Title: Opposing Force
File(s): p61ctf1.pk3
Author: PaN61
Email Address: **email removed**
Level No.: 1st Level
Description: A Large sized map. Good for 4vs4 or
5vs5 matches. Possibly even 6vs6
resulting from the size. Anything lower
than 4vs4 would tend to the direction
of emptyness to the maps gameplay aspect.
Play Information
Free For All: No
Team Deathmatch: No
Tournament: No
Capture The Flag: Yes
Bot File (.aas): Yes (Optimized)
Other: No
New Sounds: No
New Graphics: Yes (Modified ID Software Textures).*
New Music: No
New Models: No
New Skybox: Yes (Interstellar by Hipshot)
How To Play: Place p61ctf1.pk3 in your /baseq3/ folder
Start Quake 3 Arena
Press ~
Type /map p61ctf1
Type /addbot <botname> <skill>
Press ~ (To clear the console)
OR select p61ctf1 from the skirmish menu
* Modified ID Software textures to CTF coloured ones.
Textures are available in my P61CTF1 CTF Texture Set.
Construction Information
Base: From Scratch*
Editor(s): GTKRadiant 1.5.0
Other Programs: Q3ASE 1.5.3, Q3map2 2.5.16, 7-zip 4.47, Notepad, Photoshop 7.0
Build Time: Around 16 weeks
Brush Count: 3504 Brushes
Entity Count: 245 Entities
Known Bugs: Bots rarely go for Red Armor.
Compile Machine: Intel Core i5 (Quadcore) @ 2.5Ghz, 4GB of RAM
Compile Time: 8540 seconds (Total)
-bsp: 3 seconds
-vis: 4 seconds
-light: 8514 seconds
.aas: 19 seconds
* .map file is included within the .pk3.
Special Thanks To...
ID Software for Quake 3 Arena
Bert Peers for Q3ASE
ydnar for Q3map2
The Radiant Community for GTKRadiant
Adobe for Photoshop
Hipshot for the SKybox
Quake 3 World: quake3world.com/forum
..::LvL: lvlworld.com/
My beta testing and technical support team at Quake 3 World
and ..::LvL.
Anyone else whom I may have forgotten.
Copyright / Permissions / Distribution
Copyright (C) 2012 PaN61, **email removed**
All rights reserved.
Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.
You may distribute this level via electronic means in its
current state, at no charge to the recipent(s). It must contain
this .txt file without any modifications. Under no circumstances
will this level be distributed on CD-ROM without prior written