Hangar by Martinus
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Megamind unregistered
#7   11 Sep 2020
Scorn is missing some Doom theme maps similar to this but makes me really nostalgic gamebanana.com/maps/211585
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#6   27 Jan 2019
@MasterBlocks: Here's some instructions if you buy the full game: lvlworld.com/howtoplay
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Tig Rep. 2432
#5   27 Jan 2019
@MasterBlocks: A full version of Quake 3 is required to play all the maps listed here on ..::LvL.
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MasterBlocks unregistered
#4   27 Jan 2019
i have the quake 3 demo
where do i put the pk3 file
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GuyNamedErick Rep. 247
#3   10 Jan 2019
Funny thing to mention, the original Doom never really had windows, just impassable lines just so players don't go outside that easily. Anyhow, nice to be able to jump over the windows and some improvements to the bot navigation! I also agree with leilei on the textures, there really is a lot of solid black in some of them, could have sworn some textures had more gray in them.
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Martinus Rep. 662
#2   04 Jan 2019
Okay, I'm working on the fixes. Thank you!

I changed the lights and removed the blockings from the windows (now you can jump through of them.)
I'm currently waiting for the download links to be updated.
Edited 2.73 hours after the original posting.

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leilei Rep. 443
#1   04 Jan 2019
The map's got a strange lighting balance compared to the original. This is darker than the original and brighter than the original at the same time, and some of the fault's on the texture's involved (that hexagon tile floor has a lot of solid black in the texture the originals didn't have, contributing to the darkness issue)

Maybe some -gamma and -compensate compiling cuold help clamp the overbrights while bringing a fuller lighting balance. Doom didn't have overbrights, but it didn't have a real lighting system either. Might help to get lighting inspiration from running Doom in an older version of Vavoom since that builds lightmaps for its quake-derived renderer.
Edited 3.03 minutes after the original posting.

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