Reputation: 367

Bio / About
I make levels and level accessories.

Website: www.quake3world.com

Recent activity

216 days
Vote: 4, Blighted Nile
216 days
Vote: 4, Schism
245 days
Download: CMYK
306 days
Release: Fat Plonker
321 days
Forum: Every Q3 level ever
334 days
Vote: 4.5, Brass Tax
335 days
Comment: Brass Tax
More activity

Recent reputation

Vote: 4, Blighted Nile
Vote: 4, Schism
Comment: Brass Tax
Vote: 4.5, Brass Tax
Comment: Brass Tax
Comment: Mourning Palace
Comment: Temple of Amun & Temple of Amun 2v2
More reputation changes
