Author: Henrik"StjartMunnen"Bjork(Anomali Level Design)
Date: 2004 11 09
URL: **invalid URL**
mailadress: **email removed**
Bsp name: anodm3.bsp
Constuction time: 4 days (nights really :) ) + some item/light tweking after betatesting
Compile time: 40 min
Tools: GTKRadiant 1.4, q3map2Build ,PSP
compiling system: xp1800,512ddr,ATI Radeon 9800 pro and laptop: P4 1.7, 512 ddr, radeon9600
Gametype: FFA, TEAM
Recommended playerload: 2-8(recommended 5-6)
Botsuport: Yes
Items/Weapons: 1 RL, 1 RG, 2 SG, 1 LG, 1 PG, 1 GL, 1 RA, 1 YA, 3 armourshards,
3 health, 1 health(large), 1 health(mega), 3 health(small),
Spawns: 12
New sounds: No
New texture: Evillar and a "map-center" logo
courtesy of Astrocreep @
New models: No
Thanks to:

ID software For a great game!
Map Center (astrocreep) For a wonderful forum.Thanks to all who helped me at the forum.
Map center is by far the greateast source of inspiration to
me when it comes to mapping.(
Evillair For the texturepack.And for still supporting the q3 community.( Twistwed For the clipping problem
Ola(my co-worker) Thanks for betatesting it even though you dont jack about q3 =D .
PJW Betatesting
dONKEY Betatesting
Anwulf Betatesting
aVe Betatesting and demomaking ;)
Everyone at M-C With out the people at that forum I wouldnt be much of a mapper.


I had to work 4 nights in a row so I brought my laptop to work.40 hours later this map
was done.Me and my co-worker Ola tested it playing 1on1 LAN.It was to large for
a tourney so I made it FFA/TEAM only.

Hope you like it

Signing of

