Octagonal Overdose
Octagonal Overdose by sst13
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BetaSlab Rep. 65
#13   25 Nov 2022
At least for Deathmatch this level is alright. The visuals seem lackluster, overtime you can memorize the map.
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#12   15 Nov 2020
sst13 is clearly a master mapmaker. This one doesn't disappoint! The design is beautiful, although hard to understand/memorise to be honest. The MH secret room is unique. Never seen something like that in Q3. The whirlwind can take you and and kill you! Amazing detail.
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Xcl unregistered
#11   24 May 2014
I gotta say, I recently started playing Quake again after a long break.. and found myself addicted to this map lately! With a decent amount of bots or people to play with (and once you finally start to not feel lost xD) this map can be lots of fun!
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H217 Rep. 470
#10   02 Mar 2013
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shrinker unregistered
#9   05 Mar 2011
nice map! you make nice maps sst13!
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I_like_quake unregistered
#8   28 Feb 2011
Another great map from the sst13. The layout takes a while to get used too but still amazing fun against bots.
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sst13 Rep. 443
#7   04 Dec 2010
This map of course. ;)
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SW12 unregistered
#6   03 Dec 2010
What do you mean? This map or SpaceArena 4?
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sst13 Rep. 443
#5   02 Dec 2010
Yes, some architecture is definitly inspired by this Quake2 space level. The support pillars above the upper stairs and the special teleporter above the flagspots in deathmatch gametypes.
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SW12 unregistered
#4   02 Dec 2010
You know what does remind me of the Quake 2 single-player secret space level? SpaceArena4 by DEEK. That map reminds me of the two hangar interiors.
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sarge unregistered
#3   01 Dec 2010
cool architecture
sometimes reminds me of Quake 2 single-player secret space level
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themuffinator Rep. 1054
#2   10 Nov 2010
Well it definitely has quite a unique layout, and interesting teleporter idea + destination! What makes this map special for me was ignoring the obvious Threewave decals and banners, it still really did somehow have that original Threewave feel that I miss. Another job well done! 8/10
Edited: 10 Nov 2010 AEST
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Bliccer unregistered
#1   09 Nov 2010
I've played it several times. And with the help of the (impressive) overview room, I actually got it pretty fast. This map is a lot of fun to play. Recommended download!
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