Contortion by GONNAKILLYA!
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^7Rikken unregistered
#26   26 Aug 2009
Great visuals + flawless game play.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned the ambient sound FX; they're probably the best I've heard in a q3 map. The map has a really unique atmosphere, great lighting, bots play really well... it's at least a 9/10.

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Ping Floyd unregistered
#25   08 Nov 2001
Excellent map. Great atmosphere and some wonderful design. The is a chance you won't like this map but DON'T pass it up.
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GONNAKILLYA! unregistered
#24   21 Aug 2001
Woah! Thanx punkwocka. I'm glad you liked it and thanks for the feedback of what you didn't like. Hopefully you'll like my next map as well.


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punkwocka unregistered
#23   16 Aug 2001
Great map. Good layout and looks awesome. My only complaints were.

  1. Takes forever to load with the textures on full detail.
  2. Too many hallways for my liking.
  3. Some areas (one in particular) got really low on the frame rate.
In case your wondering what kind of system I have Its a tibird@ 1050mhz 128mb's pc140 cas222 ram and a radeon SE 64mb vivo (heavily overclocked)

I gave it a 9

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GONNAKILLYA! unregistered
#22   23 Jul 2001
Knight Cloud, it took me six weeks and then a month of beta testing.
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Knight Cloud unregistered
#21   13 Jul 2001
How much time you make these map?
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GONNAKILLYA! unregistered
#20   27 Jun 2001
If anyone is interested in beta testing my latest, Mini Mojo, go to:

It's a Tourney/3 player DM type map.

Mini Mojo is the little brother of Bad Mojo.

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GONNAKILLYA! unregistered
#19   19 Jun 2001
Thanx for all the feedback and votes, everyone!

I'm glad someone mentioned the "SPECTATOR LOUNGE"! I'm wondering if it's overdoing things but I decided to have some fun. If you don't want to load the map with cheats on, just go into "SPECTATE MODE" and you're there.

Cheers everyone!

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GuitarMan unregistered
#18   16 Jun 2001
hhmz: take a look at the readme.txt and you'll se what's it. Or load the map with cheats ON and use "noclip" to find it.
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izeColt unregistered
#17   16 Jun 2001
Well, well... This finally got in Final builds. Congrats man!

I really donĀ“t want to ruin this piece of art with all my craptalking.

Great job indeed...

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Knight Cloud unregistered
#16   15 Jun 2001
How much time you make these map?
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hhmz unregistered
#15   15 Jun 2001
Great map, but i am a little confused. When the time is up, you get to see a part of the map with three teleporters. But i never found them. Are they in the map or is it just a great shot?
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Easy*Fragger unregistered
#14   15 Jun 2001
Now that's a big, big level; one of the best I have seen so far. I felt like walking through some polished alien tech station.

The only complaint I have is that you were a bit stingy with the railguns ...

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GONNAKILLYA! unregistered
#13   14 Jun 2001
Thanx shadowzombie. I'm glad you liked it.

I'm checking out your beta right now.

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<:shadowzombie:> unregistered
#12   13 Jun 2001
DAMN DOOD:) very nice,very nice.your layout,and texturing is great:)also i like the tube's that shoot you straight up,and the cool noise it make's. your mapping is growing nicely gonnakillya.....oh i d/l'd badmojo...hehe it doesn't kill my fps ne more,did a great job fixing it up from when it was a beta good job on both,keep up the awsome work:)


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GONNAKILLYA! unregistered
#11   13 Jun 2001
Dr.Crazy...thank you very much.

Death2Uall....yeah, I never did get around to adjusting the volume of some of the sounds. Could you email me at I would like to post your sound sets but I'm not sure if I have them all.


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Death2Uall unregistered
#10   13 Jun 2001
Hey man. Directions on how to lower the sounds were in the read me's. ;)
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Dr. Crazy unregistered
#9   13 Jun 2001
I thought this was an excellent map. I thought the way the teleporters worked was a neat idea.
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GONNAKILLYA! unregistered
#8   13 Jun 2001
Oh poop!

I just read the readme.txt and I forgot to add Sock to the list of beta testers. D'oh!

Sock if you're reading this, I apologize profusely.

For everyone's info....Sock was gracious enough to fix some sloppy brushwork in the map for me. Thanx again! :)

hannibal....thanx for your comments and I agree 100%. Some of the sounds are too loud and gameplay can get slow sometimes...oh least you liked it!!! :)


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hannibal unregistered
#7   12 Jun 2001
Well the environment is aces...but ya could back off a bit on the volume of some of the ambient sounds. Gameplay is only OK, I found myself searchin' for action a lot of the time. But a fine effort in any event.
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GONNAKILLYA! unregistered
#6   12 Jun 2001
Thanx everyone for the accolades....and special thanx to those here who took the time to beta test Contortion.

WarMachine...I have no idea what "not entered" is talking about...I don't know which site could possibly outdo what Tigger-On and Mandog have done here with ..::LVL. This site is a staple of the mapping community.

Cheers everyone and thanx for dropping by with comments and votes! :)

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pjw unregistered
#5   12 Jun 2001
Congrats GKY! Fun map and very nice looking. Keep up the good work!
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WarMachine unregistered
#4   12 Jun 2001
hi GONNAKILLYA long time no see :)cool map you got some nice work here mate great looking map plays well bots play it well, love the teleports, well done BTW is lvl being replaced as the main map review ? and who by, keep up the good work mate chears.... :) War
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not entered unregistered
#3   12 Jun 2001
Good map, damn shame that ..lvl is being replaced as the main map review site. Actually, I won't call what they do "reviews". More like, look at a picture and write 20 words about it. lol
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not entered unregistered
#2   12 Jun 2001
Good map, damn shame that ..lvl is being replaced as the main map review site. Actually, I won't call what they do "reviews". More like, look at a picture and write 20 words about it. lol
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GuitarMan unregistered
#1   12 Jun 2001
Great level! Everyone must play it!
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