Description : Quake III Arena Team Deathmatch level
built with a "pro" stype of gameplay
that is in Quake III competitions
- Play Information -
: Make sure you have Quake III point release 1.31 or later.
(**invalid URL**)
: Extract imr3dm1.pk3 from the zip into quake3/baseq3 folder.
: Load Quake III Arena then choose multiplayer > create. Then
find the level from the menu.
- Level Information -
Game type : Free For All, Team Deathmatch
Player load : 2 - 8
Respawn spots : 14
Weapons : 2x SG, PG, LG, RG, RL
Armour : 8x shards, RA, YA
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Yes, Head Hunters 3 singlemalt set
New Models : No
- Construction -
Editors used : Q3Radiant v202, Gtk Radiant
Utilities used : Q3Map, Q3Build, BSPC, notepad
Compile Machine : AMD K7 Athlon "Thunderbird" 1000Mhz
with 512Mb (PC 133) SDRAM
- Credits -
: Thanks to all of my beta testers! There is too many to name
however I really could not have made this level without you
: The TDM ReBirth (#tdmrebirth Quakenet irc) project crew.
Thanks boys for all of the input.
: Rorshach great texture pack, keep up for great work man.
: Thanks to Bigfoot of BarrysWorld for having the earlyer
version of the level in bwdml.
: EVERYONE who has played this level, cheers!
- Copyright / Permissions -
You map not include or distribute this map in any sort of
commercial product without permission from the author. You may
not mass distribute this level via any non-electronic means,
including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks
without permission from the author.