Most downloaded
Quake 3 Arena maps of all time
Kryptonite by wviperw
Kryptonite by wviperw
5,630 total - 0.69 per day
Left Behind by cityy
Left Behind by cityy
5,630 total - 1.07 per day
House of the Rising Sun by r_speeds
House of the Rising Sun by r_speeds
5,625 total - 0.62 per day
Pure Skillz Map 1 by Hijinks
Pure Skillz Map 1 by Hijinks
5,623 total - 0.61 per day
Crewel Lye by Renegade
Crewel Lye by Renegade
5,617 total - 0.62 per day
Threewave - q3wpak3 by Various
Threewave - q3wpak3 by Various
5,607 total - 1.19 per day
The Campgrounds II CTF by sst13
The Campgrounds II CTF by sst13
5,606 total - 1.06 per day
Sunset Isle by Scourge
Sunset Isle by Scourge
5,605 total - 0.9 per day
DSI:4.7 by evillair
DSI:4.7 by evillair
5,605 total - 0.68 per day
Very bad neibors by dd SCREAM
Very bad neibors by dd SCREAM
5,604 total - 0.61 per day
Deimos2 by Shub-Niggurath
Deimos2 by Shub-Niggurath
5,597 total - 0.73 per day
Terra Incognita by MopAn
Terra Incognita by MopAn
5,597 total - 0.7 per day
Group 35 of 211