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#30 04 Sep 2017
bots fall into the lava too many times.
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@Sean: Thank you very much!
@Sergey: Большое спасибо!
@Jezz: Thanks a lot!
@ryanbrock && @Flasher: Thank you for your votes ;)
Edited 4.37 minutes after the original posting.
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#28 12 Mar 2017
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#27 05 Mar 2017
карта хороша
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#26 05 Mar 2017
Nice map.
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Wow =) That's too kind. It's not even in my top ten of user created maps xD But seriously, I really appreciate it. Thanks^^
Well yeah, I am sorry that the layout is not that Voodoo-friendly ;)
I used a lot of curves and func_ entities which resulted in a high performance cost. Plus there is a lot of walkable space around the outside area where you have a long range of view. I am honestly not familiar enough with the q3 engine to make this map run faster on lower systems :/
Only thing I could think of is a complete new map.
Thank you for your comment anyway. Feedback is always welcome.
Edited 5.53 minutes after the original posting.
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Unfortunately I cant say more, because this map keeps the all-time low-level fps record on my system with 3-6 fps in most places...
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Still one of my favourite maps to date. In fact, I'd say it's in my Top 10 user-created maps.
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@everybody: Thank you so much for 1k+ downloads! ^^
Seeing people are still into this kinda makes me wanna return to my latest map-project... =)
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@dudephat: hehe, I know it's kinda mean...
Maybe I should have been giving a clue in the map. I'm glad you like it anyway =)
Thanks for the vote^^
-and again for the review
Edited 43 seconds after the original posting.
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Ahaha! I read how to find the BFG, it was fun getting it. Good challenge, I had searched the map a crapton of times XD Now I know.
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@CZghost: Haha you're right!
Well, maybe my version of New Orleans...
like 30000BC...
Umm... dunno... well, don't do drugs...
Edited 4.92 minutes after the original posting.
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It doesn't look like New Orleans :)) But fantasy is great thing, thumb up for the great map ;)
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@CZghost: Yes, I confess =)
Since I was creating the skybox I had that song in mind.^^
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The name just reminded it to me :D That name was created in 1964 (meaning the song I linked below), maybe you has just remembered the name of the song and considered it as great name for the map, which that's just great. Don't worry, when comes to name a map, I always grab something from my memory :)
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...Oh mother tell your children
Not to do what I have done
Spend your lives in sin and misery
In the House of the Rising Sun...
Coincedece? =)
Unfortunately i didn't check that there is already a map with that name. It's not related to this release in any way - except for the name of course ;P
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Well, I have some troubles with Radiant now, so I stopped mapping for some time before it gets solved, but you can view my progress of new map in that Q3W thread:
quake3world.com/forum/viewtopic.php You can download latest version of that map (Alpha 3), which is the one that I left untouched last when moved to new Windows and CPU architecture.
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Glad you worked it out and had fun with it.
It's such a big compliment, to hear that my stuff was inspiring for you. Thank you.
I'd really like to see what you come up with =)
Thanks for the vote!
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All right, will check it out :) Nice secret also :)
//EDIT: It is really hard to get BFG and immediately get out of that space, especially when other players visit you there :D I got BFG only twice, but as a secret, it is great! If I let the secret gone, the gameplay is brilliant. With BFG it has no issue, but even without that it is great feel. Thank you MBT, you have insipired me, and maybe I will use this secret :) Thank you again, and I give you full rank :)
Edited 42.23 minutes after the original posting.
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@CZghost: Nono, I'm serious :)
Heres how to get it:
Go to the RA, stand upon the RA-spot (the personal teleporter is in your back) and look down into the lava. Wait a sec (or two) until the lava loweres. It then will reveal a crosslight which is the trigger for the hidden door behind the personal teleporter.
To pick up the BFG you need to fire a grenade towards the trigger, pick up the teleporter, jump to the BFG, grab it and quickly use the teleporter before the returning door squishes you to mush.
Try to fire the grenade from the personal teleporter position, that gives you some time to focus on the jump/teleport-timing.
The BFG holds 100 ammo and respawns immediately.
And yea, it took me 6 grenades to hit the trigger >.< But that's all my lousy aiming skills :P
Here are two screens:
Edited 1 minutes after the original posting.
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MBT, is that joke? There is no BFG and I looked very around the RA. If there is really BFG, will someone post a screen of that?
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MBT Rep. 353
#8 05 Aug 2014
Just noticed that I didn't give a hint for where the BFG is to be found =)
Take a good look at the lavapit around the RA. Keep my fingers CROSSed :D
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Tig Rep. 2422
#7 03 Aug 2014
The mapmedia.pk3 can be downloaded from ..::LvL here ->
lvlworld.com/mapmedia - it is about 3.5MB
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MBT Rep. 353
#6 03 Aug 2014
@Vymmiatacz: I've tested everything in OSP and experienced no problems. I'm sorry, but I have no explaination about what could cause this issue. The missing texture is a mapmedia trexture as I stated before. I gonna give a solution in this post. Well sorry for the lavapits, I'm Mr. Lavalova =D
Thanks for the vote^^
@all: There is a missing texture for those who don't have mapmedia.pk3 in their Q3A/baseq3-folder. I uploaded a base_floor.zip containing only that particular texture to my dropbox so you can grab it there and put it into the mbt_dm2.pk3. That should solve the problem...
How to do it:
- Download the base_floor.zip from here -> db.tt/tDWII0GZ
- Unzip it
- go to your Q3A/baseq3-folder
- open the mbt_dm2.pk3 using 7zip or rar
- place the base_floor-folder into the textures-folder so that there is the mbt_dm2- and the base_floor-folder
I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I overlooked that I had
mapmedia.pk3 in my gamefolder while testplaying.
Best regards
[edit:] fixed some misstyping
Edited 14.05 minutes after the original posting.
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Very nice climate and lighting, good custom models. Strange is the game hang when loaded with OSP, I've had to play vanilla Q3A. One missing texture under Quad. Overall, the gameplay not very good (tested on bots) because it is very easy to fall into the lava. A bit wasted potential.
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@MBT: No worries mate! I'm afraid I did but I think it was just my crappy system playing up. It's a decent map and it looks like a lot of work was put into it. I'm looking forward to more work from you :D.
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MBT Rep. 353
#3 02 Aug 2014
Thank you dudephat for the great review! I really enjoy it =)
Thanks for the comments, I'm glad you like this map.
@FragTastic: Thank you very much, that's too kind :) And thanks for the vote. You noticed bugs? Tell me please. Maybe I messed something up...
@SW12: Ow, I forgot to put a mapmedia.pk3-texture in my release, my bad :/ Thanks for the note. It's base_floor/clangdark_ow3.tga. I could load that texture to my dropbox for you if you like...
@FragTastic: See? I messed something up indeed
Edited 32 seconds after the original posting.
Edited 1.77 minutes after the original posting.
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I liked the references to Doom 3 as much as I liked the scenery. The only problem I faced is the texture under the Quad in the screenshot is missing for me.
This might be fun to try out in SuperHeroesArena.
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Now these are the kind of maps which attract my attention. It's amazing how so much work can be created into a masterpiece and this map clearly has everything a perfect map needs except a few little bugs in some areas of the map (Mostly in the Main Hall). if I'm correct this is happening to everyone? If not then it just must be my system then. But It has a really nice finish and the lava looks superb. It's a good map for around 3-5 bots. 4/5!
Edited 6.28 minutes after the original posting.
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