Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution by Imric
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#10   13 Jan 2012
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#9   29 Sep 2011
Well, I don't like levels that are like a huge, weird vertical level. I am sticking with my opinion and not changing my mind.
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EmeraldTiger Rep. 2629
#8   29 Sep 2011
I have to agree with Mark on this one. Its good, but its not great by any means imo. The visuals are clean, Ill give it that, but the layout is definitely way too horizontal. I think adding a third story or increasing height differences could have gone a long way into making it more playable. As it is its fun for a few matches but will become stale very fast.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#7   09 Sep 2011
He must not have sent it in to ..::LvL because it doesn't show up on his list of maps.
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Hannibal unregistered
#6   09 Sep 2011
Errrr....there is already a CTF map with the name "Industrial Revolution" mady by Johnny Law back in the day, just FYI.
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6751
#5   27 Aug 2011
OK! - then as a fan of doom i can see how this map would appeal to you = ]
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cityy Rep. 433
#4   25 Aug 2011
Vertical gameplay is the essence of normal Q3 gameplay. It encourages players to use height advantages and think about their positioning; more variety in gameplay can be achieved with more variety in the map's height levels. Also in some places on the map the height differences seem to be used in a weird way (e.g. at MH). Good map non the less.
Edited: 26 Aug 2011 AEST
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6751
#3   25 Aug 2011
what the hell is skull tag? dare i ask???
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#2   25 Aug 2011
Personally, I prefer horizontal levels over vertical levels. It may have to do with me getting used to playing Skulltag/ZDaemon so much. :P
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6751
#1   25 Aug 2011
gameplay on industrial revolution is unfortunately very flat and one dimensional with areas being relatively compartmentalised. there is also a poorly constructed wall by the armour shards. bouncepads provide a very linear verticality with z-axis fighting all but completely absent. a 5 for effort!
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