Fly on Rocket
Fly on Rocket by TymoN
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Gelenkbusfahrer Rep. 210
#7   09 Dec 2023
Remix / Remastered version:
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Gadavre unregistered
#6   13 Feb 2023
please fix this map for bots! The bot jumps for a long time on one jumppad and dies ... maybe someone can make a higher jump in this place?
If you fix the bug. then please write in the comments. I will download this good map again.
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raspatan Rep. 4690
#5   26 Mar 2021
@Mapsking I envy your large family that plays quake!
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Mapsking Rep. 402
#4   24 Mar 2021
@Tig, I don't know, I made it when I downloaded it from the map queue, and had not looked back on it until I noticed it was in the map list now, with a review, so I had actually not tried his botfile, I just had noticed on my own it didn't have one, so I made one. I didn't even know he had made one at the time, ha ha. I just figured, since now he had made one, there was no need for me to submit it. After looking at it, I see his and mine are different sizes, but I did not test his at the time. However, I went back, in Q3, and tried both mine, and his, and the bots seemed to work correctly, but in OA (nightly build), for some reason, they got stuck, so maybe there is some weird entity that is not recognized by either Q3 or OA? IDK, this is the first time I've seen this happen.
Edited 10.08 minutes after the original posting.
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Tig Rep. 2472
#3   24 Mar 2021
@Mapsking: Was there an issue with the bot file that EmeraldTiger made and is linked to in the review? -
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Mapsking Rep. 402
#2   24 Mar 2021
We played this map with our family (six human players), and yes, the weapons are sparse, I never found myself without one very long, but hey, it still led to some interesting matches with the machine gun versus rocket launcher, lightning gun, or railgun, which were a lot of fun. I also made a botfile for this map, but had not had time to upload it yet, and there is jumppad that is not set quite right, so the bots get stuck on it, and they just barely miss the platform above, so it is a minor mapping error. It does not affect the gameplay with human players, but it might a bit against bots. It is quite humorous to spectate them, when they get stuck, either in FPS mode, or preferably, in 3rd person mode, and watch them keep jumping on it, trying to get to the next platform. Either way, my family still had a lot of fun with this map, and the only complaint anyone had was a bit of scarcity of weaponry, but still, I felt it made for an interesting challenge, and we are keeping it. I recommend this map.
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raspatan Rep. 4690
#1   14 Mar 2021
Great review EmeraldTiger. Spot on. Map is best in CA. Too few and sparse items (plus not properly placed imo) makes this unfit for anything else. Plus, its openness and use of the Z-axis, as ET mentioned, is calling for RL jumping all over. Would have been nice in RA3 mod.
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