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@Tig : well I can't wait to see what's next
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@HelterSkeleton: For the Featured maps, I'm working my way through them all from the oldest to the newest.
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ooh! and even this one!. surely this one has been shortlisted for the featured maps? I know I was critical of a few points in my original comment, but it is still well-constructed and a treat to play on, esp in promode 2 v 2 TDM. it was also one of the cards in the 2017 Promode league.
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Very fun map to play with some nice details. The Q2 flags look nice too.
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This is one of my most favorite maps ever. I am never getting rid of this map from my hard drive. Playing with just one opponent is so exhilarating, and with about three or four, an absolute frag-tacular party. Excellent job, cityy. I can't wait to see your other maps in the future.
Edited 14.92 minutes after the original posting.
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@stranger: Dont afraid. cityy have joined the MSG Mapping Competition #4, which I've joined, too. cityy will probably win the competition with his CTF map ct3ctf4. I hope I'll win at least 3rd place with my map czq3dm1... By this way, cityy haven't any concurence...
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#23 09 May 2012
I love his works, please make more levels for us :)
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Very Nice Review!. Map is spot on :). 10/10.
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#21 20 Nov 2010
Quake 2. old times. Thanks for the memories.
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#20 19 Nov 2010
Q2 ... :)
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I'm going to be a little hard here in my criticism but i hope the map's author, if reading these criticisms, will also recognise what a great job i think he's done. I can't comment on the author's original vision as alluded to in earlier comments so i am only going to go with the map i have played on and please understand these comments come from the point of view of movement through the map from a player. First a complement on the use of the EQ2 textures and overall atmosphere - stunning and convincing too i might add. Little criticism is needed of the author's overall design and map building skills as they are fairly well polished but i hope my following contributions might help a great cpm mapper become a perfect 1 and help transform a third place map into a winner. My first criticism is the overenthusiastic use of bouncepads. The time has come to use them a little more sparingly and to reawaken there versatility in cpm. There seems to be a trend toward rendering them impotent in cpm maps, or atleast diluting their significance in this case here by barricading them with walls. This limits a players use of them to gain access to other areas in a room and funnels the range of motion to make targetting a person on a bouncepad easier. i don't necessarily think all cpm players want that from a bouncepad - improved movement in cpm imo should be counterbalanced by less prediction to maintain aspect ratios in difficulty of gameplay - a user of a bouncepad should have a comeback position in cpm. My suggestion would be to remove the barricade walls or better still in this instance replace them with lifts. Not only do lifts suit the EQ2 aesthetic but versatility is gained in being able to double jump when reaching the top. There is also a delay introduced in using the lift that allows time for escape. By way of an example of how to "do it" with specific reference to this map take the bouncepad in the room with the ya and the maverick logo - this is a relevant bouncepad because it contains several fallback positions to reduce the level of an opponents prediction. In the case of the sg to ya (by autodesk logo) wall trim used elsewhere in the map could have serviced this area better... and in the case of the MH area the bouncepad is completely superfluous to an otherwise beautifully constructed "cpm space." I can only guess this is here to vq3-friendly it up a little but it is not required... vq3 players have the option of both a teleporter and a longer route to get back topside but there is also the good-old-fashioned rocket jump - it never hurts to pick up the megahealth without some expense - it makes a player think twice! Moving onto stairs - facing the ya from the railgun pool there is a set of stairs left. These stairs could have been made steeper (easier) or else higher giving them greater versatility in use and transforming them from just stairs into cpm stairs. Which brings me to the plasmagun room - both as a whole and with reference to the trimmed stairs. As the room stands the trim is not necessary and could have been left out. But raise the roof in this room and remove the airconditioning duct on the ceiling and this area could have been a killer with stair jump options both over to the RL and curling backwards to the upper level - very underutilised imo. I believe the chicken wire fencing could have been left out of together. To a player like myself you actually want to be able to strafe through this point - i feel it is unecessarily bothersome when traversing the map. For free-flowing cpm players who rarely stand still during a game this flies in the face of intuitive movement. There are other clipping mistakes of this sort throughout the map but this is the real beotch amongst the lot - the others remain negotiable. These criticisms aside there is alot to like - the set-up of the railgun area overall is clever, as is the beauty of the MH room and the strafe from rl to sg over red armour is difficult given the layout of surrounding corridors and rooms - cpm difficult, not difficult for the sake of being difficult - it really does function as a reward. Given the highly-developed skills of mappers in this day and age i believe it is this sort of feedback that will see the improvement of levels. For those of us who have tried the other games out on the market but just don't like them i plan on sticking around in the world of cpm for a while and if my opinion counts for anything these are the kinda improvements i would like to see. Thanks for your time and good job cityy - this is actually your first map i plan on keeping in my baseq3 : )
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#18 11 Nov 2010
Great map...
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#17 31 Oct 2010
IMHO here is too much details that cost lots of triangles/fps, but are rarely seen in real game and may even remain unnoticed
and overall look is too dull (in terms of color), i think it's cool to make some style differences in different areas to aid navigation
but, anyone, we can see a work of professional. i think you can do much better and more original things
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#16 30 Oct 2010
Great job, broski! I've been trying to design areas like the RG trap you made - it's definitely not easy to be creative in that way.
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#15 29 Oct 2010
So you CAN spawn Burgers in The Doom 3 Demo. When I tried doing that though it didn't work. Nothing happened when I typed that in.
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#14 28 Oct 2010
SW12 and Tig, The Doom 3 demo version is 1.0, build 1280
If you spawn the half eaten burger, type in console: spawn moveable_burger (tested with full version of Doom 3) then type noclip in console after that repeat the console command (spawn moveable_burger) if you want to print the same console commands you need to press the up arrow key. If you spawn a stack of burgers
then type noclip again in console, you will not get off the ground. But spawn burgers at same location will give error message. (This happened in Doom 3 demo)
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You can find the download mirrors below the level screenshot on the right side of the page.
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its a great map, but the whole q2/q3 default style is old and over used, if you had gone with original textures and theme this would have stood out a lot more... but thats not to say its a bad map. its amazing how well executed it is... just a shame its not your original vision if ya catch my drift.
a very solid effort, 9/10
-1 for unoriginality gj sir :D
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@SW12: Not sure about in the Doom 3 Demo, but in full version if you type in console 'spawn moveable_burger' a half eaten burger will appear at your feet. If you enter noclip mode and float 'up' a little you can make a burger tower by repeating the console command (the moveable_burger item will drop to the ground). Without noclip you can not get off the ground, so you will get an error message if you try to spawn two burgers in the same location.
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#10 17 Oct 2010
In the DOOM 3, does the Burger item work? I tried it and it didn't, which is sad because I wanted to spawn Hundreds of BURGERS! =D (P.S. I have the Doom 3 demo not the full game)
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Why not? So people can see how the map is done.. :P
Thanks for all the positive comments btw - really happy that most seem to like it. :]
Edited: 13 Oct 2010 AEST
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lol the .map file is in there :P
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An Outstanding map from cityy. The visuals are beautiful, textures are used nicely and the detail of the textures and architecture is really good. The lighting is aesthetic and creates the atmosphere, theme, unique feel and adds more detail. The flags and pipes are a really nice feature and add to the theme of the map. The skybox fits in with the map well and with the textures.
The Design and layout is really good such as the rock platform surrounded by a lava pit next to the Red Armor and the Megahealth platform (Screen Shot). The Item placement is really good with the Rocket Launcher in the Megahealth room (Screen Shot), the Yellow Armor next to the Grenade Launcher, the Railgun in the room underneath water next to the teleport and the items are in various locations around the map.
The connectivity is excellent with the 2 teleports, plenty amount of hallways/corridors, a little quantity of metal crates/boxes and unique jumpads to reach other locations of the map.
The tower with the two flashing red lights which you can see from the Rocket Launcher location looking up at the skybox adds more detail to map as well as the underwater room with Railgun and teleporter and the lava pit which is surrounding the rock platform next to the Red Armor.
cityy has improved and can only get better from now on as well as making a mark on the Quake 3 Arena and the ..::LvL community. An Outstanding map and a recommended download from me, 9.5/10.
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GJ buddy ;). Tho I could point out a thing or two about texturing ;).
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A great map. It was a very tough competition and this map definitely deserves to be in the top 3. And I love the texture set btw.
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WAR Rep. 136
#4 10 Oct 2010
Great map,download it!
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This is a very nice map. The detailing is very nice as Anthem stated, and it has a great flow for TDM. Download it immediately and keep it in your baseq3 folder, You won't regret it!
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A great map... good flow, good lighting, interesting geometry and a nicely done Q2 theme. 9/10
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Thanks for the review and the kind words, Anthem - really good read. :) I'd also like to thank everyone who was involved in the contest again - had a great time!
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