Sector 9 "The Cytherean Outpost"
Sector 9
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6415
#6   22 Sep 2019
i'm going to play this more later but for now it is worth pointing out that there is at least one spawn location that spawns you into the wall of the structure just near the accelerator pad to the outside rl forcing you to spectate to get back into the game.
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kaustic Rep. 10
#5   10 Feb 2016
A place called Dry Tortugas was my inspiration for this map. There is an old fort on the Key.
Its called Fort Jefferson
Edited 4.43 minutes after the original posting.
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#4   15 Jan 2015
I have to say, it is a good map. I haven't had the time to play it properly but I did play it for around 5-10 mintues. As Scummy had mentioned, bots do work well and it is a shame that there is no music track but other than that, it's a pretty decent map.
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Takkie Rep. 1808
#3   14 Jan 2015
Very nice map. I really enjoy the top level. The ledges give an intetesting gameplay. Almost sort of ClanArena/RA feel. I lile it a lot!
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Scummy Rep. 104
#2   06 Dec 2014
I like it !! an enjoyable map indeed.. Bot's work well, pity no music sound track though.
but that's just me. keeping it :)
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Daser unregistered
#1   03 Dec 2014
Cool !
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