champion by Scorn
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Geniraul Rep. 1842
#15   04 Dec 2024
@Sprony :
Ah, I did not know any of that. Thank you for explaining it to me.

You're welcome :) Also, if you move the cursor to the Agree/Disagree button, after some short loading there is a tooltip that appears.

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Sprony Rep. 271
#14   04 Dec 2024
@Geniraul :
@Sprony : My bad. I saw I had -2 points on this post so I was experimenting with how those points work exactly. Nothing directed towards you or anyone else. Fixed it now....

Ah, I did not know any of that. Thank you for explaining it to me. Also, you didn't come across rude. I was just confused as to how it worked :)
Agree (1) or Disagree (0)
Geniraul Rep. 1842
#13   04 Dec 2024
@Sprony :
My bad. I saw I had -2 points on this post so I was experimenting with how those points work exactly. Nothing directed towards you or anyone else. Fixed it now.

No worries! I was just confused by the state of things and did not imply anything personal either. Sorry if that came across as rude.

The Agree button brings +10 reputation points, the Disagree - -2. Basically, both buttons are switches that can be (re)pressed at any time and work both ways. Thus, it is +10/-10 for pressing/unpressing the Agree, and the same but with -2/+2 for Disagree.

Maybe I was too harsh for hitting the Disagree button on that comment (as well as on the one by Leilei), as they were more of expression of emotions, rather than complaining. Fixed it too and edited my comment (#9), as the part I removed is included in the quote anyway.

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Sprony Rep. 271
#12   04 Dec 2024
@Geniraul :
@Sprony : Wait, what did I miss? I haven't done anything? I was referring to the Disagree on first my comment and to the reply to that comment where you said: Sure, you...

My bad. I saw I had -2 points on this post so I was experimenting with how those points work exactly. Nothing directed towards you or anyone else. Fixed it now.
Edited 1.6 minutes after the original posting.
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Geniraul Rep. 1842
#11   03 Dec 2024
@Sprony :
Wait, what did I miss? I haven't done anything?

I was referring to the Disagree on first my comment and to the reply to that comment where you said:

Sure, you can do that.
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Sprony Rep. 271
#10   03 Dec 2024
@Geniraul :
@Sprony Not sure how you can both agree and disagree with something at the same time. The ditch is escapable unless the player runs out of rockets, plasma and grenades, or...

Wait, what did I miss? I haven't done anything?
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Geniraul Rep. 1842
#9   03 Dec 2024
The ditch is escapable unless the player runs out of rockets, plasma and grenades, or doesn't have enough health. Although even in the latter case a rocket could make it quicker (however, in a more radical way).
Edited 5.92 hours after the original posting.
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Geniraul Rep. 1842
#8   07 Aug 2023
This ditch is the key factor among the things that make the map different from ARENA by (Sirius) for me. It's not simply the same box with obstacles, but one with a tricky zone the player needs to avoid. Although I do find it possible that CHAMPION was inspired by that map — similar stones placed inside a map with box layout, and a valuable power-up in the very center of the level.

It can also be very fun to drop a rocket or two on the head of an enemy which is already in the ditch, or to slow them down. In addition, there are some catwalks along the perimeter with several stone panels to pick-a-boo shoot from benid them.

If it still took 11 seconds to escape but there were no automatically given RL and full HP and armor, or if it was a totally inescapable pit, I would appreciate it significantly less.

I would certainly make the color palette very different from the one the given level has, but other than that I don't have too many gripes.
Edited 10.68 hours after the original posting.

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Sprony Rep. 271
#7   07 Aug 2023
You can, however, rocket jump or plasma jump out of the ditch, as all the weapons are given when the player spawns:

@Geniraul: Sure, you can do that. Doesn't make it any less annoying though.
Edited 39 seconds after the original posting.

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Gelenkbusfahrer Rep. 210
#6   05 Aug 2023
That's definitely true. Also, ratings are always rather subjective. I try to keep my ratings comparable. That means if, for example, Rustgrad receives a rating of 5, it wouldn't just be fair to give this level a 5 as well, even if it's not bad.
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Tig Rep. 2422
#5   30 Jul 2023
@Gelenkbusfahrer : Always the case with Art of any kind. Something smashed out in one session can be a success and something that is worked on for months or years even can be a failure.

The reverse is also true. There are a lot of crap levels produced in one session :)

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Gelenkbusfahrer Rep. 210
#4   29 Jul 2023
Funny how a simple box, which scorn shit out within prolly 1-2 hours, can get 5 stars.
Why even come up with an idea or plan an interresting layout and work on it for months when you can satisfy peeps with a box :)
Agree (2) or Disagree (1)
#3   29 Jul 2023
I love this map! In LAN gaming against an opponent, or alone against a bot! Full points from Germany! Use "tankjr" as a bot!
Change "scripts\champion.arena" to:
map "champion"
longname "champion by SCORN (Samuel De Cruz)"
type "ffa tourney team"
frag limit 20
bots "tankjr"
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leilei Rep. 443
#2   28 Jul 2023
a couple? it can take 11 seconds to be destroyed by the fog moat you can't get out of. cool
Agree (2) or Disagree (1)
Geniraul Rep. 1842
#1   28 Jul 2023
The room is surrounded by a hazardous ditch. If you fall in, you can’t get out and you will die within a couple of seconds.

You can, however, rocket jump or plasma jump out of the ditch, as all the weapons are given when the player spawns:

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