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Just completed the map and must say that it's simply the best defrag map I've played. The last stage was indeed difficult but not for so long.
Thanks for such great map!
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bad i didnt get to play it
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Hard as hell to beat.
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This is your first map and well it wasnt that bad. It was real fun. Im a DeFrag master and well playing this map made it an awesome experience.
Edited: 13 Jan 2012 AEST
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It's good to see more of these experimental maps. I keep dying all the time on this one. :D
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#8 11 Aug 2010
I had a blast running through this. I've always loved these kinda challenges. I do agree with Tig when it comes to restarting after dying and spawning from the beginning. But at the same time its what helps you get better at the runs. Overall I think its a real nice change of pace. I hope the Author (if another type is made) include some use of the Flight and Grapple item.....hint hint =)
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#7 06 Aug 2010
I've made that demo while testing. A lot of improvements can be made :/
dmeat_sp01 demo - bliccer.d-herrmann...meat_sp01.dm_68
Although I don't like that killing trigger everywhere, it's actually like boris' or pea's maps then. Torture!
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Cool map! I second Bliccer's opinion to put DeFRaG timers in and shape up the falling system (tele to start of stage, not map) and then let us run wild on it. :D
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#5 05 Aug 2010
Tied about 100 times... But damn it was funny anyway. ;)
Great map.
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I gave it a try when it was on the map queue but after dying like 50 times I thought 'Why the hell is there no teleporter at the bottom?' and quit. Some of the jumps were pretty cool though.
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I second tig's opinion - starting from the main room no matter where you fail is a bit annoying - the rest was fun though.
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Tig Rep. 2472
#2 02 Aug 2010
Thanks heaps for posting a full run video link D-Meat! Its great to see the map played through without error!
I was unsure what to do about a video for this map, a simple 30sec run on the stage 1 was started, but I felt it was better without one, now I'm not sure.
UPDATE: A 30 sec video of stage 2 has been added.
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