Gloves Off
by Foo
Gloves Off by Foo
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Neon_Knight Rep. 324
#7   12 Mar 2023
Tried on OpenArena. Only one texture missing but not fault of the map per se.
There's just something special about maps made with evillair's dsi pack. They really look outstanding.
Edited 23 seconds after the original posting.
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Obsessed Rep. 658
#6   18 Nov 2022
very nice map for almost 2023! keep it up, Foo! =) I like gameplay and design both
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6415
#5   15 Nov 2022
@Sprony. thanks for that. Again, hate to be off topic here, i think i still have the pk3 for it because it was a kinda interesting map. i think the author was aiming for a teleport set up that would avert the bp and tele frags one gets off the usual bp/tele set-ups when changing height in the same atrium.
Edited 1.8 minutes after the original posting.
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Sprony Rep. 248
#4   15 Nov 2022
A bit off topic, but I would like to say to HelterSkeleton that I appreciate the response over at the Toxic Revenge review, but I couldn't reply to that since the author requested that the map be removed. Just a heads up :)
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Eraesr Rep. 390
#3   15 Nov 2022
Very well made and fun to play map. Unfortunately still no BFGs or walls made of lava in there, but the levelshot is on point! Hurrah for Foo!
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Foo Rep. 367
#2   10 Nov 2022
Thanks for the review! You can also play the level in Quake Live, with a few additional tweaks, here:
Regarding the item markers - In the original design they turned greyscale when the item was collected, and returned to colour when it respawned. I hit some technical issues with that (now solved, thanks to sst13) and ended up liking the static versions (which cast light) more.
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6415
#1   05 Nov 2022
thanks for bringing this map to LvL Sprony. I love the way the geometry has been incorporated into the level design without ever detracting from the gameplay. the location markers are neat too but can be a bit misleading when trying to sight players and you get a flash of green in the corner of your eye.
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