dec 2002
I'd like to hear from oRBIT which areas he thought were darkest, because I don't want to over-bright the map...it needs some darker areas for balance. If everyone agrees that the 90' curve tunnels are bright enough, I can concentrate on the caves and archways.

Techincly I should take this map back to the beta section but since it's already released and reviewed, and the problem never came about in beta testing anyway...I'll keep it here.

I want to thank everyone again for all the incredible feedback you've given. For those who are looking for my previous works, you can find them here:

I'll do my best to make everyone very happy.

Q-Fraggel: I found a problem. The placement of the teleporter and the ammo near it with bot clipping in between because it's a diagonal angle cutting into and over the ledge of the courtyard causes the bot to run back and forth like it's stuck. It's the same when I "do not enter" the section as well. Eather I need to replace the geography of the entities or replace the diagonal walls with square ones...which I don't want to do because it keeps people further from the ledges and easier to hide...not to mention slightly more geometry.

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[org]MateoMartinezz unregistered
#11   16 Dec 2002
great map, really i am impressed, I have added it as a standard to my regular q3 maps
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[org]MateoMartinezz unregistered
#10   16 Dec 2002
great map, really i am impressed, I have added it as a standard to my regular q3 maps
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Mr. Lake unregistered
#9   13 Dec 2002
Q-Fraggel: Funny you should mention that. I had an inexplicable problem with bots running around in tiny circles on the ledge in the main courtyard. I bot clipped a little further from the wall to try and correct the problem, and the aas file went up 3MB for some reason. I tried clipping it all sorts of things like moving entities, box clipping, but it would still come to 3MB higher. So I left the bot clipping out and the file size dropped. Weird huh?
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Q-Fraggel unregistered
#8   13 Dec 2002
Mr.Lake: Just read that you plan to make an update to the map. You should consider botclipping the map heavily as your .aas file is way too big. That is one of the reasons why bots have such a big impact on performance in this map.

Overkill: Thanks! It's three maps, so if you have them, you have them all. But I will not do any other Q3 maps. Sorry.

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nitin unregistered
#7   12 Dec 2002
Wow, I hadnt seen this one before, it's an absolute stunner. I didnt think there'd be another ID gothic map that could make me go wow again but the theme is implemented extremely well here. The lava is used very well, it's not too overwhelming like in mr lycon's last map featured here. The rockwork is bloody fantastic, arguably the best I've seen in a map, great job there. Fix those small darkly lit areas, and the aesthetic would be perfect.

Layout wise, again well done. Perhaps a bit too open and RG friendly in parts but the other weapons also have their uses (except maybe PG). The map reminds me a lot of Vondur's kaos map, perhaps it's the insane vertical apsect or a similar build style. Either way, that's a plus in my book.

Looking forward to the update.

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Mr. Lake unregistered
#6   10 Dec 2002
Thank you so much for all the great comments!

I've been looking over the review, and as I did with Deftones, I'll make those minor lighting fixes and do a re-release in the not to distant future.

I'm really glad everyone seems to enjoy it, I worked on it for a little over a year and it's nice to see some poitive results come out of it. Thanks again everyone!

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krekits unregistered
#5   10 Dec 2002
Some solid piece of map you've accomplished here, Mr. Lake! Very good looking.

9 from me as I think some of the outdoor areas are a bit too large. But you get a silver star for the construction.

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OverKill unregistered
#4   10 Dec 2002
SWEET love it love the lay out nice and big, ive been haveing heeps of fun on this map nice one Mr.Lake :)

hay G-Fraggel are u makeing any new maps at the moment, as i have most if not all your maps, and i love your mapping u have made some nice maps

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Mr. Lake unregistered
#3   08 Dec 2002
Wow, thanks guys.

About that BFG room...the way to get in is via a secret shaft that runs down the center pillar in the courtyard, behind the quad-damage. To get to the top, make sure you have a ton of armor so you can do a quad-rocketjump to the top of the pillar. Then it's a quick fall down the center to BFG world. :)

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steve_again unregistered
#2   07 Dec 2002
i found this map long before the review came out and was VERY impressed with the construction and play in this large arena. i did have to hack it to get to the bfg and haven't been able to get there without using a cheat. i am very happy with this and the author has done an exceptional job. the mention of irish castle left me wondering if i was looking at the right map? (expecting green....or similar) on closer inspection...why, yes now that you mention it.....graphically a 10, playability....how good are ya?!
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Q-Fraggel unregistered
#1   07 Dec 2002
Great gameplay and very vertical!
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