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Its a cool map, although a bit hard to understand at the beginning. Aesthetics are very nice. The base is difficult to attack because there is just one main entrance area. It won't please pro players (not me) but it is still fun to play with bots.
Edited 22 seconds after the original posting.
Edited 1.82 days after the original posting.
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Definitely my fav CTF. Unique, well equipped and has an authentic gameplay. Love it!
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This might just be the best CTF map I've ever seen... Get to downloading people!
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This is a very large CTF map indeed. I love the Atmosphere it actually makes me just want to look at the scenery than just shoot the bloody bots out my way. Very impressive!. 8.5/10
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not familiar with the alternate fire mod it was designed in mind for but as an ordinary ctf it plays exceptionally well. looking glasses overlooking the teleporter rooms, teleporters that drain your health, spawn locations in the enemy base and flag bases located underground all make for a challenging game. 9/10
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#10 22 Sep 2002
I don't know what's wrong with it. The gate teleporters are constructed just like any other teleporter, but for some reason the rockets don't go through.
I'll be investigating this when I update Alternate Fire with the new Unlagged code. Hopefully I can get them teleporting through then.
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The One KEA
#9 22 Sep 2002
I love this map! haste did a good job, and with Alternate Fire it's wicked fun!
Only one niggle, though: how do you teleport rockets through the gates?
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#8 20 Sep 2002
Few maps shocked me till now, and this is one of them. Incredibly detailed, professionally projected, artistically drawed. As sonn as I tested the first beta, I knew that Haste would have been one of the stars of the new Quake3mapping generation. Thanks Haste!
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#7 13 Sep 2002
Thanks guys!
One thing about the flag room teleporter: it's the quickest way to the other side if you're in your own flag room or your own courtyard. (You don't go to the other side if you use the enemy's flag room teleporter.) It can be a quick way to get a little support to your flag carrier.
Try putting a rocket in the floor right after you pop out of it. :) If you time it right, you'll land in the upper part of the anteroom.
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#6 13 Sep 2002
fantasticly detailed map. item/health placement is top-notch..definitely a few notches above other custom ctf levels for creativity and completeness. good job Haste.
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#5 13 Sep 2002
A beautiful and detailed map with some unique ideas! Similar to TA´s Vortex Portal the only way between both parts of the map are "warp tunnel" teleporters. I don´t know if the special teleporter inside the flag room will be used very often (takes quite a time to beam you up), but it´s done very nicely.
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#4 12 Sep 2002
looks terrific, gameplay is above-average but framerates are a bit of a killer, especially with 8 players on.
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#3 12 Sep 2002
Been playing this map against bots when I saw it come out on Haste's site. Everything the reviews says is true: looks great, plays great, and the innovation crammed into the map makes for something a little tastier than vanilla. Excellent map Haste!
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#2 12 Sep 2002
Not sure how that happened but the link is fixed now.
Nice map btw!
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#1 12 Sep 2002
I fought the urge to score a 10 for myself... ;)
Anyway, it's great to get a good review on the first map. My only gripe is that the ".txt file" link is pointing to skytown's README file. :)
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