Thanks to : ID - for q3 and the required tools
GtkRadiant - for making such a wonderful map editor
Additional thanks : p[]-DunE
(testers) FH|Lan3r
* Play Information *
Game : Quake 3 Arena
Gametype : instagib CTF / all weapons CTF
BotSupport : No
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : GtkRadiant 1.2.12
Other Tools : PackerTools (for creating .pk3 files)
Known Bugs : none
Build Time : 2 weeks
Compile machine : AMD T-bird 1.4GHz with 768MB DDR RAM
Compile Time : ~15 minutes
If you liked it, mail me (**email removed**)
If you hated it, tell me how to maker it better (**email removed**)
* How to use this level *
Put map-pbox2.pk3 into your Quake III Arena\baseq3\ directory
To load this map type the following into your quake3 console: /map pbox2
Under "skirmish" in the single player menu for quake 3, a selection for
"Runaway" is in the capture the flag category.
* Where to get this map *
If you are reading this I assume you already have this map or are about to
download it... But, anyway, you can get this map (as well as other maps
by my buddies) at: **invalid URL**
* Copyright / Permissions *
- Authors may NOT change this level or use it as a base for their own levels.
- This map may be distributed in anyway you like, provided you include this
.txt files UNMODIFIED and distribute it without any sort of costs..
- CD-ROM publishers and other commercial people need my written permission before
they can distribute this level.
- All custom textures and mapobjects in this map are property of their respective