Overkill! by Wiebo de Wit
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Vicarious Rep. 168
#77   28 Feb 2018
This map is a keeper for sure.
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Tig Rep. 1742
#76   14 Mar 2016
@Colton: I'm not 100% sure that map is an official version. The file name is very different to what I would have expected. Also, Wiebo de Wit never submitted to ..::LvL - there may be a reason for that too.
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Colton Rep. 369
#75   08 Mar 2016
Tig, there's also a tourney version of this map, mind putting up a link for this version of the map as well? Here's the link: ws.q3df.org/map/LRDM08/
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#74   28 Oct 2012
@X^tos: I've visited your Server before and I quite liked it. One of the players on the server was quite a troll. Camping all the time. It really did piss me off but he still lost in the end :P.
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X^tos unregistered
#73   27 Oct 2012
yup, [V]FreezE v1.16n has it in rotation for a long time;)
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Alexje60 Rep. 72
#72   21 Mar 2012
I think the author is Dutch. ;-)
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#71   06 Feb 2012
Wow! a old map with 14,000 + hits/downloads :). This shows how truly brilliant these mappers are.
Edited: 06 Feb 2012 AEST
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Digi unregistered
#70   18 Oct 2011
Good overall flowing map, although item placement is unbalanced. There are also few spawn placements that allow ( current spawn logic ) map and item domination once team is in that area. If those things were fixed, this would be one of the best maps out. 5 / 10
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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2591
#69   03 Jun 2011
Quite frankly, I dont really care for this map. Dont get me wrong, its nice to have some more open maps in contrast to the claustrophobic corridors we are used to, but I feel the vertical action of the arena isnt spread out enough. The most vertical area is the big jump pad and due to the amount of advantage you can get with your team camping this spot, games pretty much crowd around this area and the rest of the map is usually desolate, obselete even if played in CA.

It`s not a bad map, but personally, I felt it would have been much better with more focus on vertical gameplay, as a lot of areas appear to be lacking it.

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shrinker unregistered
#68   03 Jan 2011
great map
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v1l3 Rep. 1545
#67   28 Sep 2009
This is the second map that I had an obsession for way back in the beginning..right after ztn3tourney1. Wiebo ge Wit also made map cpm9 for CPMA which also kicks some ass.
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fKd Rep. 390
#66   25 Sep 2009
great for team ra
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u5ed unregistered
#65   26 Mar 2009
i love this map...its the best quake 3 map ever...plz make this a quake live map!! (:
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u5ed unregistered
#64   26 Mar 2009
plz map this map a quake live map!!
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Avenger unregistered
#63   21 Mar 2009
excellent choice, you must try :)
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Cityy unregistered
#62   13 Mar 2009
No comment...10/10!!!
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NeoNite unregistered
#61   20 Jul 2007
Pure classic. Loved playing this map, ever since its release. Instant hit. It surpassed the quality of most retail maps. Easily.
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5ouL unregistered
#60   31 May 2007
outstanding, genius ... ,o)
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Anonymous unregistered
#59   12 Apr 2006
this map is added to ip: all rail freeze of noghost. 1.16n version.
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yinyang_34 unregistered
#58   02 Sep 2003
very sweet map
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Knight Cloud unregistered
#57   02 Jul 2003
This map will be the greatest forever.
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RAY unregistered
#56   03 Nov 2002
For those who dont no to play quake music in maps without it

type musicmusic sonic1 in the console sonic 2 3 4 5 6 work aswell

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Nitebeat unregistered
#55   27 Jul 2002
Sweet map. Well connected, fast gameplay. love it. Very good when playing with the corkscrew mod :)

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Roadkill unregistered
#54   02 Jul 2002
One of my favorites! A must own!
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not entered unregistered
#53   05 Jan 2002
Great map
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wearetw unregistered
#52   24 Jun 2001
el mejor mapa

larga vida motorhead

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antimatter unregistered
#51   05 Feb 2001
An unbelievably great map, but uh...i kinda had fun using /devmap overkill and trying to see if i could rocketjump to the top of the cathedral :D Anywhere i can get a version that still has the clipping problems?
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{GDC} -Nekrataal- unregistered
#50   28 Jan 2001
Great Map ! Great Gameplay ! needs more than 6 players but is definitely fun. Take care when grabbing the rl !
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Terrabus unregistered
#49   29 Dec 2000
I've played this at a few LANs and I like it a lot!

It's great with >5<10 players.

It's great to play and looks very nice indeed.

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Timmy!!! unregistered
#48   25 Dec 2000
A damn fine map that will stay on my HD.
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SoulReaper67 unregistered
#47   19 Oct 2000
Nice friggin map.
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warmachine unregistered
#46   11 Sep 2000
its about time i gave my comments on this map, like everyone said this map is a peace of wonderfull work by the mapper its been on my hard drive for a long time anyone that tryes to take it of my hard drive i will shoot them its my all time fav map the best :):):):):):):):):):):):) also try his new map wdwteam it also very cool but overkill is still my fav thank wiebo de wit .
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twinsen unregistered
#45   25 Aug 2000
Incredible, when i tried this map alone (without bots) i spent 20 minutes watching at the arquitecture, incredible.

I haven't played with bots but I see one problem with this map, with this environment I will lose cause I won't be able to stop looking at everything.


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Zak unregistered
#44   23 Aug 2000
One of my fav maps:)
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]DR[Sozo unregistered
#43   22 Aug 2000
Best fucking map ive ever played on wiebo.... the best.
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stryker unregistered
#42   22 Aug 2000
Oppppppppps I forgot to rank the map
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stryker unregistered
#41   22 Aug 2000
excellent DM or FFA game with 2 to 6 players using the mod "Excessive Overkill" I think it's a really cool map
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RRROOOAAARRR unregistered
#40   16 Aug 2000
Mad Dog - couldn't agree more. I'm just starting off on the trail of map-making, and it's now becoming obvious to me just HOW MUCH WORK goes into the good ones. However if something really stinks, we should warn people!

PS if you like Overkill, get No Class by the same author. Most cool

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Mad Dog McQ unregistered
#39   12 Aug 2000
I wouldn't know where to even begin to create a map of my own and I strongly suspect that most of this site's visitors don't know either.

I have spent most of today downloading maps from this fab site and throughout, have been absolutely amazed at how quick people are to criticise other people's hard work.

I appreciate that this "forum" is here to "rate" maps, but surely we should show some respect when putting our thoughts into words. It's all too easy to pull someone else's work apart and is pretty galling when those same people aren't able to produce even the most basic of maps.

Anyway, none of that applies to the author of this particular map. Superb work!!

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Wiebo de Wit unregistered
#38   10 Aug 2000
Hi all,

there is a new version of Overkill available at my website www.planetquake.com/wdw

This fixes the clip problems and adds teamplay support.


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RRROOOAAARRR unregistered
#37   09 Aug 2000
If you try and don't like, seek professional help! One of the nicest maps I've ever seen, lovely to look at and also to frag on, indisputably a TEN!

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$amari unregistered
#36   06 Aug 2000
This is THE map to have if you want to play the Excessive Overkill mod. The open spaces are great for the crazy rocket jumping the mod lets you do.
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Wiebo de Wit unregistered
#35   30 Jul 2000
If people want a fix for the bugs then mail me at wiebo@planetquake.com. I can always look into it.
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not entered unregistered
#34   26 Jul 2000
bugs aside, this map rocks for ClanArena matches. no slowdowns even tho it's a huge map, and no color bias (i.e. both teams equally visible on it). all in all, a better RA3 map than most of the RA3 maps. :)
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Kapiter unregistered
#33   14 Jul 2000
superb map, a lot of fun. Unfortunately still some few bugs.
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TubeSock unregistered
#32   13 Jul 2000
would love to put this map back into rotation on our servers, but the holes in the sky (bugs), that players are exploiting, make it unplayable, unfortunately. Great map though!
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<i>Anal</i>Lube!! unregistered
#31   17 Jun 2000
good en..!
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dna|fuel unregistered
#30   31 May 2000
this is a perfect map for ca with fall damage turned off. great for rocket jumping all over the place and rail wars through doors and whatnot. 2 servers I know are running the map are: v1ru5.com and quake3.mic.ca
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krazy unregistered
#29   07 May 2000
great for osp tourney or rocket arena where you can rj around the map.
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Chris Adams unregistered
#28   27 Apr 2000
Surprisingly playable. The castle theme works for me <I loved the wide open courtyards>.

Needs at least 3 very mobile combatants to work.

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Fan unregistered
#27   26 Mar 2000
This is what i was looking for!.

As an architect i can tell that this has a great design and the rigth textures. However, the weapon placement could be better. This is probably the best q3 teammap if you just make some adjustments. If you just put the rg where the health and 2 Lg-ammo are you would have a better balance on this map. more changes can be done...but i don't have any good arguments whereelse to put them ;). Help me out here ppl.

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menace unregistered
#26   19 Mar 2000
this map is nicely made, but TOO big to be really fun, in my opinion. I do like how Q3 maps can be larger and more open and less constricted than q1 or q2 maps (the main reason I will probably not ever play those games much again), but this is just TOO big for my taste.

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5150 Joker unregistered
#25   16 Mar 2000
SWEET MAP! I don't know why ppl are obsessed w/having small closed in maps but I loved the large areas this map provides. The framerate kept up really well and w/8+ players the map was really enjoyable. Hope to see another map like this from the author! 10/10 for me!
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|xFb|-IsmiteU2 unregistered
#24   11 Mar 2000
sorry fer me not being able to spell =/ hehe
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|xFb|-IsmiteU2 unregistered
#23   11 Mar 2000
yah peeps this map prett much does own i thnik everyone should d/l it
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x-King unregistered
#22   21 Feb 2000
This is amazing!!! :)))

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Spockdemon@aol.com unregistered
#21   20 Feb 2000
I played your level Overkill and all i have to say is WOW!!!!

It is a big, beautiful level, I just had to play it without any bots just to take in the architecture. Very impressive, keep up the good work. And email me if you have any more levels for q3.

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KODIAK unregistered
#20   16 Feb 2000
Huge, well designed and runs nicely.

Well done.

Altough Im a WDW fan :) I loved your Q2 maps too especially HAMMER

And Im waiting for the next one :)

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2Tall Paul unregistered
#19   16 Feb 2000
This map rocks!!! The author did an amazing blend of speed, eye candy and vastness...have you ever played a map that had all 3 of these attributes work well together? Bravo!!!
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Sundown unregistered
#18   12 Feb 2000
Unless you've got a buttload of aggressive humans playing, you'll spend a lot of time running around to get in on the action. Not a good bot map, unless you spawn a gazillion, but overall its good lookin'.
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SVHRSH unregistered
#17   11 Feb 2000
great map, love the size. Found myself running a bit to get a weapon though.
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Wiebo de Wit unregistered
#16   11 Feb 2000
Are there servers running this map? I'd love to play on one...
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Lizardman unregistered
#15   10 Feb 2000
I play this map often with bots, as it is just too large to be any fun on the net with 8+ players. The design is good, but there was a lot of missing thought into the verticalness of this map.

There are just too many spots where you can bounce up with bouncepads, or just spawn in the area, where getting down will always cause damage. Some places cause 10-15 points of damage from the fall.

These will certainly make people think twice about venturing around. I usually end up staying around the railgun/bridge/megahealth room. The bots congregate there anyways.

It would be a 10 had Wiebo done some extra design in ensuring that this played effectively well. I hope he tends to these issues in his next map.

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ReSeTH unregistered
#14   10 Feb 2000
<dutch> Wiebo kerel, die is gewoon een zwaar vette map weetje....de grootte maakt het juist tof om lekker rond te lopen. Alsof q2dm8 zo'n klein level was (ok niet een goede vergelijking, maar speelt ook perfect)..dus ja GA ZO DOOR KERL! </dutch>

Hehe well this map ROXXXX!!! Whoohoo!

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Wiebo de Wit unregistered
#13   10 Feb 2000
Back again.=] Tigger-oN, I've been thinking about the player load and with the fast weapon respawn in Q3 in might even work. But i make no promises. so leave it as it is, no problem.
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Wiebo de Wit unregistered
#12   10 Feb 2000
It can surely handle that many players but most of them will run around with the gaunlet in hand =] oh, can i vote for my own level?? =]

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Tigger-oN unregistered
#11   10 Feb 2000
I still reckon it could handle 16 players (could be crazy). I found 5 a bit slow, 6 was good. I'll change the suggested play count if you like Wiebo.
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Kancer unregistered
#10   10 Feb 2000
Real sweet map! I thought for sure it would run like crap but once I fired it up and threw me and five other bots into the fire it ran like a dream!
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Wiebo de Wit unregistered
#9   10 Feb 2000
Thanks for the positive comments guys. I hope you all have fun playing it on a large LAN someday! Eventhough Tigger-On mentions that the player load is 6-16 I recomment 5-8 because the health, ammo and weapon load are adjusted to that.

As for Assball's comment about the GL and RL: As the GL is situated in such a perfect spam posistion, i chose to made it a bit hard to get to. running up that wall-stairs takes time and makes noise, so it's acceptable I think.

And as for Crash, try a harder skill level, she will do just fine. =]

Again, thanks and enjoy the map!

I look forward to more comments, everything (positive/negative) is appreciated if well thought out.

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d3f3nd3r unregistered
#8   09 Feb 2000
Hmm, that's odd, I had Crash in there and she did just fine. What difficulty level did you have it set on?

Anyway, my comment on this map is that it is _tight_!! Yes, there is quite a bit of space, but there are some good hallway battles as well, and the architecture, design and flow is very lovely. I think most of you think the scale is too big because you're rocket freaks! ;)

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4Fuxache unregistered
#7   09 Feb 2000
I saw one strange thing with this map, I put the bot "Crash" in and she jumped non stop from the jumppad to the RL as though she couldn't quite make it to the ledge.

But I reckon it would be a great map for large Lans

cool map:)

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punk_wocka unregistered
#6   09 Feb 2000
anybody else havin trouble downloading the map I can't get the link to work
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Twitchfactor unregistered
#5   09 Feb 2000
Great map for an EXCESSIVE game.

Since you've got SO MUCH space, all those rockets and nutty rapid-railgun fights go over well in this map.

I highly recommend it, if you like playing Excessive and want some skill with your mayham.

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Johnny unregistered
#4   09 Feb 2000
This map has some really nice aesthetic elements, but the grand scale does seem overdone a bit. The weapon placement seemed a little iffy too, but nonetheless definately worth the download.
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AssBall unregistered
#3   09 Feb 2000
This map's proportions are just big enought to get a little annoying. The rooms were so large that they ended up seeming bland and featureless. The map is built well and works just fine, I just found myself having to go some distance for a weapon. I don't really see the need of making the rocket launcher easily accessible, yet putting the plasma and grenade laucher in hard to reach places. You obviously need quite a few people playing to make the map interesting, but fear the weapons would run out in a hurry. Well built, yes, but not that fun to play.
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Pappy-R unregistered
#2   09 Feb 2000
I stand amazed...
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KILLSPY unregistered
#1   09 Feb 2000
This map ROCKS!!

I was most inpressed!

It gets a score of 10 in my book.

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