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It's a very good map :).
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#41 18 Apr 2010
@PaN61: Eggbom8 have this map in Quake 3 Arena on iPhone!
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#40 07 Dec 2008
Try changing yer settings, looks fine to me! great map! been playing on it online for awhile. Great site too!
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#39 24 Nov 2008
Playable but doesn't quite make it. Close though. A touch too dark in places. Bounce pads perhaps could be better placed? Maybe wider separation. If so could see this as a marvelous rocket tournament with rockets being traded in mid air bounces.
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best space map ever ! the overall look and the colour theme is absolutely amazing, even nowadays ! perfect for mid-air rocket action and instgib. 10/10
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Best space map for instagib
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not entered
#36 29 Oct 2002
No problems grabbing it here
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not entered
#35 05 Mar 2002
I'm unable to download this shit!
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Yo Man
#34 30 Apr 2001
And bery happy Frags
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Yo Man
#33 30 Apr 2001
your map its fuckin sweet
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#32 27 Apr 2001
q3dm17 feeling ... ideal for instagib matches ..
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#31 15 Oct 2000
Cool Music! Cool Map! The KING of Space Maps!!
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#30 12 Oct 2000
What more can be said about this map other than....
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#29 09 Oct 2000
Nearly better then sex... Played heaps with friends. Went OFF..!
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#28 30 Sep 2000
WOW, this is what its about. Great colors and layout. This map is in a league of its own. 10/10
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#27 18 Sep 2000
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#26 09 Sep 2000
just keep on dreaming..
.. and converting the dreams into great maps.
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#25 24 Aug 2000
visually stunning! gameplay is excellent too!
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#24 19 Aug 2000
great looking map
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#23 16 Aug 2000
Mmmmm... not quite as yummy as Kleskonian Hights, but damn close. It's the textures and lighting that really make this one, lovely jump-pads, even the music is kind of hypnotic. Load it up with Xaero, Lobo ( for comic relief ), and one other, and a good time will be had by all. Apart from the bit where you get blown to pieces, obviously. Another winner!
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#22 14 Aug 2000
I'm not a space map fan, but well worth the DL.
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#21 07 Aug 2000
Wow!!! More than excellent work.
Love the design of the jump pads. They look awesome.
Gameflow is great. Botplay is nice. You can stand at the very end of the map and just rail everybody from there with hardly any disturbance. Didn't play against humans yet but it's fun for sure.
Keep up the good work Nunuk but I'm not quite sure if you can top that one ;)
IMO it's worth a 10!!
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#20 07 Aug 2000
don't worry nameless1 i'm really not ready to stop. in fact level editing has become a drug for me. i just can't stop!!! imagining and creating entire world.
my next work will be for a mod. the map is 40% done. it is not a space map though. we'll make news in the next days, and say more about it.
however i'm not ready to stop doing space maps either. my favorite thing is to shoot guyz in the air with the rl. for that reason, i'll always love open spaces and therefore space maps.
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#19 07 Aug 2000
Nunuk has instantly become my favorite space map author with Kleskhights, and he is not going to let us down, as far as i can see :)
I give it a 10, obviously!
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#18 07 Aug 2000
snicker is definately right about the Grenade Launcher, although putting a Plasma Gun in its place is not really that necessary. Adding a Lightning clip and removing the Rail clip would really have helped out.
The level is beatiful, but item placement has a larger impact on the gameplay. This level is still really good, and it is better than Kleskonian Heights.
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#17 06 Aug 2000
Nunuk makes visually awesome maps.
But he is more interested in pure art than in gameplay that everybody will love to play.
Don't you think he would rock making a map for some popular mod ? Say, duel or RA3 ? Tell him :)
(I did told him :)
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#16 06 Aug 2000
Why doesn't anyone else make space maps like this? This is better than the id space maps.
The textures are gorgeous and even my mediocre machine runs it smoothly.
A 10
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#15 05 Aug 2000
Taking space maps to another level. Thank you nunuk!
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#14 04 Aug 2000
Yes! A great space map that's not of the boring grey variety! It looks good, plays great, and even the big sound file (thank you ADSL) is very original! A down side? My Cel400/64mb/TNT1 is showing it's age but that will be fixed soon. No, i repeat,
NO down side for this map. Here's my first 10 for a space map !!!
Oh Firestarter, p1mp some more cuz I love your mod and there's not enough servers that run it. Plus, GS Arcade doesn't support it, bugger !!!
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#13 04 Aug 2000
Yeah, i was the 666th to download this map :)
I must say that this one is much better than kleskonian hights, but almost completely unplayable in 1/1
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#12 04 Aug 2000
try this map with the custom q3 sounds from
www.mindgrid.net/quake3It will blow u away, this map rox! I love it!
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#11 03 Aug 2000
very nice map; the screenshot does it no justice.
The GL is not needed in this map and the PG would be better IMO.
Really great use of custom textures.
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#10 03 Aug 2000
i downloaded the version with the long music file and its a pretty cool song, but its not worth it if you have a slow connection. the gameplay seems like it would be ok (havent played with bots yet. i loke the custom textures alot but i think that the lone RL on that top platform doesnt belong there.
firestarter... dont you have enough pimpage for corkscrew yet :P
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Johnny Law
#9 03 Aug 2000
Re unitooldm3a: I'm pretty sure, from the date on that file, that Tig has the right version. (One of my favorites too BTW.)
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#8 03 Aug 2000
I really like this map for a fun FFA. Not much of a one on one map IMO but with 4 players it's really a blast (and I typically don't like space maps).
Score: 8 (I've had it for a few days and got plenty of play time in on already)
I'm looking forward to Tig posting Unitooldm3a soon (note to tig: there is an "a" version that fixes a vis error, your queue just says unitooldm3) so I can see what you guys think of it. It's a weird map but it plays great once you get to know the layout. Nice and vertical and actually suits tourney play really well. This map here and unitool's are probably my favorite custom space maps so far. :)
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Johnny Law
#7 03 Aug 2000
BTW -- this version also has music, just not nearly as much. It's a short loop that IMO gets annoying :-) ... would have been better to just leave it out of this "small" version, since I'd bet that people are just going to turn it off.
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#6 03 Aug 2000
hehe, p1mp:
The CorkScrew Mod
Enhancing your instagib experience
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#5 03 Aug 2000
GREAT MAP, especially for instaGIB.
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Johnny Law
#4 03 Aug 2000
It does have one of the most prominent features of "space maps", which is that you can pretty much always see everyone else in the map.
Anyway... great look, and very fun in a space-mappy sort of way :-) for FFA. Probably not a tourney map.
Props for including the LG -- the way the pads and plats are set up, you get the chance to shaftkebob someone in midair every now and then, and who doesn't like that?
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#3 03 Aug 2000
Two things: In last paragraph, I said "MH arena" supposed to be "MH area" (duh).
And nearby I said "the placement of a GL and RA", supposed to be "..of a GL and RL"
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#2 03 Aug 2000
As much as I'd like to here the music..=) Thanks for making the smaller dl the default rather than the "(There is a second version of this map which doesn't include the 10 meg music file)".
Good map! But once again, it doesn't feel like a space map. For one thing, you hardly ever end up in "the wrong place", which is normally a large aspect of space maps. I like the way Distonic works though.
As mentioned in it's review at The Big House, there is a focus on the RL, which is a little strange for a space map. But let me remind you, this isn't really a space map, it is just made to look like one..though the bouncepads do make it a little more "spacey" then Kleskonian Heights.
I also loved the bouncepad textures..or I suppose shaders..they are SO cool looking. The bots do get the RA, I don't know where you guys got that they don't from, because they were jumping around in that area a lot.
They got the RG too, or at least some of them did. Just most bots have a pref for RL over RG anyways, so you might just not have seen them using it in game =-). But no, they don't go for the MH..and I don't blame them, either. It's either a tricky rocket jump (which bots can do) or a jump down from the highest RL platform to get it (which bots can't do) so that isn't Nunuk's problem really =).
I don't agree that it would be good for tourney's, however. It looks, upon first glance, as though the RG will be easy to grab in game, but really you'll need to have a gun before you go for it or you're dead. Plus the focus of the MH and the RA near eachother (just use the back-end tele to go up to MH arena, rjump to it, then jump down and grab RA) and the placement of a gl and RA nearby makes for too much camping, even if the RG and LG lie on the other side of the map.
Great fun in a ffa tho! 9 outa ten!
L8rs! Octovus{QsRu}
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#1 03 Aug 2000
My bots do go for the RG and RA, but not the MH. I don't get excellent framerates though. Better ones than Kleskonian Heights, at least.
One of the better space platforms.
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