Q3A Mods and Games

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HeadHunters 3
Type: Gameplay, Mod

Described as an FFA version of Harvester. Quite popular back in the day but now known for the excellent custom textures used in numerous Q3 maps More

..::LvL download

Type: Gameplay, Mod

A mod for Quake III Arena, which introduces several cvars which allow the client/server to increase the gibbing present in the game. It also adds a cool weapon known as the GibCannon. More

..::LvL download

Generations Arena

Choose among 5 different classes based on classic id Software IPs, with different weapons, physics, HUDs, etc. for each class. One of the older Quake 3 mods to still be in active development. More

Developer site

Excessive Plus

The whole mod is based on a scripting engine which can be used to create your very own settings. It is fully customizable with tons of options. More

Developer site

Eternal Arena

Adds a host of new game types and many other ways to modify gameplay More

..::LvL download


A true single player experience. More akin to the single player games of Quake or Quake 2 than Quake 3's own single player bot matches. More

Developer site


Primarily an enhancement for online gameplay through a series of anti-lag features. Ideal for playing people over larger distances. More

Developer site


Dedicated to player movements. Aims at providing a platform for self-training, competition, online tricking, machinima making and trickjumping. More

..::LvL download

D!ABLO's map-editor RC4
Type: Editor, Mod

Edit, move, change, add or remove the entities in a map while in the game, then return to the game. No recompile needed to test the changes! More

..::LvL download

CorkScrew Mod v2.16
Type: Gameplay, Mod

An instagib mod that adjusts your game to suit instagib perfectly. More

..::LvL download

Challenge ProMode Arena (CPMA)
Type: Gameplay, Mod

A modification for Quake 3 Arena that focuses on competitive gameplay. More

Developer site

Catch the Chicken
Type: Gameplay, Mod

Grab the chicken that wanders around the arena and hold onto it for as long as possible to score points. More

..::LvL download

Group 4 of 5

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