Q3A Mods and Games

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[HQQ] High Quality Quake

You want to play Quake III in full HD? Then you're in the right place. More

Developer site

ZTM's Flexible HUD

Based on the ioquake3 mod code. The default changes are that the HUD will be aspect correct and the Quake 3 start server menu will display 8 maps instead of 4. More

Developer site

Weapons Factory Arena (WFA)

An adrenaline pumping, multi-class, capture-the-flag first person shooter mod for Quake III. More

Developer site

Urban Terror

Described as a Hollywood tactical shooter; somewhat realism based, but the motto is "fun over realism". More

Developer site

Ultra Freeze Tag

Freeze instead of Frag the opposing team. Once you have a whole team frozen at the same time, your team gets a point. More

..::LvL download

Uber Arena
Type: Gameplay, Mod

A mod that takes the standard gameplay of Quake 3 and attempts to build upon and revitalize it with new gameplay mechanics and items. More

Developer site


The popular CaptureStrike mode originates from this mod, as well as a "Classic CTF" mode that replicates the mechanics of Quake and Quake 2 CTF, One Flag CTF, and various competitive CTF features. More

Developer site

Type: Gameplay, Mod

Essentially turns Quake 3 into a side-scrolling 2.5d shooter, while maintaining most of the familiar arena FPS mechanics. More

..::LvL download

Tanks and Rogues

A server-side team-based mod involving tight, coordinated teamplay between two classes; a slow but bulky "tank" class and a weak but fast "rogue" class. More

Developer site

SpiterBot 0.52 Full

A duel bot modification for Quake III Arena. Bot have a highly advanced gameplay and unique AI kind of thing. More

..::LvL download

Smokin' Guns

Wild West meets Quake 3. More

Developer site

Slugs and Rockets
Type: Gameplay, Mod

Allows the player to set up different game types restricted to just the Railgun and/or the Rocket Launcher. More

Developer site

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