Reputation: 210

Bio / About
I started playing Quake with Q1 and spent most of my time playing DM Clanwars in Q2. In 2014, I founded a Quake Live Fun Server called the Bus Station. Over the years, I've explored thousands of custom Q3 maps to find the hidden gems among them. I have seen them all! The best maps have been converted for QL and online tested, and many were restored, improved, or completely rebuilt. Through this process, I gained extensive knowledge and skills in building my own maps. Astonishingly, some of my maps even made it into the regular map pool of the Bus Station. Some of my visuals even have been copied and inspired maps in Diabotical, it seems ;)

Today, the Bus Station has evolved into a vibrant Discord Community with more than 200 active members. We have over 250 installed maps, making it the ultimate destination for intense online Clan Arena matches and for map enthusiasts who love to explore beyond the usual horizons, named Camgrounds or Overkill. This invite link can get you started: discord.gg/btXW2j8uVA

Website: steamcommunity.com...op/filedetails/

Recent activity

418 days
Vote: 4.5, Pyramid of the Magician
456 days
Vote: 4.5, Dead Souls
474 days
Comment: First Rebirth
474 days
Vote: 4, Chronophagia
474 days
Vote: 3.5, Rotten soul
474 days
Comment: Silip
474 days
Comment: Fly on Rocket
More activity

Recent reputation

Comment: champion
Comment: champion
Comment: Out on a Limb
Comment: Out on a Limb
Vote: 4.5, Pyramid of the Magician
Vote: 4.5, Dead Souls
Comment: Fly on Rocket
More reputation changes
