PadKitchen by ENTE
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FREQ Rep. 32
#34   06 Dec 2022
Although I play the Standalone version of World of PadMan now, Ente's Vanilla Fun maps hold a lot of fun memories for me. A few mappers have tried to replicate what was perfected by Ente. I recommend grabbing ALL of his masterpieces. Happy FRAGGIN!
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Mattias ågren unregistered
#33   13 Aug 2021
If you do a rocket jump on the potlid handle straight up there's a teleport in the kitchen fan to the BFG
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dudephat Rep. 429
#32   14 Jan 2014
Had this map a VERY long time ago, then a compooter crash wiped out all my custom maps, including Crash, Bang, Boom, or something like that (It's a larger, better version of The Bouncy Map) Now that I this map back, I can continue with the Adventures of Slash! lol.
Edited 44 seconds after the original posting.
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Whiskey 7 Rep. 21
#31   17 Aug 2013
Just joined LvL (sure I was a member years ago) after reading QL supports custom maps.

I came here for a good look about as some will know my name from Q3W.

I used to critique maps a long time ago.

I loved the 'Pad' maps and just had to run about. Still trying to get to the BFG up there and the flight rune...

I am also glad to see some familiar names here too so I give you a wave & hello :)
Edited 6.96 days after the original posting.

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99ymx Rep. 128
#30   25 May 2012
@CZghost The microwave can harm you to death. However there was a Pad-logo switch to get out. When you press it. The door opens slowly.
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CZghost Rep. 1799
#29   13 May 2012
@goodmap: I know the microwave hides a secret. I don't know, what else does...
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goodmap unregistered
#28   04 Sep 2011
What the microwave does?
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GliTcH unregistered
#27   01 Apr 2010
I love this map and computers now-adays can play openarena at full quality w/ no lag, even on this map. But how the do you get the flight and/or the BFG. I did manage to do the rocket launcher while running backwards off the light fixture and I can get the flight and in turn the BFG, but what's the "official" way?
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Bob unregistered
#26   01 Jun 2009
Where´s the BFG 10K?
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Tombot unregistered
#25   02 Mar 2004
note that ENTE is niether here nor listning to anything you have to say.
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JSA unregistered
#24   08 Jan 2004
Very nice. When you've played tonnes of Q3 anything not tech goth is welcome, and this has a lot of detail. Todays systems can handle it easy.
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Ross Hetzel unregistered
#23   07 Jul 2002
ONe of the absolute best. No work need to be done on this map. Its a snipers dream! Microwave killing machine is perfect.
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Lima_Bravo unregistered
#22   25 Apr 2001
Just had to say this is a great map, but I didn't need to tell you really, did I. (can I end a sentence in "I", I wonder?)

This style of map is really fun to play and ENTE has done me a great service, putting it all together so well here for my enjoyment.

Anyway just downloaded 'PADSHOP' ...and WOW they just get better don't they!!

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Magik unregistered
#21   17 Apr 2001 does require a beefy system to run. But lets face it..its SO sweet! Never gets under 40fps on my system. Get a machine that wasnt built before Clinton poked Monica :).

Personally i'm WAY damn tired of the "gothic crap". Nice change Ente.

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Hammer unregistered
#20   21 Feb 2001
Nice change from the goth maps...

Fun at first, but get's old quick...

Overall-Super Duper!

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Burner unregistered
#19   05 Nov 2000
Sweet Rail Map!! But I suggest a no camping MOD. Campers suck!
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Neonite unregistered
#18   03 Nov 2000
New? Some new themes in quake arena?

Hm let's see...

house maps? Nah been done :)

gothic... lol

ehm.. shi..:)

dm in a restaurant? Yall could use forks and knives as weapons!

And a bonus bot: zee waiter from helllllll!

Ok.. anymore?

Dm in an undersea laboratory, where when you walk throught the halls, you can see the sea outside, and the fishes :) and plants blabla bla and some poor souls who never made it coming in.. :B

Dm in an arctic envirment?

:) with penguins!

Dm in a nudey bar? Man why won't someone make something like that? :(

That's what really bothers me about quake arena; it's hypocrit.

Even the standard (most) bots are wussies when it comes to insults.. pf.

Ut is better when it comes to that. :b

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pu§hy unregistered
#17   31 Oct 2000
hey id#CAK-G8K-SYL-129 ... whoever u are (cause u never used ur real name/nick) it's ur system that sucks...not the maps that is in here!
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RiO unregistered
#16   29 Oct 2000
Nicely made map, but I think we've had enough of these now.

Do something new!

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Gollum unregistered
#15   25 Oct 2000
Ahh, runtfest kicks it's arse :)
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Gollum unregistered
#14   25 Oct 2000
Ahh, runtfest kicks it's arse :)
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CiNq unregistered
#13   25 Oct 2000
I really enjoyed this map, there are loads of tricks that you can learn. Frame rate is a bit poor but the gameplay makes up for it. I think the points that Fool put are correct. Hours of fun good work.


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jake unregistered
#12   25 Oct 2000
boring small it needs an absolute hog of a system it runs like shit on my 233MMX with time i hope nunuk respects the r_speeds....PLEASE!!!
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FooL unregistered
#11   23 Oct 2000
Whoops.....stupid internet hiccups.
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FooL unregistered
#10   23 Oct 2000
In my personal opinion, it does beat Runtfest. This map adds more places to duck behind for cover.

A couple of things that bother me after playing more extensivly though, are as follows:

  1. Author has a bad habit of placing ammo too close to weapon.
2)Spawn rate too fast on plasma gun. It's possible to stand over it and keep the finger on the trigger and not run out of ammo.

3)Author has a bad habit of placing a 50 health and 25 health right next to each other.

4)Health on the same ledge with rail and ammo makes too much of a camping spot.

And my final input is more of a bug report. Although I'm SURE the author is aware: When standing on the grates. i.e. the oven rack or the grate on the exhaust fan, the bots see it as a solid wall and will not return fire when you are shooting through it.

But still, like i said. Pretty nice for a gimick map. If you're looking for something like it for sure.

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FooL unregistered
#9   23 Oct 2000
In my personal opinion, it does beat Runtfest. This map adds more places to duck behind for cover.

A couple of things that bother me after playing more extensivly though, are as follows:

  1. Author has a bad habit of placing ammo too close to weapon.
2)Spawn rate too fast on plasma gun. It's possible to stand over it and keep the finger on the trigger and not run out of ammo.

3)Author has a bad habit of placing a 50 health and 25 health right next to each other.

4)Health on the same ledge with rail and ammo makes too much of a camping spot.

And my final input is more of a bug report. Although I'm SURE the author is aware: When standing on the grates. i.e. the oven rack or the grate on the exhaust fan, the bots see it as a solid wall and will not return fire when you are shooting through it.

But still, like i said. Pretty nice for a gimick map. If you're looking for something like it for sure.

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Gollum unregistered
#8   23 Oct 2000
Out of interest does it beat Runtfest?
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FooL unregistered
#7   22 Oct 2000
This is the most playable of the "little people" maps I've seen. As a matter of fact, for a "gimick" map, it's actually pretty fun to play.

Oh, and ENTE....I've found an easy way to the BFG. Do a running backwards rocket jump off of the hanging lights. I saw the other path and it was hard...this way much easier.

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Belial unregistered
#6   22 Oct 2000
Decent map, but why does this guy insist on trying to make padman the official mascot of Q3? Gotta be the dumbest action/cartoon figure ever.

Anyway, like I said, decent map, but nothing that really gets me excited at this point.

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QuakeMap unregistered
#5   22 Oct 2000
Congradulation Ente for what i call, a real challenge map.

This is exactly my style of map, real world. Specialy when the player feel small.

More people should do those kinda real world map.

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Mysterious Dr.X unregistered
#4   21 Oct 2000
I got reasonable framerates on this. Gotta praise Ente for the great map!
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veLhi unregistered
#3   21 Oct 2000
What could I say?

-- A very interesting and fun map.

It was my first encounter with a map like this and I loved it (layout, custom textures -everything).

I don't think that this king of map could be made any more playable imho, SiCdeth, Patridiot...

Keep 'em comming :)

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SiCdeth unregistered
#2   21 Oct 2000
wow, this guy just doesnt stop making bad maps does he?
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Patridiot unregistered
#1   21 Oct 2000
Wow, another map of a house with a really bad frame rate that completely disregards gameplay. Waste of time for the mapper and the downloader.
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