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@Colton: There is now a download link at the bottom of the review for the original, non-CPMA version.
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Tig, can you please make both the vq3 & cpma versions of this map available to download? That'd be just dandy for us vq3 users still out there.
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The scale of this q2dm1 conversion feels great but the lighting and the textures are pretty ugly. Almost too ugly.
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#28 22 Feb 2009
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#27 10 Nov 2005
Love everything about this map...the only problem (minor) is that the CPMA bot (in duel) gets stuck running in circles on the floor of the big ass stadium. Minor quibble.
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peter watson
#26 28 Aug 2005
excellent conversion. best q2dm1 for quake 3 i have seen. well done.
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#25 09 Oct 2001
I loved this map for Q2! I had been searching forever for a conversion, and then i stumble upon this little jewel. great job dude! My only complaint is with your own modifications, such as the color of the r/gun room. it should be red, and the sewer area and crate room (with the lightning gun) should be a heck of a lot darker. But other than that, great job!
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#24 18 Aug 2001
by 'every trick jump' everyone here means all the trick jumps you could do in the orriginal version of the map, most of which are flat out impossable with the default q3 physics, lol@catodm1.jpg q2dm1 wit a jump pad across the basin? rofl
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#23 23 May 2001
This map rocks and is just as fun as the original. The screenshot does not do this map justice. I especially loved the water and fog inside. I prefer this 1 over the original.
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#22 21 May 2001
ShoveL's map r00lz over any other q2dm1 convertions!!! It not even fall into comparison! It is the BEST!
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#21 21 May 2001
Errgh, not to offend charon or anything, but the scaling in charon's map made it waaaaay too easy to do all the trick jumps that required skill and/or practice in quake 2.
The textures look nice and all, but there are some things about the textures that aren't very nice at all as well.
I think it's a case of familiarity with the conversion...
Shov's map does look nice if a little bland, but quake 2 looked bland as well.
The main emphasis was on gameplay though, and I think considering the engine shov is working with, its near perfect. :)
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#20 21 May 2001
charon's does not kick ass over this
if i wanted a baby pit to play in, I'll play test_bigbox.
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#19 21 May 2001
Dear Not Entered
sincerely yours
WaSp ;-)
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#18 20 May 2001
Good work Shovel
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#17 19 May 2001
I agree about the texturing, but I now work full time as a level designer on a PS2 title and I have next to know time to commit much more to it. I have been considering a few ppl to hand the map over to but havn't made any decisions yet. I don't want it to look to colourful but I do feel it could be polished some more. Most of my work on it involved scaling and repairing a multitude of problems during its construction. Things that were more important to gameplay than looks.
thanks for the comments! :)
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not entered
#16 19 May 2001
Charon's Q2DM1 conversion kicks ass over this one..
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#15 18 May 2001
I have to agree on the textures just not really being very pretty. It's very very brown. Q2 had a limited color palette but Q3 has the flexibility of true 24 bit color.
Not to say ShoveL should hand make a whole new texture set for it but surely some textures could be picked that look a little cleaner and not so brown.
Q2dm1 really is a great Q2 level. I really miss many of the Q2 levels with the platforms, ladders, buttons, etc.
It's a shame ID removed all those goodies from Q3 because the bots just couldn't handle them.
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#14 18 May 2001
I think it is worthy to get a better texturing. I also said that in the beta discussions, but Shovel meant he was too busy to work more on the texturing...but come on, it´s not just a map, it´s q2dm1 ! :)
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Johnny Law
#13 18 May 2001
Thanks for updating to the current version Tig... everyone should be aware that ShoveL may tweak it again after the CotT tourney depending on feedback from that.
This really is a good job implementing the Edge feel and gameplay in a different game... a straight rip would not have done the job. The texturing is a bit bland and simple but it doesn't hurt your eyes.
You can get demos on this map at cached.net or challenge-tv.com.
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#12 18 May 2001
Great, but bad choice of textures! Real ugly! Why not use the textures that Charon used for his conversion? Great job, tho...
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#11 18 May 2001
The download has been updated to the CPM release version - highly suggest poeple grab this version
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#10 18 May 2001
This map rawks
I want faceoff demos
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#9 18 May 2001
This map is for cpma or OSP with promode enabled. If promode is disabled most of the jumps are imposible. With it enabled all them are posible excepting: The small elevator to grenade launcher, and ramp jumps (ramp jumps are going to be added to promode in next version).
Everyother q2 jump, and some new ones, are posible.
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#8 17 May 2001
I dont build maps,just downloaded this shovq2dm1 and found out that there was some jumps that couldn't be done wich could be done in q2.
Only thing that really sux (sorry) is that wind sounds,that dont belong in mp,not that loud anyway.
Sorry,nice map tho,did not mean to be rude or anything.
cheers /Kalvet
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#7 17 May 2001
This map is the best remake of The Edge yet!!!! Not a rip has its own feel. The morning dew was on my railgun I know it! Nice map THANK YOU I love the Edge.
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The Hubster
#6 17 May 2001
OY! Who told you to use my website!
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#5 16 May 2001
Thanks, Cached lists the first one on COTT demos..but the the new version is now available there. Very nice work!
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#4 16 May 2001
hannibal, shovq2dm1_cpm ofcourse ;)
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#3 16 May 2001
Shovel, which one are they using in the COTT tourney? I have really enjoyed playing this map too.
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#2 16 May 2001
By far the best conversion of q2dm1 I have seen.
When you play this map its hard to tell between the original ,the scale is excellent.
If we were working in the same office or for example you were sitting right behind me I would pat you on the back man ;-)
good work.
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#1 16 May 2001
Thanks Tig!
Just like anyone who's interested to know, that after releasing this map onto the CPMA community I got alot of positive feedback and there has been 2 more updates to the map since this file. The changes reflect feedback from some of the best players in CPMA and the map is still to be considered beta until after the Face-Off competition, where feedback from this event will finalise the item balancing plus there are some aditional polishing changes to texturing/geometry.
The most recent version is here:
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