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Gooball never corrected the texture issue as far as I know. As soon as that is done, I'll update the screenshot and the download.
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As to the texture seen in this screenshot: nowhere in game assets you find this one... Looks like this one is generated by game as a shader/texture error... When I try to open uncompatibile picture in Picasa Viewer, it shows red 'Invalid image' message in a black background. This is pretty similar...
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@Someone: Did you even bother to read the comments below? Or the Tig's notes which tell you where you can download the textures? To top it off, this is a beginner's map. What did you expect, Picasso?
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#34 26 Nov 2011
The levelshot here shows that there are no textures in the map. When I played, I could hardly find my way around cause all I saw was black with a white grid over it (aka, "no textures"). When I did find my way, I realized the map was pointless and ditched it. Pretty dumb.
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@SW12: Yep, the author fixed the problems, so the download and screenshots got replaced.
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Is that what happened to Deadsphere? because it's original screenshot had every single texture missing, but now it doesn't.
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@SW12: If the level was re-released with the texture issue fixed, sure. If you are required to have the mapmedia.pk3, then no, the screenshot stays.
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@Tig: This map should have the screenshot updated with textures.
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@Gooball: I've added a link and a note to the review for you about the mapmedia.pk3 issue.
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Hey Tig, well, I suddenly remembered that the textures I used are all from mapmedia.pk3! So yeah, with mapmedia.pk3 in baseq3, then your good. ;)
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#27 02 Dec 2010
zihaben, If you play the game for too long, some textures may be distorted or corrupted by game. You need restart the game to take effect.
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#26 01 Dec 2010
@SW12: you probably had wrong game/configs path configuration. Try to install older GTK (1.2 for example) or google for "GTKRadiant installation setup"
@Tig: sorry for posting here, just remembered my own expirience - all this stuff can drive you crazy =(
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#25 30 Nov 2010
Illegible texture files are graded as black and white squares, Quake 3 cannot render some of illegible or uncompressed texture files.
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@SW12: Try either the leveldsign.nl or Quake3World forums. I'm sure someone there will be able to help you get Radiant up and running.
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#23 30 Nov 2010
OK. Basically when I tried to open GTK Radiant after installing, it would get an error and wouldn't let me in. The three little pigs made a wall I cannot seem to budge. This is the chasm that divides me and the maps I am to make.
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#22 29 Nov 2010
OK man we are waiting for your maps =) What's your problem with GTK? Google may help, but you can ask me too =)
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#21 29 Nov 2010
I would make maps for Quake 3 if I could get GTK Radiant to work. I would dazzle you all with my artistic outlook.
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#20 29 Nov 2010
I have to wait for 2 weeks to go by before seeing my review I did.
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@SW12: Updates are about every 30 days. On the main page there is a date of when the last update was made.
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#17 29 Nov 2010
When do the next reviews come in?
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There's no bot file and levelshot...at least i can see the textures now....:)
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@CZghost: The author failed to include the textures from the developer pk3 file called 'mapmedia.pk3'. If you like, you can download the mapmedia.pk3 file here:
That should fix the texture issue for you, but the author should have fixed the problem, not the players.
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#14 28 Nov 2010
Where're the textures?
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More than just 'ok', more like 'wtf????'.
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Edited: 26 Nov 2010 AEST
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#11 23 Nov 2010
gooball, correction from "T_T 24X total." to "infinite.".
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Whatever lol
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#9 17 Nov 2010
Tig, "r_textureMode GL_LINEAR" The "GL_LINEAR" filter mode makes the Q3 map texture to sharpest and the anisotropy up to T_T 24X total.
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Well, soon, I'm going to release a map (no, not rg) called Place of ODD 2, a totally different map. Just a heads up Tig :D
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Thanks man, you rock!
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I got to make a habit of removing extra pk3's from my baseq3. It's just my luck that the few pk3's I had contained all the textures in the map. I also thought all the textures were from pak0 but I'm obviously incorrect.
Gooball my review wasn't intended to discourage you so I hope it didn't come to that. Everyone starts off making maps like this one, and look at some of the brilliant maps that can be made with a fair amount of experience. And at least you've released more maps than I ever have! :D Like in Tig's note: Quake3World is a brilliant resource for level design - hell, there's so much information there that I'm still trying to get through! Give the Level design board a good look, it'll do you a world of good.
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Thx :D
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#4 11 Nov 2010
Hey, it's OK.
Map is named "odd", so there are no problem with zillion of BFG or missing textures. It's not a bug, it's feature =))))))
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Tig Rep. 2472
#2 10 Nov 2010
@gooball: I've tried to contact you, but I'm not getting any replies. If you fix-up the texture error (or any other changes) I'm happy to post an update.
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SIGH I are a N00b. :/
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