Opposing Force
Opposing Force by PaN61
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#19   21 Dec 2014
@Boricuaretrogamer: It works for me. This map should be loadable from Skirmish menu. Select Capture The Flag and browse to this map (should be labeled P61CTF1). If you like to load map by console, type \g_gametype 4 first, then type \map p61ctf1 (normal game) or \devmap p61ctf1 (cheats enabled / developer mode) I always use devmap since it allows me to remove HOM effect (r_clear 1). I do not use cheats in game unless they are recommended (scavenger hunt games)... If you like to load CTF game map in one line, type \g_gametype 4; (dev)map p61ctf1. The prefix dev before the word map is optional, do not write it with the brackets...
Edited 15.53 hours after the original posting.
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Tig Rep. 1742
#18   19 Dec 2014
@Boricuaretrogamer: This is a CTF only map. Did you load it in CTF mode?
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BoricuaRetroGamer Rep. 84
#17   19 Dec 2014
This map doesn't work with me. When I tried to load the map it gives me this error: Couldn't find spawn point.
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#16   12 Jul 2012
@PaN61: Yup! that just proved it all. Hipshot is a great mapper indeed and this skybox is amazing ;).
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PaN61 Rep. 393
#15   12 Jul 2012
I mentioned skybox too. Very nice. Is it processed photos or pure cg generated?

The skybox was made by Hipshot and is called Interstellar (It's provided in the "Special Thanks To..." and "Play Information" section of the Readme).

A quote from Hipshot on the Qauek 3 World forums:

I made them using terragen and photoshop, then I used images that I've taken on clouds and, various places found on the net. You see, I have never taken a photo of a planet that close ;) Then its all about bending the axis a bit for each image, the first sky, stormy days took almost 24H active working to complete.

I hope that answers your questions :).

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Sergei "Zihaben" Starko Rep. 70
#14   11 Jul 2012
I mentioned skybox too. Very nice. Is it processed photos or pure cg generated?
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#13   04 Jul 2012
Looks much like fKd's skybox for his map Null And Void.
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themuffinator Rep. 1054
#12   01 Jul 2012
@GuitarMan: I think this video might help you out a bit... www.youtube.com/watch
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GuitarMan Rep. 468
#11   01 Jul 2012
Nice one.
I found out I can make a straight jump-run around the map, I made a video about it, I'm sure other players can make a better jump-run as I'm an amateur on such discipline :P


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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#10   27 Jun 2012
Your welcome PaN61 :). I'm glad your being honest unlike some mappers for E.G: deQer.
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#9   26 Jun 2012
I'd see your new map :) I think it will be space map, too. :D
Good luck with frags ;)
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PaN61 Rep. 393
#8   26 Jun 2012
Thanks for the comments guys. Glad you enjoy the map. All your suggestions / criticism will be taken into account in my next map. More feedback will be welcome.

Happy Fraggin'.

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Vymmiatacz Rep. 190
#7   26 Jun 2012
Looking at such kind of space maps, I'm always afraid of total RG domination. Fortunately, not this time. However, I suggest increasing amount of ammopacks, because on long distances, most of weapons are inaccurate. Also one piece of personal teleport would be good idea.
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#6   24 Jun 2012
Thanks for informing us about this CZGhost :). I'll be looking forward to it.
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#5   24 Jun 2012
Me 2, FragTastic :D Right from BETA 2 release I have realised the map should have to been released as Team Arena challenge and requested permission to rework it. The map is now in map queue: map-czq3p61ctf1.zip
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#4   23 Jun 2012
Well it's your first map and it's not bad. I tested it and like CZGhost said the Gameplay is brilliant and it kinda makes the map extreme since there are big gaps from the platforms and when your on the boost pads, I can shoot bots in mid air and sometimes I collide in with them and fall. It's quite good :). 7.5.10.
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#3   21 Jun 2012
9.5/10 -> The diagonal walls and sides were built according to strictly rectangular axis brushes, which leads to thickeness...

But the gameplay is awesome, good luck with playin'...

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CZghost Rep. 1681
#2   21 Jun 2012
@PaN61: I'm glad you like the review :) Now I'm waiting to review from third party for the reworked map Opposing Teams... Authors cannot review their own levels :D
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PaN61 Rep. 393
#1   21 Jun 2012
Thanks for the nice review CZghost.

It's not the best map, but I'm quite happy on how my first map turned out overall. I'm currently in production of my 2nd map now, which is going to have improvements from critique of this map as well as other elements. That's all I'm going to say for now on the 2nd map until I released the beta of it.

Happy Fraggin'.

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