Random by Gooball
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Mapsking Rep. 402
#29   27 Feb 2024
We actually played this map with our family. I made a patch file that fixes the textures, adds bot support, and fixes the music. It was not a bad map. We played with six people, and admittedly, the map was a bit crowded. However, crowded does not mean it was necessarily bad, per se. It was still a lot of fun, and quite chaotic. I certainly did not last long with the BFG shots everywhere, lol. One thing is the secret needs a touch more lighting, so you can actually see to get out of the secret area. Not really a huge deal though, since the BFG is front and center.
Overall, it was a lot of fun with people, and now that it supports bots, I recommend it.
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#28   11 Jan 2012
I see your new at mapping. Just keep practising and you will get there eventually. This is how i started mapping. Missing textures, sounds etc.. But after a few weeks you start getting used to it and you will start getting maps with loads of downloads like me!.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#27   01 Aug 2011
It took a while for you to write back. But yes, you can definitely see what I'm talking about.

He did make another map called "loony bin". You may have seen that one too. It really is no talent at its worst.
Edited 2145.68 days after the original posting.

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GuitarMan Rep. 569
#26   01 Aug 2011
Ugh - I just checked out that other map named "Random" from that other site, and yes, there are missing textures, I guess they're from other custom maps.
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GuitarMan Rep. 569
#25   25 Apr 2011
Thanks, SW12. I'll check it out.
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SW12 unregistered
#24   24 Apr 2011
@GuitarMan: You can download it from www.map-factory.org/quake-3 The site is Called "Map factory. The crappy map I was talking about with the toilet and sewers is called "Random" by jojobrough@hotmail.com. Just scroll through its list you'll find the map eventually.
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GuitarMan Rep. 569
#23   24 Apr 2011
A Quake 3 map with a giant toilet and sewers? I want that map now! Where is it? I tried Google but it wasn't helpful. Thanks in advance.
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SW12 unregistered
#22   23 Apr 2011
@TheMuffinMan: As a matter of fact, IT DID. For me at least. textures were missing for the giant toilet, sewers, And the gravestones in front of the church. You may not have the same problem but whenever I tried it those Textures were missing.
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themuffinator Rep. 1064
#21   23 Apr 2011
At least that map doesn't have missing textures :P At least I can't remember it having any.
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SW12 unregistered
#20   23 Apr 2011
I've actually seen worse than this. Does TheMuffinMan remember A map called "Random" from another site? You know, a Quake 3 map with a giant toilet?
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gooball Rep. 1161
#19   14 Mar 2011
Ok ok, I used q3map2 to decompile the bsp, fixed it up, put fresh textures on, did some item placement changes, spawn changes, and more. I emailed it to Tig and hopefully should be on the queue soon. It's call Random 2 (aka rg2). :)
Edited: 14 Mar 2011 AEST
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I guess... unregistered
#18   04 Mar 2011
...we should all just buy a Mac so we can see the textures if they work fine on his Mac. :P
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Pasquake Rep. 110
#17   04 Mar 2011
ok ok ok i got the problem... he see 'em but he really have in some ways 'em in a different folders for some odd and vicious ways O.o
i''ve opened the .bsp file (I know, that's LMAO xD) with notepad and i've found this:

textures/original_q3ts/metaltechfloor01final noshader




i've highlighted the textures we've in common; I don't know WTF he've quake 3 textures (texture/shader names exists but win users don't have the directory with that "original_q3ts/" fkng name O.o) in a sub folder for some ways and he've even textures that if the directory matches the name won't match like "textures/sfx/flame1side"
There are 3 possibilities: the first you're computer, even if it's a Mac, it's possessed.
The second: .lvl world should make a MAC section xD
The Third: you made those textures cause a lot of 'em does not exists in Q3A :)

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Pasquake Rep. 110
#16   04 Mar 2011
Gooball; seems strange to me that the folder where the textures inside of pak0.pk3 are different cause you won't be able to play online; if you load a map the game will load the same map for you and for everyone; if you don't have something, it it tries to download the parts you're missing like textures, for example, from the server.
so I hope you'll understand that is impossible they're Q3A original textures :S I think that those are textures that you made, if you make something new you need to put it in the map pack with the same folder tree or it won't work :S
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SW12 unregistered
#15   19 Feb 2011
Oh boy! We get to see Tig's identity! LoL JK
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Tig Rep. 2422
#14   19 Feb 2011
Yes, but you did not include the textures in the PK3 - so how would we see them? This is what you included in the PK3 (which is only a zip file renamed from .zip to .pk3)

  • levelshots/rg.png
  • maps/rg.aas
  • maps/rg.bsp
  • music/gms_juice.wav
  • scripts/rg.arena
Where are the textures? Should we come over to your place to see them and play the map?
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gooball Rep. 1161
#13   18 Feb 2011
they ARE original textures! and you see, on my computer (its a mac) , they work fine!
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fKd Rep. 420
#12   17 Feb 2011
ahhh doom, thats where my mapping began. good times indeed
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SW12 unregistered
#11   16 Feb 2011
Gooball, not to nag but next time you put textures on, PLEASE make sure they are original textures so we can see them! Also I was trying to get my first map to work, I pretty much given up on it. I found GTK Radiant to be really difficult to master and thus I was unable to get it working. So I probably wont be mapping at all. =(

There MAY be a chance but not really anytime soon. Ive moved on to something simpler. Like mapping on Doom.

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gooball Rep. 1161
#10   23 Jan 2011
@Incognito I use

For Packing Pk3's: iPak 3

For Opening Pk3's: Stuffit Expander

I'll try Pakskape.

PS: Maybe we should talk about this in LVL forums.

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Incognito Rep. 176
#9   23 Jan 2011
Oh Mac....:).....well i did click on the Macintosh link on the quake3world links and the PaKScape utility also show up.
Not sure if it will work. If it works just use it to open any custom map and you can see how the folders are organised.
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gooball Rep. 1161
#8   22 Jan 2011
Otherwise, thanks for your help.
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gooball Rep. 1161
#7   22 Jan 2011
Ok, guys, I think it might help if you knew that I am running an Mac OS X.
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SW12 unregistered
#6   22 Jan 2011
If thats so then what kind of map is supposed to be uploaded here? Are experimental type maps tolerable? Because I find gothic type and arena style maps rather boring. Again, no offence.

ANYWAY this map could have come with its textures.

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Incognito Rep. 176
#5   22 Jan 2011
If you want to see how a correct pk3 should be made check out this link www.filefront.com/...akScape-v-0.11/
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spirit Rep. 741
#4   22 Jan 2011
I was in a bit of a mood when I posted that, but I'd still recommend to try and post a beta somewhere on a level design forum so people can suggest improvements and tell you about issues like the missing textures before uploading/releasing your next map. Q3W is a good place to do that.

To be sure you don't have missing textures I'd recommend to have a 2nd clean Quake 3 Arena installation (no custom pk3s, mapmedia.pk3 and no content in baseq3/* subdirectories) somewhere. You could also use q3min.org/ for that. Before release, drop your pk3 in there and fire up the map. Open the console and look for error messages, it will report a line for every texture that is missing. You could also use tools like mapcker (quakewiki.net/archives/equim/) that automatically grab the required textures and put them in the pk3.

Happy mapping.

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gooball Rep. 1161
#3   22 Jan 2011
Once again, my n00by skills at work. :/
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spirit Rep. 741
#2   21 Jan 2011
This is exactly the kind of map that you should NOT upload to LvL. I'd even consider removing it so people learn that this website is not a dump.

Don't get me wrong: there's absolutely nothing wrong with being a beginner, not even with making crappy maps. People are free to make 1000s of bad maps, fine with me. But why upload them here?

0/10. Again.

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themuffinator Rep. 1064
#1   20 Jan 2011
The irony is that in the readme he states that he fixed the texture issue that was present in his previous release. That evidently isn't the case. The review was spot-on.

Gooball, once again - before releasing a map, run it in a fresh installation of Q3 without any other add-on content. If it displays all the textures, then you're good to go.

The map itself is a slight improvement over Place of Odd, but that's not much of a benchmark to set. Those pointy things can get you stuck, the weapon placement is bad (not quite as bad as Place of Odd, but still bad), there's weird clipping around the center of the arena by the teleporter destination, and once again you've whored the BFG ammo which is really unnecessary. Other than that, it does seem that you've improved a bit as far as your general level design skills go. 3/10 for effort

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