Abandoned Rugs
Abandoned Rugs by Phage & swelt
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#4   14 Jan 2012
Love the map but need to improve with the slime texture.
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6761
#3   26 Aug 2011
those familiar with John Romero's abandoned base will recognise the central octagonal area (where the invisibility spawns) running through to a walkway over water leading to a junction with two sets of stairs that will take you to areas flanking either side of the walkway. Weapons and map-size will support easily 12 players (6 a side) but the number of power-ups is a bit excessive (especially for team play). While I know where the BFG spawns, I can't for the life of me find the trigger to open it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edited 3138.33 days after the original posting.
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GuitarMan Rep. 569
#2   22 Aug 2011
Nice map, reminded me of some parts of the good old Quake.

Besides that, as I didn't fully read the review before downloading, I didn't want to get into the green stuff because I thought it was some toxic slime. By the way, did you guys find the underwater passage to the underwater teleporter?

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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2629
#1   20 Aug 2011
A great-flowing map, but the visuals dont meld together well. Like the reviewer mentioned he confused the green water for slime, and having misleading substances is surely a no-no. Differently styled jump pads are used in different areas, which just looks weird. It seems like too many ideas tried to fit into one arena and it resulted in an aesthetic that isnt very consistent.

But again, the gameplay is very good apart from the fact that CPM physics are required to get certain items, rather than just being used to get from one place to the other faster. That hurts it for the vq3 crowd imo.

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